PinnedUncovering The Perverse Core In Wireless Frequency Assault Torture As The Perpetrator Issues Forth…Regarding wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, uncovering its perverse core at the center of its existence through the…Feb 4Feb 4
PinnedWas “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” the REAL cause of Washington D.C.IMAGE: First responders on the Patomic River at the wreckage sight of Wednesday's, January 29, 2025, fatal air collision when a military…Jan 31Jan 31
PinnedFemale Exhibitionism and Women Showing Off: Freud’s castration complex and exhibitionistic female…The athletic female body in sports competition is one form of female exhibitionism takes in Freudian terms.Jan 291Jan 291
Notes on the Subaltern: Facilitating the use of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture…In 2008, more than 40 childrenMar 3Mar 3
How Torture Cultures Are Formed and Legalized: Understanding wireless electromagnetic frequency…The Mouth of Hell in The Hours of Catherine of ClevesFeb 27Feb 27
On Human Sexuality: How The Use Of Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault Torture Hints Towards…Feb 9Feb 9
On The Riddle of Masculinity: Does Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault Torture Inflict…"Are you doing Masculinity wrong?"Feb 5Feb 5
The “Boo-Hoo-Hoo Man” And How He Is Connected To Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault TortureOne of the elements involved with my experience of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture was the occurrence of what I called…Jan 231Jan 231
The Dangers Presented In Using Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault Torture On…Rendition of a Gulag in one of 1918 Russia's forced labor camps. Alexander Solzhenitzyn's book "The Gulag Archipelago" wasn't written for…Jan 16Jan 16