Analysis: A Forensic Profile of Sexual Sadism and How It Relates to Wireless Electronic Assault Torture
It’s perplexing and unconscionable that someone should be using wireless electronic targeting (assault torture) on a person to control their behavior via a “mind control/re-education/oprant conditioning” programs that makes prohibitions on the individual from exercising, from performing work in the garden, from shoveling snow fall, grocery shopping, raking leaves, walking around their house, cleaning their house, to name but a few. As a result, individuals suffering its effects struggle against this unforseen force like wading through forceful ocean currents in the sea and with the annoying tapping sound and its accompanied sensations to the head and neck (e.g. the lesser tradition of specialized torture utilizing electronic weapons and radio frequency). This symptom is frequently diagnosed as tenitus. This makes me wonder if medical professionals are complicit in the torture? It is rather an electromagnetic force that assaults the body, unsolicited. Consider my individual family and medical history includes:
(1) OBESITY (currently ongoing and present with a family history)
(2) CKD — Stage 2 (not a real problem, YET! with a family history)
(3) DIABETES — Type 2 (in pre-diabetic range under control with diet but also contributing to my CKD progression with a family history)
(4) ASTHMA — (Currently under management with 2 inhaler medications with a family history)
(5) HYPERTENSION (Currently under oral medication management and contributing to my progression of CKD with a family history)
(6) HIGH CHOLESTEROL (currently under oral medication management with a family history)
(7) INSOMNIA (intermittent — managed with over the counter medicines)
(8) ANXIETY (aggravated with wireless electronic assault torture because it seems to induce a sense of impending death. With a family history)
(9) DEPRESSION (intermittent bouts of sadness that seem situational and mild due to wireless electronic targeting /assault torture. A family history of depression)
(10) STROKE — Family history only.
(11) HEART DISEASE — Family history only.
(12) ALLERGIES — (Several allergies with a family history)
A lifestyle SHOULD include regular daily exercise to maintain wellness and mental health, combined with a healthy diet! As this is the point of recovery programs geared towards recovery from mental illness. But, as it is, an unseen force I call wireless electronic targeting (assault torture) makes it very difficult for me to have a healthy life. It feels like someone is grabbing me by the arm and man handling me, guiding me to an early death because I feel like it’s killing me a little each day. As I am brought to the brink of my extinction and reminded of, “What I am NOT!” Not healthy. Not in control of my weight (not even in control of my own body!) Not in control of MY life and not in control of MY lifestyle. And that “I am vulnerable, weak, and inferior.” The cruelness of this past summer when I started to push my way through exercise and managed to squeak out a daily routine of low-impact dance and weights (End of May to End of July 2023)only to be brought down again via violent assault torture, made Taylor Swift’s song “Cruel Summer” reverberate with me.
My entire family has been targeted in some way with this unforseen force. I know I am NOT alone in my suffering, although at times, it feels like I am! I have gotten physically assaulted for speaking out and trying to “get help” and understand what is happening regarding my victimizations. Sometimes, I think it’s better to have remained silent, even though I know this is how evil is reproduced.
Because my sexual orientation is heterosexual with a fetish for homosexuality, there exists a real possibility that my perpetrator’s personality profile includes both, or one or the other, homophobia and/or sexual sadism. I’ll explain why in a moment. There also exists the possibility that he/she might be a jealous unrequited love interest from my past or a disgruntled, jealous female who is presenting like a malignant psychopath with schizoid manic defenses.
There exists something known as Somatic Narcissism. In this particular form of narcissism the person possesses a preoccuppation with the body and with their sexuality, often characterized and present in the personalities of homosexual narcissists. Although many psychologists suggest that homosexuals exhibit higher levels of Somatic Narcissism compared to heterosexuals, there is no robust empirical evidence to support this claim. Aging females may develop Somatic Narcissism in defense of their aging sexuality and aging bodies, but a young person in possession of psychopathy or schizoid manic defense mechanisms, male/or female, can be foreclosed against individuals like me, individuals who represent a perceived threat to their own sense of superior self. Here’s why.
As a former individual who loved to exercise regularly and ate a plant-based, my former identity may have been perceived as a “Somatic Narcissist” as I adopted a vegan practice for alternative eating and a body building routine to increase muscle mass which may have seemed like a preoccuppation with my “body-self” and combined with the possibility of a perception I was “ignoring family obligations” or quite possibly, my body-healthy lifestyle could have sparked envy and jealousy of a covetous personality.
Somatic Narcissists focus on their physical appearance (e.g. weight, beauty, the aging process, diet and wellness, the benefits of their regular exercise in defying aging and in the benefits of sexual stamina and sexual capabilities as in orgasm, as well as a preoccuppation for lean muscle mass definition— all these traits could be present in a Somatic Narcissist and are the benefit to eating vegan with exercise. See: The Stanford Study). We know, inducing ill-health will impact all these areas I just mentioned by inducing: weight gain, reduced physical facial beauty (as hydration and exercise, combined with a very low sugar diet and healthy plant fats can retard aging), thus accelerated aging, reduced libido and reduced sexual performance, and muscular and organ atrophy. For this reason, the targeting of my early morning workout routine suggests a degree of prejudice against my lifestyle as well as against my perceived sexuality. This suggests a repudiation of my lifestyle as well as my culture. This represents the presence of a degree of sexual sadism and hatred of my personal identity and lifestyle inherent in my perpetrator’s profile. Since sexuality IS a form of power as is health and wellness, and I have previously discussed, in a former post, that the nature of these wireless electronic assaults satisfy the “schizoid dilemma” in their operation and maintenance of manic psychic defense mechanisms as well as the “annihilation paradox,” it stands to reason a cover-up is being conducted to protect the guilty party(s).
Since my sexual orientation involves a proclivity for homosexuality, it also stands to reason, I am at increased risk for narcissistic abuse. Queer-Identified individuals face specific vulnerabilities to narcissistic abuse because of inexperience, shame, isolation from the larger culture. This is the result of their unique sexual orientation and autoerotic behavior that goes against the grain of “normal heterosexual” relationships found within the larger culture. As if beating your wife and stalking her is considered normal heterosexuality? It is yet another paradox to psychoanalysis, as to what people have actually consider “normal heterosexual behavior.” Therapeutic rape was “medicine dispensed by medical doctors to men who couldn’t control their wives!” Also, consider the normalization of consensual violence in sexual relationships of BDSM and Master-Slave arrangements and the normalization of physical violence as an acceptable means “to settle a disagreement between men.” This normalization is mostly seen in male cultures that promote the ideology of “being men” and “not a little sissy.”
It is fair to say, Somatic Narcissism isn’t a problem in and of itself. Routine self-care is required for one to maintain physical wellness and recovery from mental health treatment programs. Routine self-care in the form of exercise defends against depression, helps manage anxiety, and helps one better cope with people who have toxic personalities in their orbit. Rather Somatic Narcissism is a trait found within a personality constellation. When excessive vanity, and the self entitlement to have “access another’s body”, and a constant need for admiration indicates narcissistic tendencies, it can be part of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or another form of personality disorder like Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD).
NPD is characterized by pervasive patterns of grandiosity, lack of empathy, and a need for excessive admiration. Individuals with NPD often exhibit Somatic Narcissism. As I have already indicated, the nature of wireless electronic assault torture satisfies the “schizoid dilemma” and the “annihilation paradox” as well as the need in the perpetrator “to victimize the human population by making his/her victims Fall.” These victims could make up vulnerable groups like: homosexuals, women, Jews, Palestinians, Blacks, Asians, Catholics, Protestants, autistic children as well as many other categories.
It is important, when evaluating patterns of behavior, that the severity, intensity, and persistence of psychopathic traits matter. Because the nature of wireless electronic assault torture seems to express a need to SILENCE ACTIVE SEXUAL LIFESTYLE AND WELLNESS in the targeted-object and seeks to replace it with a more PASSIVE REDUCED FORM OF LIBIDO AND ILLNESS, seems to me, an indication of the presence of a level of sexual sadism that is part of the STAGED VIOLENCE OF POWER AND DOMINATION in acts of BDSM. Where in BDSM the DOM tethers the SUBMISSIVE with a leather collar and leather leash, in wireless electronic assault torture the collar and leash are electronic, wireless, and completely invisible. (Please refer to my pinned post “STAGE VIOLENCE, POWER, AND THE DIRECTOR: Interpreting the evidence of electronic targeted assaults and body violations using electronic stimulation and radio frequency,” posted February 5, 2021 link provided in sources)
This behavior may indicate a severe functional impairment in the perpetrator’s ability to maintain normal relationships as this personality profile may degrade into acts of physical violence and sexual sadism. The nature of these wireless electronic assaults indicates a “wish fulfillment” with a powerful desire accompanied by psychic fantasies to annihilate, humiliate, tear-up, bring-down, chew-up, spit out the possessed sexuality of the ‘Object-Other.’
Sadism has been characterized by four types:
SPINELESS SADISM — Insecure individuals who seek out powerless victims to boost their egos through inflicting pain.
TYRANNICAL SADISM — Driven by a desire to abuse power, they enjoy intimidating and brutalizing others.
ENFORCEMENT SADISM — These sadists seek out roles that allow them to enforce punishment on rule breakers (e.g. law enforcement, management)
EXPLOSIVE SADISM — Highly reactive, their fury spills over unexpectedly.
The nature of wireless electronic assault torture seems more closely aligned with SPINELESS SADISM. And since sadism is a character trait that is mainly linked to psychopathy, the element of SEXUAL SADISM in my perpetrator’s personality profile seems to lean towards a psychopathic diagnosis that includes SPINELESS SADISM as a character trait. I don’t discount a diagnosis for malignant narcissism in the perpetrator’s personality profile as well.
Psychopaths also exhibit a specific type of aggression called INSTRUMENTAL AGGRESSION This deliberate aggression is aimed at fulfilling personal goals or obtaining rewards. Sometimes those rewards are consensual sexual relationships. It is pre-meditated, controlled, and often unprovoked by victims suffering its effects. Psychopaths engage in instrumental aggression to achieve external goals, such as money, social status, fame, or sadistic pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering onto others (e.g. rape)
Since psychopaths exist in a life of emotional poverty and a reduced amygdala response because of the reduced amount of grey matter volume in this brain region that is associated with emotions and the “fight-or-flight” response, psychopaths exhibit reduced amygdala activity during emotional stimulus and fear conditioning. This makes me wonder about the nature of completely opposite individuals. Individuals who are traumatized by war, catastrophic events, or violence carried out at the hands of the psychopath (e g. violent crime) who suffer reoccurring bouts of anxiety and impending fear (PTSD), and depression. It would seem, impeding the activity in the region of the brain responsible (amygdala) might be managed by wireless electronic stimulus, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation in an experimental program designed to “quiet” the over-active brain region through stimulus of the grey matter, thereby reducing anxiety and over-active feelings of fear and flight. I don’t know. However, these procedures are done in controlled settings with medical professionals available, should anything go wrong.
Thus, psychopaths lack emotional arousal during crimes and are insensitive to fear of punishment, unlike the rest of us who may suffer long-term side effects from traumatic violence and catastrophic events such as car accident, earthquake, and tsunami. Psychopaths most likely engage in crimes involving gratuitous and sadistic violence, suggesting a link between their PREDATORY NATURE and SADISM. Interestingly, both malignant narcissists and psychopaths react to what is known as “THREATENED EGOTISM.” This refers to any perceived slight or challenge to their false sense of superiority. They lack remorse, exhibit sadistic tendencies, and engage in aggressive behavior without emotional arousal. Thus, the slightest challenge to their superior sense of self must be foreclosed and silenced if they are to survive the “death fear” of the ego. This explains, at least in part, why wireless electronic assault torture was/is being carried out during my early morning routine. This also references the clinical perspectives of Sue Grand’s malignant narcissists case studies. (Please refer to my previous post “THE THEATRE OF CRUELTY AND SURVIVAL IN WIRELESS ELECTRONIC ASSAULT TORTURE AS THE REPRODUCTION OF EVIL,” published March 3, 2024).
The invisible nature of the wireless electronic assaults indicates the presence of an invisible empire at work (Please refer to my previous post “INTIMATIONS TOWARDS SECRET ORGANIZATIONS: THE PLIGHT OF THE TARGETED INDIVIDUAL,” published March 5, 2021).
Read this story from Karen Barna on Medium:
Read this story from Karen Barna on Medium:
Read this story from Karen Barna on Medium: