A Forensic Analysis of Wireless Electronic Assault Torture in the Targeted Individual: Defining Electronic Harassment as the Cyber Security Invasion in the Intimate Spaces of the Human Body
Updated: March 9, 2024
The psychoanalytic truth and reason people must come to understand, as to why Targeted Individuals suffering wireless electronic assault torture known as electronic harassment is happening, is because these victims have come under the subjugation and dominion of a victim-cum-perpetrator (ie: paranoid schizoid). These victims have become the “object-play-thing” of the perpetrator and I’ll explain why. In the reproduction of evil, the bystanders are obfuscated by the perpetrator and are pulled in to collusion with him to distort, confuse, obliterate the truth to others and down play the victims’ suffering by claiming the victim is “mentally ill” or “imagining” events.
The medium of wireless electronic technological control over the victim makes the technology the perfect vehicle for satisfying the perpetrator’s “schizoid dilemma.”
The victim-cum-perpetrator acts out their trauma on the human race by “trying to bring others to an equivalent Fall.” He lives, masters, transforms, and re-obliterates the forgotten forms of his past traumatic experience on to his victims. And the no-self of survival is sustained by the prospect of the very possible and re-occuring imminence of future “contact” with the victim. Albeit, wireless electronic “contact” is removed from actual physical space of real human contact and the cell phone, computer, or other hand-held remote device becomes the “stands-in” for this “physical human contact.” Also removed from the victim is the “vision or line of sight of the perpetrator.” And for this reason, the perpetrator will never “be known by the victim.” For this reason, I call it “untouchable touching.” While at the same time, the victim -cum-perpetrator evades the dangerous properties of that very intimate physical contact by extinguishing the other, via the asymmetrical power dynamic in rendering the victim “blind and disabled” to the perpetrator’s actual identity, thus satisfying the prohibition for “too much contact.” This satisfies his need to “remain hidden and undiscovered.” Thus, he re-obliterates the forgotten forms of his past trauma through the surrogacy of his victims and triumphantly eludes death each time. Thus, in wireless electronic assault torture, the victim is accompanied by her perpetrator to the obscure solitude of extinction and the perpetrator is able “to share” his own catastrophic loneliness with his victims in what Bollas (1995) called “companionship of the dead.” Here, I explore you to contemplate how Rex Heurman limited his contact with the prostitutes he solicited and triumphantly eluded “death” by quickly killing and disposing of the evidence (ie: bodies).
For me, this is the forensic psychoanalysis for the perpetrator’s personality profile who was using wireless electronic assault torture on me during my early morning exercise routine. It was consistent, it was clandestine and hidden, and it triumphantly ushered the perpetrator to victory while inflicting loss and human suffering on to me with sadistic cruelty.
In addition, this aspect of limiting contact with the victims, makes wireless electronic assault torture technology the perfect medium and vehicle with which to conceal the perpetrator’s identity. While at the same time, it satisfies his need to maintain the “annihilation paradox.” In the “schizoid dilemma” it is the human “need to be known by another” which continually meets “the impossibility of actually being known by another.” And this human “need to be known by another,” at the same time, meets the “inner refusal to be known.” As to be known by another with caring empathetic understanding and physical touch would create the possibility of a “new self identity” that would release him from the sadistic cruelty of his past and his traumatic self identity and manic defenses. Thus, empathetic understanding threatens his traumatic self identity with the potential of annihilation. Therefore this empathetic contact must be foreclosed upon. It must never be allowed to happen.
It is the Devil’s cleverest guile to convince us that he does not exist. ~Charles Baudelaire
It is in the obfuscation of the truth, evil eludes accountability and justice. Secrecy, concealment, denial, ambiguity and confusion: these are Satan’s fellow travelers, requiring elaborate interpersonal and intra-psychic collusion between perpetrators and bystanders. The operation of silencing potentiates evil’s flourishing. Silencing removes all impediments to its path and triumphantly achieves its goal which is to deceive. Humanity’s historical archives are replete with examples of the reflection of this personality constellation. The German Holocaust, the genocide in Serbia, Rowanda, and Kosovo. And the resistance to the Israeli occupation of Palestine which most recently made manifest yet another example of this reflection! At the same time, it’s a reflection of mankind’s resistance to resistance, in his retreat into his own malevolence, and then, his retreat into denial of that very malevolence that manifests our human resistance to war making and attest to the inequities that exist in contemporary capitalism which make recovery seem intrinsic and unrecoverable.