Biopower as an Act of Carnival Illusion

Karen Barna
6 min readJul 22, 2021


The philosophy of biopower is a broad philosophy that can be applied not only to various political policies the likes that inspired Atlantic City Councilman Hossain Morshed’s attack but it can also be compared to the killing of 85-year-old Anthony Tomaselli. Compared to the 1944 movie “Arsenic and Old Lace” in which two sisters poison lonely old men “as an act of charity” when they conclude these men have nothing to live for. In Tomaselli’s case, “Who would suspect two old ladies killed their father?” An act that omnipotently decided what population is deemed “livable” and what population is deemed “not livable.” Whose lives constitute “value” and whose lives do “not constitute value.”

The smoke and mirrors of electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture are in the creation of a perverse seduction that draws onlookers into a magical mystery ride. In order to understand the “magical carpet ride” one needs to uncover Truth in research and study of philosophy and psychoanalysis. It’s easy to get duped. Although, it requires a high degree of organizational skill and, not only intellect, networking with others. Upon completion of the orchestrated conspiracy, it becomes way too easy to manipulate the subjects targeted. The use of electronics to control the mind and body of individuals where the Objects (test subjects) become the automata that satisfy a perverted ego. And here I am thinking of the 1983 video “She’s a Beauty” by The Tubes and the carnival illusion of “Ride the Beauty.” It’s a seduction. Anet cast upon the heads of bedazzled onlookers. Now, this is exactly what some people want. They want the illusion. “Riding the Beauty” becomes a lot like riding the pastel-colored inflatable unicorn. It defies reality and people love illusion because, let’s face it, reality can pretty much suck. It can also tear down the boundaries of what divides us.

“Step right and don’t be shy, because you will not believe your eyes…..You can step inside another world….She’s one in a million girls….Why would I lie?” ~The Tubes, “She’s A Beauty”

Political masterminds know this game as “spin” and spin is how you influence the state of public opinion. You can look at it, but you can’t quite touch it. You can perceive it, but you can quite taste it. You know it is there, but what is it really?

You can also look at it as the difference between accepting a transgender woman, who for all intense purposes looks like a biologically born female, and the transgender female who, wearing razor stubble and make-up, gets cast the “freak” because of asymmetry. Both possess penises yet, the illusion is, the one that looks more like a female possesses “normal psychology.” This facet of the debate surrounding whether or not transgender people should use restrooms of their biologically given sexuality is part of “Riding the Beauty” illusion because how will you really know whether or not someone is transgender unless you perform an “inspection?” We become duped into believing that normal people look beautiful and abnormal people do not. Monsters look like monsters, and normal people are real people. When, in all actuality, this is a fallacy because of surface images. They never give a clear and accurate picture of what’s going on beneath the surface in the depths of psychoanalysis.

This also becomes part of the philosophical psychology of ideological influence. Not to disrespect Winston Churchill for his accomplishments during World War II, but Churchill had a propensity for white supremacy. It turns out he had more in common with Hitler than history would like to tell. Why was Winston Churchill a white supremacist? Churchill took part in what he called “a lot of jolly little wars against barbarous peoples” in Africa. He believed Africans were violent, not because the Brits were invading their land, but because they had a “strong aboriginal propensity to kill.” These Africans were violent, not because they were defending themselves, but because they were “unrefined animals.”

Another highly respected personality, Caravaggio. Caravaggio was a highly respected Renaissance artist who painted “Judith Beheading Holofernes,” but Caravaggio was also a murderer. In 1606 Caravaggio killed Ranuccio Tomassoni which was reportedly over a tennis match. However, Graham Dixon did a little investigative history on Caravaggio and found it was really over a woman, but not just any woman. A prostitute. Now, I have a problem with this because the “prostitute” is no longer here to defend herself, and neither is Caravaggio. But even still, the murder was recorded as occurring in 1606 and committed by Caravaggio.

No doubt there are countless famous people whom we could list who were all well respected but hide licentiousness past histories. I mean, after all, licentious behavior is what makes us all human. Right? But my point is, it is far too easy to dupe an unsuspecting onlooker with the right amount of information; just enough of the right information will get you a “sale.” I mean, this is how sales are accomplished after all. And what are sales? They are nothing more than public votes. The questions to ask and when investigating:

Is someone lying?

If so, why are they lying?

And, what other motivating factors caused the lying?

Are the lies being told of any real consequence to the victim? That is, are they insignificant and petty? Or will they do real character damage?

The philosophy of biopower plays into the electronic target who is suffering electronic physical assaults and psychotronic torture. And not only can it be used as a weapon, but it is used as an aid, to create “spin,” influencing the public state of opinion and by entertaining someone’s anal-sadistic fantasies. Someone suffering the effects of Alzheimer's or Parkinson’s disease may often be misconstrued as intoxicated or alcoholic. Neurodegenerative diseases that affect brain cells can cause stupor, slowed speech, and shakes. Similarly, psychotronic torture can also mimic these side effects because they are programs designed to control populations through biopower. Not only can they mimic these side effects but they can induce states of active awareness; alertness. The brain runs on two chemical signatures. One is electrical and the other is chemical.

It seems to me the study of Falsehood in psychoanalysis becomes a versatile tool in understanding many faulty, lopsided, sublimation of the instincts. For example, a modern study, “The Impostor — A Contribution to Ego Psychology of a Type of Psychopath” (1955) by Helen Deutsch examines the odd nature of the tie to reality in this disturbance of psychopathy. The concatenation of psychic forces involved in both extreme narcissism and its opposite, for example, the need for others, makes for an “orientation toward reality,” but the reality is viewed as a stage for the performer, with humanity as the admiring audience. The disturbed personality is not just the personality of the sexual “pervert” or of transgender homosexual difference. The disturbed personality can be triggered by interpersonal events that cause a failure in the synthesis of infantile identifications. According to Freud in his analysis of “The Wolf-Man” (1918):

“…this contingency, he behaved as children, in general, behave when they are given an unwished-for piece of information, whether sexual or of any other kind. He rejected what was new (in our case, from motives connected with his fear of castration) and clung fast to what was old.” (p. 44).


1) Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel. (1984) Creativity and Perversion. London, England. Free Association Books. Chapter 7, “A Psychoanalytic Study of ‘Falsehood’” (p 72).

(2) Helen Deutsch. (1955) The impostor: contribution to ego psychology of a type of psychopath. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly. Vol. 80, №4. Published October 2011 (pp. 1000–5–24).

(3) Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel. (1984) Creativity and Perversion. London, England. Free Association Books. Chapter 5, “A Re-reading of Wolf-Man” (p. 44).

(4) Lucy Holmes. (2008). The Internal Triangle: Theories of Female Development. New York. Jason Aronson.

(5) Nancy J. Chodorow (2012). Individualizing Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Practice. New York. Routledge.

(6) Judith Butler. (2021). The Force of Non-Violence. New York. Verso Publishing.

(7) The Tubes. (1983). She’s A Beauty. YouTube. Retrieved July 22, 2021.




Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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