DEGENERATE CRIMINALS: Analyzing the History of Penology and The Science and Art of Punishment and Torture

Karen Barna
13 min readMay 1, 2021


When innocent people are punished in a mass global service security surveillance panopticon. A long read.

An illustration of a mysterious man in the Iron Mask in his cell.

A penitentiary in Denmark (Vridsloselille- with a slash through the “o”) operated as a Pennsylvania-model institution with strict solitary confinement from 1859 to the early 1930s. Throughout the period, this prison experienced extensive problems with inmate mental health, and as the discipline of psychiatry developed, mental disorders were given new names and old diseases disappeared. This is what happened to the diagnosis of “hysteria,” but this is not my point. The advent and manifestation of electronic targeted assaults de nouveau is a form of service security surveillance that capitalizes on the science and art of punishment. That is, it is similar to the state’s own technological apparatus of power and control which Michel Foucault wrote about in the deployment of control during the 19th century. This is crucial for the understanding of how damaging electronic regimens currently being deployed on U.S. citizens are to the individual. Similar to the damaging psychological effects of the technique of punishment of solitary confinement which prison authorities were willing to acknowledge but downplay, so too are the detrimental side effects of electronic targeting assaults. During the penial period between 1859 and 1930s, a number of psychiatrists located the causes of inmate mental disorders as belonging to biological dispositional traits of inmates rather than situational factors, and in doing so they downplayed the power of the prison context and offered “biological degeneration” among criminals as an alternative explanation (Scharff, 2008). This historical evidence resides on a linear parallel corollary to the long-term sequelae of gang stalking and electronic targeted assaults also called psychotronic torture (Sheridan, James, & Roth, 2020). Those in possession of the state’s technological apparatus of power may, and in all probability, already have downplayed the side effects of the assaults and blame the victims as the ones being responsible for their own sickness and “biological degeneration” in a phenomenon known as victim-blaming. Thereby eluding any responsibility for the role, they played in creating and/or worsening the health problems of the inmate in the first place.

We might begin by acknowledging that the practice of solitary confinement possesses damaging side effects (Scharff Smith, 2008). We know this from historical evidence. We now can make a comparison to the sequelae of gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture. We can make a comparison and even a supposition that just like the discipline of psychiatry, the discipline and art of punishment of the 19th century has reemerged de nouveau with new technological ways in which the art of punishment emerged in the science of advancing technology, which supposedly has arrived at developing “better” approaches that are more “humanely suited” for inmate and patient care and treatment. When mental disorders were given new names, and old diseases disappeared, we witnessed the historical evolution of the practice of modern medicine. So too, old technologies disappeared while new technologies emerge de nouveau. One of the sequelae of long-term gang stalking and electronic targeted assaults, also called psychotronic torture, is lifestyle changes belonging to the electronically targeted individual (Sheridan, James, & Roth, 2020).

Peter Scharff Smith, who wrote “When the Innocent Are Punished: The Children of Imprisoned Parents,” speaks specifically in his book about the children of incarcerated parents, but this applies specifically to electronically targeted women with dependent children because their children and families are made to suffer in silence. These children suffer, as a consequence of the electronic targeting and psychotronic assaults and torture and become the invisible victims in this invisible phenomenon of electronic targeting and, similarly to the large degree of inattention from policymakers, electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture remains invisible as well (Jardine, 2017). How has this topic not been addressed by our policymakers? Although these women are not incarcerated criminals, they are treated as such, through new evolving technologies where the mass deployment of a new technological power end up in the hands of everyday citizens and organized crime syndicates who utilize systematic and systemic forms of discrimination and mechanistic dehumanization of people (Haslam, 2007; Christoff, 2014). I have come to call gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture as a “family-corporate-political conglomerate” business practices belonging to organized crime (the mob family) and gang-like entities that implicates corporate technology companies and service security surveillance companies (Google, cellphone services providers, GPS navigation systems, etc). The service security surveillance industry is important to people like the federal government and its law enforcement agencies as well as local law enforcement and private investigators. I have termed it this phrase because all three work in unison with one another to advance their personal agendas and promote their business practices and profits which include the business economy of hi-tech, thereby supporting a form of the military-industrial complex and service security surveillance industry (Simonson, Morooka, Xiong, & Bedsole, 2019; Wang & Tucker, 2017; Humphreys, 2011; Elmer, 2003). Whoever said the mob is dead, was wrong. One of the biggest areas of American business development is in the technology industry and part of that business is service security surveillance! These new technologies are first developed for the U.S. Department of Defense through government contracts that are awarded to certain tech companies and businesses. New innovative products are then distributed to the different branches of the military and to military personal who service the military-industrial complex. These new developments are then systematically deployed and distributed as commodities which are either purchased and sold to those who can afford to buy them, or stolen from the government or other consumers. Think of the military’s use of high-powered antennas and other devices that jam cell and Wi-Fi signals, as well as the deployment of satellites that are used in GPS tracking including home security surveillance systems with camera surveillance that may take advantage of satellite technology that feed real-time images of a wealthy businessmen’s home while they are vacationing out of the country to his laptop or cellphone. This is what we are looking at when we talk about gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture. The real-time tracking and surveillance via electronic platforms that utilize electronic devices such as computers and hand-held mobile devices which are tethered to biological human implants. Google plays a very integral part in this type of tracking through Google Earth and the Google Streetview Car who, not only collects addresses and streetview images, but also captures IP address information that gets associated with each address captured so that Google knows who they are interacting with. There are other areas of Google surveillance like Google Play Services that may be part of your cell phone technology.

We live in a world where the killing of others is justified if certain conditions are met (Butler, 2021). Terminal illness, abortion, the death penalty, and war waged between countries are a few examples. When dehumanization of others becomes part of a political philosophy, a business practice, or a person’s personal ideology, violence will follow close behind it (Butler, 2021). Businessmen are more likely to possess the character traits of the Dark Triad and the Dark Tetrad and, although I have no journal research to prove it, I have government statistics that tell us our military is producing extremists who go on to form extremist groups like the OathKeepers (ABC News, 2021). Groups that organized themselves and who have recently stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Since mechanistic dehumanization is the behavior that renders human subjects as Objects to be manipulated and exploited, that is, as automata to be used as a means to an end in order to achieve one’s goals, inhumane treatments, and unethical behaviors will inevitably be the by-product of certain ideological practices (Butler, 2021; Christoff, 2014). They're not just torturing me, they are torturing those people close to me because they are an extension of me. This has been a long-known mafia technique that is also utilized by not only international gangs but may be utilized by neighborhood gangs as well.

The philosophical ideology behind gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture lies very close to the ideology of the modern penitentiary, where “degenerate criminals” were incarcerated in cages. Except for the prison or cage of electronic targeting and psychotronic torture is an electronic prison from which one can’t readily escape. As a result of this targeted persecution, it is not surprising that serious health problems arise as a result of it. In fact, like the Pennsylvania prison model, mental health problems increase in individuals who lived under its harsh conditions. Similarly, individuals living under the tyranny of gang stalking, electronic assaults, and endure psychotronic torture where isolation and alienation may be reinforced, reproduced, or made worse, the brutality in the way in which the deployment of these systematic and systemic mechanistic dehumanizations occur makes living life even more difficult, and, as a result, the technique in this particular science and art of punishment takes a toll on individual empowerment which it seeks to diminish, control, and ultimately take away. This is the exact art and science of the Pennsylvania prison model of the 19th century. In fact, inmates were forced to wear a mask and iron chains while in their cells, which made life even more uncomfortable and unbearable. Similarly, the use of electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture yield the same side effects other methods in behavioral control produce (Van Brunt, Murphy, Pescara-Kovach & Crance, 2019).

It is my theory the part of this technology is similar to the scope of cybersecurity with regard to surveillance and identity as a conceptual framework and a formal model of operation for the social sorting of individuals through mutual monitoring (Wang & Tucker, 2017). In this light, we might also consider that electronic grooming may be a part of the deployment of this technology. Similar to how male college students groom females for sexual behavior through the use of illicit substances like drugs and alcohol (Van Brunt, B., Murphy, A., Pescara-Kovach, L., & Crance, G.L., 2019). Since one of the side effects of long-term gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture is lifestyle changes or behavior modifications. One of the scopes of gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture is for the purpose of sorting individuals based on their identity to other similar or like people. In fact, we might consider the way in which Targeted Individuals have formed social groups in identification with one another, as tortured souls of this technology is a means for gaining support. This certainly demonstrates how power and control have operated in the lives of those targeted by eliciting new behaviors. It has been stated to me time and time again, “You have to find your tribe.” In fact, targeted individuals will instruct other TIs to make sure they get out of the house, that one place that seems to be the place where they turn on these incessant technologies. I believe these people providing these suggestions to their family members, may be involved in the targeting or have knowledge of how it’s being carried out.

We might consider how the Division of Motor Vehicles utilizes a surveillance system that classifies behaviors by attributes. A system such as this may be composed of components like Entity, Observable Behavior, Attributes, Identity. In the DMV’s database, the following components are used:

Entity = cars

Observable Behavior = The registration mark, its time of arrival and departure time

Attributes = Duration of stay above a particular time allotment

Identity = Registration Marks.

In the de nouveau panopticon of electronic digital service security surveillance, a biological implant identifies the individual in a similar fashion to the tags on a motor vehicle via the service security surveillance of satellite technology (GPS). In this theorized panopticon of global digital service security surveillance, say for a penal colony, the system will classify behaviors by attributes. A system may be composed of components like:

Entity = Inmates

Observable Behavior = Infractions accumulated while incarcerated

Attributes1 = History of criminal charges

Attributes2 = time of arrival and expected time of departure (lenght of incarceration)

Identity = Prison ID Number

Penal institutions and penal colonies already have a type of service security surveillance system in place but it is not tethered to the inmate for purposes of acquiring points of authenticating one’s identity for security purposes or for the delivering of “punishments” for infractions or to cognitively disable them should the inmate become violent. However, the concept of generating identifiers with wireless signal transmissions via biological human implants and satellite-like tracking might serve state interests for a mass global panopticon used for the accumulation of evidence for future criminal investigations, complete with time stamps and locations. I don’t believe this form of treatment would be allowed simply because of the possibility of arbitrary electronic assaults, thereby making the person’s life difficult by compounding it with even more daily harassment as well as violations of a person’s 4th Amendment Rights. Criminals who turn violent in penal colonies have historically been assaulted with teasers, physically beaten to be taken down, or shot with a firearm.

There have quite successful modern-day neurological brain implants that help to control diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, and mood disorders (Chung, 2019;, 2021; John Hopkins Medicine, 2021;, 2021). But I believe any neurological implant that controls human aggression, and thereby human violence arbitrary through the delivery of remote electromagnetic signals would be unethical, inhumane, and very controversial because human aggression is an important aspect of one’s autonomy and self-preservation. In my opinion, it would be cruel, inhumane, and unjust especially if it is being placed in vulnerable populations like women, children, and the elderly. While human aggression is not the same as violence, one does need to retain the possibility to act aggressively if one is expected to survive. Behavior deemed “violent behavior” is usually dealt with through medication and/or Dialectical Behavioral Thought Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Thought Therapy or at its extreme, incarceration in a prison or psychiatric hospital.

It is my theory that part of the phenomenon known as gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture is part of a sinister plot controlled by the “family-corporate-political conglomerate” business of organized crime or it may be part of clandestine, inhumane, unethical research investigating new forms of advancing technologies that will benefit the state and the future of the biopolitical.” Technologies that will be deemed “new” and emerge de nouveau. The purpose of this technology is the acquisition of massive forms of data containing various identifiers which may help classify and sort human populations into groups, perhaps even groom them electronically from a distance. Possibly involved in these groups are stigmatized individuals like drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, sexual perverts, degenerate criminals, extremists who possess extremist ideologies. Technologies that do not take into account the unanalyzed fantasies of evil surrounding maternal fear and the mandatory evacuation of feminine sexuality. Unanalyzed fears that manifest and are reproduced through modes of mechanistic dehumanization (Cohn, 1987).

Judith Butler discusses Foucault and Fanon on the War Logics of Race in her new book The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind. She writes,

“In the final chapter of his 1976 lecture course “Society Must Be Defended,” Foucault elaborates on the emergence of the biopolitical field in the 19th century, there we find that “the biopolitical” describes the operation of power over humans as living beings. Distinct from sovereign power, biopolitics, or biopower, appears to be a distinctively European formation. It operates through various technologies and methods for managing both life and death. For Foucault, this is a distinct kind of power, inasmuch as it is exercised over humans by virtue of their status as living beings — sometimes he calls the living status a “biological” status, though he does not tell us which version of biological science he has in mind. Foucault describes the biopolitical as a regulatory power to “make live” or to “let die” distinct populations, distinguished from sovereign power to “make die” or to “let live.

As in many instances in Foucault’s work, power acts, but not from a sovereign center: rather, there are multiple agencies of power operating in a post-sovereign context to manage populations as living creatures, to manage their lives, to make them live or let them die. This form of biopower regulates, among other things, the very livability of life, determining the relative life potentials of populations. This sort of power is documented in morality and natality rates that indicate forms of racism that belong to biopolitics. It emerges as well in forms of pronatalism and “pro-life” positions that regularly privilege some sorts of life, or living tissue (e.g., the fetus), over others (e.g., teenage or adult women). Thus, the “pro-life” positions is committed to inequality, and in that way continues and intensifies the social inequality of women and the differential grievability of life (Butler, 2021).”

That is to say, those who lives are valued and “grievable” and those whose lives are “ungrievable.”


ABC News. Examining Extremists in the Military. April 28, 2021.

Butler, Judith. (2021). The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind. New York. Verso Publishing.

Chung, C. “Are We Ready For An Implant That Can Change Our Moods?” March 29, 2019. Retrieved on April 30, 2021.

Cohn, C. (1987). Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defence Intellectuals. In Signs, Vol. 12, №4, Within and Without: Women, Gender, and Theory. (Summer 1987), pp. 687–718.

Christoff, K. (2014). Dehumanization in organizational settings: some scientific and ethical considerations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8,

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Haslam, N. (2006). Dehumanization: An Integrative Review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(3), 252–264.

Humphreys, L. (2011). Who’s Watching Whom? A Study of Interactive Technology and Surveillance. Journal of Communication, 61(4),

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John Hopkins Medicine. Deep Brain Stimulation.

Scharff Smith, P. (2008). “Degenerate Criminals”. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(8), 1048–1064.

Sheridan, L., James, D., & Roth, J. (2020). The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang-Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7),

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Wang, V., & Tucker, J.V. (2017). Surveillance and identity: conceptual framework and formal models. Journal of Cybersecurity, 3(3),

Van Brunt, B., Murphy, A., Pescara-Kovach, L., & Crance, G.L. (2019). Early Identification of Grooming and Targeting in Predatory Sexual Behavior on College Campuses. Violence and Gender. Vol. 6, №1, March 2019.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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