DECEPTIVE CRIMINAL RELATIONSHIPS: Comparing the penetration of electronic targeted assaults and non-penetrative targeted assaults against the criminal penetration and non-penetration of deceptive sexual relations

Karen Barna
11 min readFeb 14, 2021


Targeted Individual (TIs) and Electronically Targeted Individual (eTIs): Concepts in crisis

Please consider the following excerpt from Conflict Is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair in which Sarah Schulman writes:

“The definition of “violence” has now expanded to include a new continuum of behaviors and feelings that are also generically used to ascribe a negative value to a person’s actions. The word “violence” has expanded far beyond the field of physical assault to also mean emotional abuse and, unfortunately, emotional conflict where there is no abuse. In recent years, we see “violence” and “abuse” being ascribed to social criticism, efforts to understand phenomena, and social and psychological analysis. “Abuse” is also regularly used to describe disagreement and misunderstanding. Accusations of “policing,” “shaming,” and other expressions of “call-out culture” demanding “safety” from uncomfortable ideas represent people and actions as laden with blame, refusing interactivity around the content of ideas and perceptions. This is in line with the similar practice of calling racial analysis “playing the race card.” Trying to understand and explain structures of pathology is repressed by accusations of wrong-doing. Thinking is wrong. Saying is wrong. Not only are revelations unwanted, they get mischaracterized as harm.” (1)

Now comparing this above-stated information and comparing it to the penetrative electronic assaults of the electronically Targeted Individual (eTI) I’d like to now present theories in the philosophy of law and deceptive sexual relations. The paper, Deceptive Sexual Relations: A Theory of Criminal Liability published in the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, draws on historical accounts of deceptive sexual relations involved in medical procedures, in cases of teaching, and deceptions involving intent in the sexual activity of partners. Past cases involving doctors who, misrepresenting sex as a surgical operation to cure fits, another doctor surreptitiously replacing a medical instrument with his penis during an intimate examination, and a voice coach (music teacher) disguising sex as a therapeutic aid to help his pupil’s singing voice. However, the most extreme deception takes place when the victim isn’t even aware sexual penetration has taken place as observed in cases where some form of mind-altering substance such as alcohol or opiates or, more recently, the use of electronic stimulation (e-Stim) to sedate. This is being observed as the newest ritual in manipulating the victim’s conscious state of awareness, thereby making it difficult for the victim to determine the extent of the criminal liability and the relationship he/she has to the perpetrator of such penetrations. We can compare victim relationships to their perpetrators in cases involving sexual assault and deceptive sexual relations. (2)

In referring back to the opening excerpt I used to alert my readers’ attention to the nature of “shaming.” Historically in the realm of law, rapists were protected from prosecution through what had been previously known as “promiscuity laws.” These laws gave courts the right to expose a sexual assault victim’s past history regarding sexual abuse, especially if the victim was under the age of 14 to 16 years of age. As a result of these laws that exposed victim’s childhood maltreatment and nature of abuse and sexual abuse to the public, many rapists eluded prosecution by placing blame on the victim and through its exposure, shamed and stigmatizing the victim as somehow responsible for their own victimization. To my knowledge, these laws are no longer in use. However, with similar respect, the aspect of shaming in stigmatizing Targeted Individuals and electronic Targeted Individuals (eTIs) when it comes to the nature of these electronic assaults and victimizations, shaming is also utilized as a defense by the perpetrator. Society has projected TIs and eTIs as being “mentally ill” and in need of “medical therapy” or “medical assistance” which, in my opinion, obscures the Truth with regard to the real nature and causes for this phenomenon and it is the reason why it has been consistently kept an ongoing problem. It has been my conclusion what is known as electronic targeted assaults overlooks the nature of intimate partner violence (IPV) and domestic violence (DM) through a third-party proxy; accomplices that may be medical doctors and scientists.

With the advent of e-Stim or electronic stimulation, experimental medicine has moved into new areas of remote wireless electronic stimulation. There are various medical techniques that utilize electronic devices, computer microchip technology, the use of computers and computer software programs, hand-held devices that deliver radio frequency signals to implants and/or wearable head and body gear as recently seen in DARPA Military News (3). The latter as part of wearable body gear in the sex play of bondage and discipline in acts of BDSM and the electro-medical fetish. (4) In applications used in psychiatry and spinal nerve stimulation; such as Vegus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and most recently with paraplegics and quadriplegics in helping them to regain mobility. We are now witnessing a move into the area utilizing light photonic physics (5). Optogenetic research has claimed to induce aggression in experimental project mice utilizing neurological implants. (6) But never have I witnessed in the modern era, where laws have been established structuring the nature of consent both in medicine, law, and finance, the financial and legal responsibilities involving medical and legal malpractice and financial malfeasance and boards positioned within hospitals and medical research facilities outlining responsibilities demanding adherence to ethical medical practices in research. These “at will” attacks in uncontrolled settings, for example when the person is driving down the road in a motor vehicle which is outside of hospitals and doctor’s office, places equipped with addressing issues of medical emergencies should they arise from such experimental procedures. These “left-wing assaults” usurping the legal rights away from a person’s autonomous action through the form of electronic attacks against their will, unbeknownst to them, and without the knowledge of the identities of the perpetrators.

These new advances in neuroscience involve manipulating the conscious mental state of mice and in some psychiatric applications, so too, involve manipulating the conscious mental state of human beings under controlled settings. In the practice of law that criminalizing deceptive medical procedures, which is similar to the legal practice of criminalizing deceptive sexual relations as prosecutable criminal offenses, both areas raise two vital questions. How accurately do definitions within these two categories of offenses capture the harmfulness and wrongfulness of the criminal acts involved? That is to say, deceptive sexual assault and the penetration of targeted electronic frequency into the human body and the human mind, and should there be separate criminal offenses specifically outlining, clearly describing, and separating the Targeted Individual (TIs) from the electronically Targeted Individual (eTIs) as victims involved in deceptive criminal acts aimed at harming the public at large? Should there be a separately defined outline to procedural law and how the law identifies, handles, prosecutes, and punishes the perpetrators responsible for the phenomenon of electronic Targeted Individuals and electronic targeted assaults? And how do we as a nation go about protecting vulnerable populations that are being abused by these criminal perpetrators? The difference between the TI and the eTI is the difference between non-penetrative and penetrative assaults. That is the difference viewed between sexual assault involving penile penetration as “rape” and non-penile penetration of sexual assault which is classified as “gross indecency.” Gross indecency as described as a deceptive sexual encounter involving sexual activity using a video camera to record a partner by misleading him/her into believing the encounter is genuine but instead the encounter is recorded and used to humiliate the victim by exposing him/her to public scrutiny. Likewise, the deceptive medical practice of implanting individuals with devices that respond to electronic signals the individual has no control over. Technological advances are occurring far too quickly and we, as ordinary men, are at a loss in grasping the social threads needed to pull together a clearer picture regarding this phenomenon and to which the social values of men may be contributing to the quick unraveling of these social threads. It is my opinion exposing this phenomenon for what it really is, that is, high gross indecency of a segment of society responsible for controlling these targeted assaults aimed at the mind and body of individuals through a third-party proxy; a rogue person in a position of power and in a position of leadership within the community.

While I can understand public misperceptions regarding the Targeted Individual (TI) and the electronically Targeted Individual (eTI) as being test subjects taking part in government mind control programs, it is my opinion these public perceptions further obscure the truth behind the true nature of what’s really happening. I’ll give a few examples of how misconceptions involving military experiments and our government secret use of hospitals, university, and military installations to carry out top-secret programs. In October 1995, former President Bill Clinton announced the federal government was responsible for top-secret military projects and apologized to the US public for these “secret projects.”

The Philadelphia Experiment. Although the Philadelphia Experiment was said to have never happened, it was an “alleged” military experiment reported to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States sometime around October 28, 1943. The USS Eldridge was claimed to have been rendered “invisible” or “cloaked” to enemy devices. Although many people claimed the experiment involved an attempt at “time travel” which no actual proof of this exists and it is surmised was not the case. The experiment utilized Albert Einstein’s “Unified Field Theory” combining electromagnetism and gravity in an attempt to bend light around objects thereby making the object “invisible” or “cloaked” from enemy radar. There were reports by some naval personnel, who claimed to be part of the experimental project, of physical ailments resulting from “exposure.” Intensive electromagnetic fields have been known to cause symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and disorientation. It was my perception, if this experiment did take place, it may have been one of the United States' first attempts at exploring “stealth technology.”

Modern stealth technology experiments begun in 1958, but there must have existed a long line of “trial by error” by experimenters in determining what parts of our physical world might work and what parts would not work regarding invisibility and cloaking. However, the Philadelphia Experiment is said to have never happened. But, two aspects of our physical world are in fact electromagnetism and gravity and man has never lost his insatiable desire to control his natural world.

The Stargate Project. In response to 1970s government intelligence sources claiming the Soviet Union was spending 60 million rubles a year on psychotronic research, the federal government through the U.S. Army established the Stargate Project secret program in 1978. It was an attempt to utilize psychics for “remote viewing” capabilities to assist in acquiring intelligence that would assist the United States with national security and cold war issues. It is reported that a few of the psychics were acquired from the Church of Scientology. Individuals who reach the highest level of discipline within the church were recruited. One researcher said that a minimum accuracy rate of 65% required by the clients was often exceeded in the later experiments. One of the project’s most successful operations was the location of a lost Soviet spy plane in 1976 by Rosemary Smith, a young administrative assistant recruited by project director Dale Graff.

Elon Musk’s new company Neuralink

Elon Musk’s newest company Neuralink established in 2016 is attempting to outfit human brains with interfaces that communicate with computers. Musk proclaimed that in a lot of ways his newest development in computer and advancing technological interfaces is “a lot like Fitbit for your brain (7).” Neuralink’s plan is to replace a small portion of the human skull with a dollar-coin sized device that can read your mind. Although neuroethical questions need to be addressed, the intentions for Musk’s technology seemed geared to help benefit man. However, the existence of the dark side of man has not changed through the course of human history and the fact remains there exists a small population within the human race who would use this technology against man’s better interests forever changing the landscape of fighting crime in ever-advancing world of hi-tech gadgetry. Proponents asking questions regarding neuroethical research wonder what living in a future world might be like if human thoughts and brains could be harnessed so as to nudged a person's decision-making process in a different direction? What will the future of crimes like sexual assault and murder look like?

Source References:

(1) Schulman, Sarah. (2016). Conflict Is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair. Vancouver, Canada. Arsenal Pulp Press.

(2) Gibson, M. (2020). Deceptive Sexual Relations: A Theory of Criminal Liability. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Advance Article.

(3) “Six Paths to the Nonsurgical Future of Brain-Machine Interfaces.” (2019) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. US Department of Defense.

(4) “The Sexual Happiness People” Online Retailer of Sex Toys, Clothing, and Supplies. Of particular interest is their “bondage” section with the “electro-medical-fetish.” Accessed February 12, 2021.

(5) Hashimoto, M., Hata, A., Miyata, T., & Hirase, H. (2014). Programmable wireless light-emitting diode stimulator for chronic stimulation of optogenetic molecules in freely moving mice. Neurophotonics, 1(1), 011002. Also available at:

(6) Lasers Turn Lab Mice Into Brutal Killers. New York Post. Published January 17, 2017.

(7) Jackson, Ryan. Elon Musk’s Neuralink device focused on the computer, but what about the brain? & Technology News. Published September 1, 2020. Retrieved online February 14, 2021.

Other source references to consider but not actually cited for the paper:

Krick, A., Tresp, S., Vatter, M., Ludwig, A., Wihlenda, M., & Rettenberger, M. (2016). The Relationships Between the Dark Triad, the Moral Judgment Level, and the Students’ Disciplinary Choice. Journal of Individual Differences, 37(1), 24–30.

Lyons, M., & Jonason, P. (2015). Dark Triad, Tramps, and Thieves. Journal of Individual Differences, 36(4), 215–220.

Johnson, L., Plouffe, R., & Saklofske, D. (2019). Subclinical Sadism and the Dark Triad. Journal of Individual Differences, 40(3), 127–133.

Conaghan, .J. (2019). The Essence of Rape. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 39(1),

McClintock, A. (1993). Maid to Order: Commercial Fetishism and Gender Power. Social Text, (37), 87–116. doi:10.2307/466262. Social Text is a journal published by Duke University Press.

Stark, C.A. (2019). Gaslighting, Misogyny, and Psychological Oppression. The Monist, 102(2),

Jill D. Weinberg. (2016) Consensual Violence: Sex, sports and the politics of injury. Oakland, California. University of California Press.

Richard von Krafft-Ebing. Psychopathia Sexualis, trans. Franklin S. Klaf. New York. Stein & Day, 1965. For analyses on the discourse of perversion and sexual deviance.

Jeffrey Weeks. Against Nature: Essays on History, Sexuality, and Identity. London. Rivers Oram, 1991. For analyses on the discourse of perversion and sexual deviance.

Jonathan Dollimore. Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault. Oxford. Clarendon, 1991. For analyses of the discourses on perversion and sexual deviance.

Engle, Gigi. (2019). These E-Stim Sex Toys Zap You With Electricity — and You Might Actually Like It.” Published online January 8, 2019. Accessed online February 12, 2021.

Butler, Judith. (1997). The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection. Stanford, California. Stanford University Press.

Knafo, Danielle and Feiner, Kenneth. (2006) Unconscious Fantasies and the Relational World. Hillside, NJ. The Analytic Press, Inc. Part of the “Relational Perspective Book Series” Volume 31.

Freud, Sigmund. (1924). The dissolution of the Oedipus Complex. Standard Edition. Volume 19. London: Hogarth Press.

Niedecken, D. (2016). The primal scene and symbol formation. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 97(3), 665–683.

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Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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