Content Analysis of the Subjective Experience of Gang Stalking: One research studies findings and what their findings tell us

Karen Barna
6 min readApr 3, 2021


Content Categories in the Analysis of Gang Stalking Victims

The categories arrived at fall into six (6) distinct groups:

i) Those that involve an invasive attack on the subject’s body.

Being remotely controlled/mind control (7); physical ailments as a direct result of gang stalking (10); voice-to-skull transmission (18); and control and surveillance devices implanted into the body (20).

ii) Those involving an exterior attack on the person of the subject or their senses.

Physical, interference, intimidation, and harassment (3); targeted by noise (6); and physical attacks (21).

iii) Physical interference with the individual’s personal environment or possessions.

Physical surveillance/being followed (1); electronic surveillance (5); subject to electronic hacking (8); subject to clandestine, unauthorized entry to home (13); vandalism/theft of property (14); and family and friends also targeted (17).

iv) Assault on reputation

Targeted by slander/gossip (11).

v) Individuals or agencies involved in perpetrating or collaborating with the gang-stalking.

Police as part of the conspiracy (15); neighbors as part of the conspiracy (16); family/friends as part of the conspiracy (19); producing ‘evidence’ of gang-stalking fails to persuade authorities to intervene (22); and medical practitioners as part of the conspiracy (23).

vi) Items concerning the interpretation of the meaning of gang-stalking.

Victim of a conspiracy (by multiple agencies) (2); establishment cover-up (4); victimized as part of a global phenomenon (9); reinterpretation of past events in the light of the gang stalking experiences (12); and complained they didn’t know why they were being stalked (24).

Sequelae of Gang-Stalking

The most commonly observed category of the reported sequelae of gang-stalking on individuals was psychological damage (42%), followed by isolation and loneliness (34%), and a determination to fight back (32%)

The categories fell into three (3) groups:

i) Psychological/physical effects.

Psychological damage (1); isolation and loneliness (2); resentment/distress at being treated as crazy or paranoid (4); physical ailments as a result of stress caused by gang-stalking (8); and feelings of hopelessness (11).

ii) Practical effects/losses.

Changed lifestyle (6); financial losses (7); efforts to escape from gang-stalkers (10).

iii) Fighting back

Determination to fight back (3); found support from other gang-stalking victims through the internet (5); and development of hatred/violent tendencies.

Stalking is a social construct that arose in a particular social and cultural context. The concept of stalking was introduced in the late 1980s to describe a form of interpersonal aggression that, although common through the ages, had come to be socially unacceptable in the western world after the recognition of equal rights for women and the prosecution of domestic violence. Stalking is a form of coercive control primarily utilized by abusive husbands over their wives. Since the new term of the millennium has been ‘group’ or ‘gang’ stalking, it is interesting to note that this places the gang stalking at a time period when the world wide web was forming connections between individuals and groups of individuals together through the service of America Online which was made affordable through the median pricing of the home computer.

In addition, when individuals claim they are being stalked by a group of people, they are labeled delusional, as where if the individual claimed they were being stalked by one person they were more likely to be believed. Research into this phenomenon has been scarce, but new research studies are being carried out to better understand the phenomenon.

In my personal experience with gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults to my mind and body, I have also experienced what I term “telecommunication interference” which behaves similar stalking in a pattern of repeated, unwanted intrusion by one person, or group of persons, into the private life of another in a manner that causes distress, disruption, or fear through clandestine radiological eavesdropping devices. I also believe the intelligence and information gathered through these eavesdropping operations contribute directly to my experience with gang stalking because clandestine operators are privy to my “comings” and “goings.” Similar to a secret military operation or police “stake-out.” Because similar operations are utilized in military and government surveillance, I believe these operations, as I have come to know them, are being carried out by an organized group of individuals perpetrating illegal surveillance and in violation of stalking laws. I have experienced cell phone interference, laptop computer interference, as well as television interference, and hear what appears to be people talking over the projection of a radio signal. That is, these sounds are outside my head as if I were listening to a radio broadcast.

To emerge de novo means “to emerge a new” as the result of some event, pattern, or phenomenon. Advances in technology have greatly increased the criminal capabilities to take stalking to the next level of clandestine surveillance.

Phenomenology. You know why I love that word? Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the German philosopher who penned The Phenomenology of Spirit or The Phenomenology of Mind. In Lordship and Bondage, it begs me to ask the following question:

“What is the Phenomenology of Mind behind act of clandestine gang stalking that combines with electronic targeted assaults utilizing telecommunication interference and radiological eavesdropping surveillance?”

PARANOIA? Or is it something more sinister? Similar to what Judith Butler referred to as the “merest particle of the meanest character?” CRUELTY and SADISM?

“….it is in them that the enemy reveals himself in his characteristic shape, they are rather the object of serious endeavor and become precisely matters of the utmost importance. This enemy, however, renews himself in his defeat, and consciousness, in fixing its attention on him, far from freeing itself from him, really remains forever in contact with him and forever sees itself as defiled.” This “enemy,” as it were, is described as “the merest particular of the meanest character,” one which serves, unfortunately, as an object of identification for his “fallen” consciousness. Here, consciousness in its fall abjection has become like shit, lost in a self-referential anality, a circle of its own making. In Hegel’s words, “we have here only a personality confined to its own self and its petty actions, a personality brooding over itself, as wretched as it is impoverished.” ~Judith Butler

Wireless communication system facilitates the communication among peoples in the exchange of data. Wireless communication intercept or denial of communications is named Electronic Warfare (EW). Jamming is one way to disconnect transmissions and communications between Wireless systems. In making a comparison to the sequelae effects of gang stalking, electronic surveillance (eavesdropping), and electronic targeted assaults we can come to an understanding of how “denial and disconnection” are achieved as a sequelae effect as reported in the physical losses of the individual through change in lifestyle. This effect completes the “denial and disconnection” of the individual through intelligence gathering and psychological operations not only with regard to psychological sequelae and practical losses but also over the individual’s sense of agency in collaborating with others. This is just one aspect of military science that is employed by governments and police forces but it is also employed by organized crime syndicates as well.


Butler, Judith. (1997) The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in subjection. Stanford, California. Stanford University Press.

Shabana, G., & Shaheen, E. (2019). Performance of LTE downlink communication system in presence of electronic warfare spot jamming. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 610(1), 10

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Sheridan, Lorraine; James, David V.; and Roth, Jayden. (March 12, 2020) The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health. 17(7), 2506.

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Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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