Debunking a False Assertation of Electronic Targeted Assaults and the Targeted Individual: Analyzing the Lacanian Perspective of a Borderline Case and the Lacanian “Real”
In my personal history with electronic targeted assaults, electronic harassment, and electronic psychotronic torture, there was a precursory event that began the inception of the targeting. This precursory event contributed to the abuse known as the Targeted Individual. Electronic targeted assaults, electronic harassment, and electronic psychotronic torture could not possibly be “therapy for those addicted to drugs and alcohol or suffering some other mental illness.” This excuse has been given as a reason by some for why targeted individuals may be suffering targeted torture. TIs themselves put forth assertations that their targeting was being done by the federal government because they were using drugs and/or alcohol. This is against federal law. The phenomenon that has manifested itself in America and other countries, is a conspiracy. It is a conspiracy between more than just two people.
To explain why electronic targeting is not therapy, it is the job of the clinician to foster a “safe holding environment” to structure the symbolic space in which the patient will feel free to express his or her emotions and psychic content, it is a sensitively structured space based on the mother-infant-situation and rooted in the assumption of an ethical position held by both participants; patient and professional. In fact, this could be said of medical practices. To explain further why the phenomenon of electronic targeting speaks more about the psychic state of the perpetrator rather than the victim, please consider the following.
In the Lacanian perspective of a borderline case known as the “Case of Colette,” symbolic transference marked by an outburst of rage in the patient signified a rupture of the patient’s entanglement with her mother. In this way, the analyst promoted her “full speech” which breached the patient’s defensive need to remain “invisible” and avoid the pain and rage of her entanglement.
Need in the therapeutic space of psychoanalysis is the lived-through experiences before we have acquired the capacity to access and use speech. There will always be a gap between what is consciously known and the inarticulated unconscious need which cannot be known. In Creative Perversions, Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel analyzes Hans Bellmer’s disarticulated reproduction of female doll parts which reveals something about his unconscious need.
The conscious appeal created by the therapist creates the “fantasy of seduction.” The psychoanalyst projects to the patient as a sensitive and caring object which hopefully finds a satisfying place within the social scene. In the approach to supposedly “treat” these mentally ill patients with electronic targeted assaults, there is no appeal to appease the other. It misses the mark completely because the other is not appeased. In “treatment” a patient is given the option to accept or to decline or cancel any further treatment. This is not so with electronic targeted assaults suffered by the Targeted Individual. They are not given a choice with electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture.
To further analyze, the assaults carried out by the perpetrator against the Targeted Individual will be explained by relational psychoanalysis and the intersubjectivity of the perpetrator. The paper by Charles Turk, In the Lacanian Perspective on the Case of Colette, Turk explains the importance of the relational perspective of intersubjectivity of the subject (the patient/perpetrator). The Lacanian perspective is grounded in a linguistic science that was unavailable to Freud because he never considers, in any real depth, the preoedipal situation. If we revisited the Oedipal situation, in this phallic phase postulated by Freud, the child has accessed to the ability of language. Because of the pre-Oedipal stage which exists before the acquisition of language, Lacan insists that the phallus is not the penis with which it is regularly confused, but to the contrary a signifier that symbolizes that organ of the body. As signifiers create meaning, words will take the place of the things they refer to. In the unconscious, meaning is symbolized through representations and metaphor. This becomes the symbolic language of the unconscious. This means that speaking beings are creatures of absence — the thing does not have to be present in order to arrive at meaning — and a barrier of meaning protects us from a direct confrontation with The Thing — this is what the psychotic is unable to do because of a defect in the foundation of language.
In light of this information, we can see that the mark of mental illness is cast onto the subject (perpetrator). Although he has created a barrier that protects him from identification and prosecution through the creation of a form of “invisibility” that will protect him from direct confrontation with THE THING (state authority/responsibility). Another thing that he fears. This psychic mental state exists because the psychotic knows right from wrong. However, what cannot be known is his unconscious mind because this was formed before the acquisition of language and speech. Therefore, there is some type of loss and separation he is unable to process the loss because of the defect in the foundation of language that has created the unconscious mind. This is the human condition in a state of absence and a place where the lived-through experience of absence existed before the time of language.
These missing things constitute the Lacanian “Real,” which is embedded in that biologic substrate that we humans can never return to. The project of the pervert is to actualize this return. Finally, the phallus serves as a “master signifier” that puts into motion and chains together other signifiers to create meaning. This chaining is the work of the paternal function.
Because the nature of human language can be flawed through the loss of meaning in our communication, Jacques Lacan theorized this concept of the “Real.” We can lose the conscious meaning of communication when it falls into the crevices of our unconscious mind unnoticed or ill-understood during our waking reality, the latter being the case in our neonatal experience with mommy, the infant body, and the environment at a time before language. Thus, we can receive these unnoticed or ill-understood communications along with their meaning in dream symbolism. When this happens, the meaning of lost communication, unnoticed or ill-understood or otherwise, gets captured by the unconscious mind and the language and meaning comes back to us through dream signs and symbols. This concept sets up the possibility for the anal sadistic universe to be expressed in dreams as well because the creation of the anal sadistic universe is part of some individual’s communication repertoire, such as in electronic targeted assaults. In trauma patients who cannot process their traumatic and violent experiences consciously, it may, as one aspect of the unconscious in psychoanalytic thought, come back to them in dreams or be experience in psychic hallucinations seen in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Here I am only explaining the eruptions of the “Real” in dreams as part of the unconscious. I cannot explain them as hallucinations that erupt in PTSD. I haven’t got that far yet.
Not only can the meaning of communication become lost, but it can also become confusing. Another aspect of language is its capacity to confound through mixed signals, and an example of confusing communication happens when someone tells you they love you, and they follow up this statement with actions and behaviors that don’t support the statement. This often happens in cases of battered women when their husbands are at times loving and caring, and then at other times, suffer psychotic breaks and physically or sexually assaultive. It is during these times of psychotic foreclosure meaning falls away. This is part of the abjection of being “cast down by another,” which is part of “the real.” Many times, people witness or hear about violent acts of aggression they cannot wrap their head around because the meaning behind why someone would want to commit such bloody acts of mass shootings is a radical move away from civil modes of speech (communication). Murder represents a state where relational meaning has fallen away from language. That is, the ability to civilly express oneself through language in a coherent non-violent way has been disrupted and has given away to a state of full abjection.
To borrow from Winnicott, in the “good enough” space of clinical framework what takes place in this protected space is conceived by Lacanians not to be “treatment” with its overtones of ministrations by another person but rather the assumption of an ethical position by both participants. This is what Lacanians designate as the process of “cure,” and why that word is used in this context of medical practice. Electronic targeted assaults, electronic torture, psychotronic torture is not “treatment towards a cure” but rather unwarranted, unsolicited physical assaults that take place outside of informed consent which lacks the assumption of an ethical position by the attending party. It is very much one-sided. The behavior voices, through its unconscious symbolism, a lack or absence in the psyche of the subject (the patient/perpetrator) who is carrying out the electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture against another.
Turk, C. (2016). A Lacanian Perspective on the Case of Colette. Clinical Social Work Journal, 44(4), 357–359.