Aggression, Libido, and Love; There connection to the phenemenology of group (gang) Stalking with electronic assaults
These are the three elements in the psyche; Aggression, Libido, and Love, and out of all of them it’s aggression that tends to get us in the most trouble. How we use aggression creatively is particularly important for women because women are taught to mute their aggression and redirect it inward toward themselves rather than the outside world. Where men do the exact opposite. Aggression isn’t inherently bad or good, it is a force that can compel us to behave in a certain way, propelling us in a certain direction and not necessary a bad direction.
The mob that is influenced by a group can create a mass form of hysteria because groups tend to regress to the most primitive thinking which is a completely Freudian theory. This is the nature of Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture. The attacks, which the phenomenological narrative supports have said to have come against supposed “mentally ill schizophrenics" which, in my opinion, can creates the perfect perversion (smoke screen) because these people are said to be part of an already established vulnerable group; the mentally ill. Additionally, because of the way schizophrenia is defined, “as individuals so absorbed in their own feelings they aren’t aware of the feelings of anyone else,” people fail to see the crack in this story. We could say this about people who are suffering persistent and consistent long-term trauma as well. Wireless clandestine electronic devices that deliver impulse signals and low-level electromagnetic frequency field disruptions of thought can make symptoms manifest that might eventually make others believe the victim is “mentally ill.” In addition, the psychotronic torture I have experienced holds the potential to create in the patient what clinicians call “Word Salad" of the schizophrenic. That is, the patient is speaking but the hospital staff have difficulty understanding them because they stutter, speak incoherently, or words become jumbled.
In the age of advancing neurological brain research the probability of this phenomenon being part of some clandestine rogue experiment or criminal conspiracy suddenly may make sense.
Narcissistic personalities are personalities that haven’t developed a strong ego and find it difficult to cope with the world. They have a very impoverished sense of self and in a sad attempt to heal themselves become totally self involved. They don’t see other people as objects that are different than them. They just see other people as a part of their inner world, as objects to be used and or discarded at will by what the narcissist wants and needs. So caring for others is an example of a strong ego and maturation. It’s a great mental accomplishment to be able to love without condition. A strong ego, then, seems to go completely against the mentality of the individual targeting vulnerable women and the “mentally ill” with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture. Since hate always comes first for the infant in early development, when the child learns that the mother isn’t just there to give milk, but also is the one who upsets him sometimes. When the infant begins to integrate the two, that is, sometimes she gives me great pleasure by giving milk, but also sometimes may bring me discomfort by with holding it. This is a developmental milestone that needs to be cheered. How adult trauma is made manifest by persistent infliction of pain and suffering through torture needs to be evaluated.
The human brain has three brains:
Primitive (reptilian) brain — base impulses like sex and aggression;
Limbic system (mammalian) brain — is the system that allows for us to care for our young and help the promotion of our species;
Cebral Cortex (executive function) — is the part of the brain use language, ethics, logic, mathematics, and has very little to do with handling the base impulses which we have to learn to sublimate. Verbalizing “the thought" allows you to gain control over the impulse that otherwise can ruin your life;
Pregnancy is incredibly maturational for women. Pregnancy changes the woman for the better. While I was attempting to breastfeed my son, I literally felt a change, something clicked on in me. Dr. Lucy Holmes reported feeling like a changed woman after giving birth and I have to agree with her.
Pregnant mothers have fantasies about their unborn babies. The fetus becomes the fantasy object. Once the baby is born it became a real object of which the mother has control and this is very empowering to the mother. And when pregnant mothers go into therapy, their are a bunch of ghosts in the room with her. Two of the primary ones are her maternal and paternal introjects and she uses these imagos in very creative ways. Pregnant mothers use these internalized objects like little boys use the penis. Thus one of the ways a woman can separate and create a duality, or separation from her mother, is by becoming a mother herself.
Whereas boys identify with the penis to say, “I am not my mother.” And they’ll go play cops and robbers. Whereas little girls will say, “I am just like Mommy." And they will go play with dolls and have tea parties.
This duality for the little boy also sets up the Achilles Complex theorized by Nancy Chodorow.
The duality for little girls that might manifest as a perverse scenario might be lesbianism, self castration fantasies (cutting off the breasts), anorexia, bulimia.
Of course all of these fantasies carried out by little boys and little girls depends very much on how we introject our mother and our father.
(*) The above information is spoken in general terms of sexuality and gender roles. It doesn’t address matters like a possible “Achilles Complex" in women who exert masculine aggression. How little boys have strong maternal introjects that may cause a creative perversion like a fetish.
(**) Another point I wish to make regarding the phenomenon of group (gang) stalking and the process of psychoanalysis is that the therapist has to be comfortable with being hated because this is the process therapy follows. It’s the same path that an infant follows. You, specifically Hyman Spotnitz said this, want the patient to hate you, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO HATE AND NOT KILL THE OBJECT OF YOUR HATE BY STAYING WITH THEM. This is exactly what’s occurring with Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic physical assaults and psychotronic torture.