Exploring Forensic Psychology: How gang stalking, electronic targeted physical assaults, and psychotronic torture diminish and compromise survival skills
This essay is an exploration of the forensic psychology behind gang stalking, electronic targeted physical assaults, and psychotronic torture.
On June 9, 1990, at 01:45 am, Stacy Lim, an LA police officer, was followed home for 30 miles by a car that contained members of a street gang known as “The Highland Park Crazies.” A male gang member critically shot her at point-blank range with a .357 Magnum. The gunshot wound she sustained damaged her diaphragm and a portion of her heart. Despite this catastrophic injury, she was able to remain calm, return fire hitting her assailant in the shoulder, and continue on to devise a way to fatally take down her assailant. Amazing, despite the pain, she was still able to move into a position that allowed her to fatally shoot her assailant before she collapsed in her driveway from the wound. She would flatline three times before doctors brought her health back to a stable condition. Her recovery was laborious but she survived the attack.
The following questions were posed by Nancy Zarse, PsyD, Professor of Forensic Psychology at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology:
One, “How did Stacey survive this critical incident?” Two, “How did Stacey remain calm in the face of such extreme danger with a catastrophic injury and the very real threat of death?” And three, “What allowed her to maintain such clarity of thought to focus so singularly on survival and to break down each task step by step and why was she able to survive critical incident so many others would not be able to survive?”
Dr. Zarse said, “The answer is simple: AN INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL.” In addition to this, Dr. Zarse said Stacey Lim’s cumulative body of experience contributed to her overall success with regard to this critical incident. For one, she was an all-star athlete in college. Two, she had an attitude that was determined to win and fight back. Three, she had training as a police officer to respond to critical incidents.
Her physical and mental conditioning as a police officer was layered on top of the previous two factors and this established her cumulative body of experience. In short, Stacey Lim had a lot going on for her in the way of possessed SURVIVAL SKILLS. Sports training served as the foundation upon which she added her other training as a police officer.
An article published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, Empowering Well-Being: Validation of a Locus of Control Scale Specific to Well-Being discusses how one’s internal locus of control can be empowering and how it is specific to health and well-being. I propose the INTENT behind using forms of gang stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults, and psychotronic torture (in short, cyber assaults) is to affect the victims’ sense of control by disrupting their homeostasis and which ultimately affects their overall well-being, causing them to question their beliefs, their values, their basic assumptions about life, and to challenge how they perceive the world. This also happens with forms of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence as well. But with regard to electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture, the identity of the perpetrator(s) are carefully concealed behind an electronic and/or digitalized platform.
To clarify, in survival situations, Stacey Lim’s assault is known as A CRITICAL INCIDENT. A critical incident has to shock you, challenge how you perceive the world, and threaten you emotionally and physically. It has to be extreme and out of the ordinary. A critical incident is an incident that disrupts your psychological homeostasis like in a rape, a physical assault, an armed robbery, or like being unsuspectedly seized by an electromagnetic frequency that laches onto a clandestinely implanted biomedical implant in your body out of the blue. A critical incident is SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED and it disrupts your sense of control. It can be confusing and disorienting. It forces you to question your personal beliefs about yourself, your values, and your basic assumptions about how the world works. A critical incident involves a damaging life threat, with an emotional trigger or physical loss. In a critical incident, your usual coping methods fail. The critical incident causes distress and often dysfunction. Essentially a critical incident comes out of the blue, it frightens you physically and emotionally and it throws you completely off balance. The things you normally do in response? They don’t work. The way that you usually cope? Isn’t effective. And on top of that, it causes you to question yourself, all you believe in, the world. SURVIVAL is encountering and living through a critical incident.
Positive psychology is defined as “the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions” (Gable & Haidt, 2005). One of the fundamental postulates of psychology is that we can influence our well-being through our own behavior and that a person’s internal locus of control allows them to have confidence in themselves and act in response to situational phenomenon regarding their best interest, choices, so as to promote better health and well-being. Gangstalking, electronic targeted physical assaults, and psychotronic torture seek to disrupt just that. The locus of control stems from the theory of social learning, proposed by Rotter (1954). Likewise, in attachment theory, infants learn, through social interactions with their mothers/guardians, a tone or patterned system of attachment that informs the child’s relationships with the objects in the child’s field of object relations. It is entirely possible that someone’s secure attachment can be undone through unexpected and/or prolonged trauma. If we consider Juliette Mitchell’s book, Madmen and Medusas: Reclaiming Hysteria, we can acquire even more information about trauma and how trauma contributes to disrupt previously learned patterns of secure attachment as most studies have done in the side effects of war. That is to say, everything you know about the world, everything you know to be true, can be cast into doubt through the traumatic experience.
Let’s return to the nature of a critical incident. You might ask yourself, “What does it mean for something to challenge how you perceive the world?”
Think about your general psychological framework. Do you think that the world is fair and that good things happen to good people? And that you are capable of handling yourself in the course of your work? Those are all examples of your perceptions about the world. During a critical incident, however, those perceptions are shaken because suddenly, the world is not fair, and bad things are happening to good people and you feel overwhelmed by what you’re facing. One can reasonably assume that any form of torture constitutes a critical incident.
In my personal experience dealing with gang stalking, electronic targeted physical assaults, and psychotronic torture and the information I gained through watching Nancy Zarse’s lecture on survival mentality caused me to question “Is the electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture something that American citizens should be expected to suddenly have to endure and “deal” with during the course of their everyday lives?” Additionally, it caused me to question, “And does this mean that regular abuse or assaultive behavior in domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV)should no longer be considered critical incidents?”
In positive psychology, there is something known as Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs). PPIs hold the notion that there are intentional activities “that aim to cultivate positive feelings, behaviors, or cognitions.” These intentional actives constitute significant support in the construction of lasting well-being. If this is so, why was I targeted with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture during my early morning routine workout activities? Clearly, engaging in regular exercise was a positive psychology behavior. It is for this reason, I believe the INTENT behind the electromagnetic frequency assaults and psychotronic torture is malign and that it seeks to DIMINISH and COMPROMISE a person’s SURVIVAL SKILLS in their fight for life, health, and well-being.
Stacey Lim rose to the occasion in the fight for her life. But most people DO NOT rise to the occasion, most of us fall back to the former level of training and forethought. Most people do not have professional survival skill training. Reincorporating our previous experiences at times without conscious thought to our reaction. We put into action what we have previously given thought to, what we already anticipated and planned, even if to a limited extent. The fact that this phenomenon is being carried out against a fractional portion of United States citizens in an incessant manner means that even those with the best layering of survival skills would ultimately fail in the face of this type of torture. This fact should speak volumes to anyone interested in securing the fairness, freedom, and liberty of domestic tranquility between the United States’ borders.
There are several factors that make up a critical incident.
1. The actual event — What was the nature of the TRAUMA? House fire, Sexual Assault, Car Accident?
2. Its Intensity — What was the force of the event? Was it a sudden and unexpected tornado? Or was it slow-rising floodwaters? What was the nature of the intensity?
3. Duration — How long did the incident last? What was the timeline of the incident from start to finish? Was it an explosion or a long-drawn-out physical sexual torture by a sadistic rapist?
4. Level of Unexpectedness — Was the critical incident expected? Being shot at in a battle is different than being shot at while watching a movie, TV, or working on your home computer. It is unexpected if you suddenly and unexpectedly start being assaulted with electromagnetic frequency while you walk around your home.
5. Its Level of Victimization — Was victimization primary or secondary? PRIMARY VICTIMIZATION happens directly to you. SECONDARY VICTIMIZATION is when you observe it as it happens to someone else.
Now, both can have a powerful effect, but the extent of that effect can vary based on whether you were directly involved or you witnessed it. For me, the many, many, many, different critical incidents occurred both as a PRIMARY VICTIMIZATION and as a SECONDARY VICTIMIZATION because they were carrying out electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture on both me and my family members and I was forced to watch helplessly as they suffered. Unable to do anything to stop the torture.
The reason behind the INTENT of electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture, I believe, is the POWER it holds as a critical incident. Its power to shock, disrupt, throw off balance, and victimize while carefully concealing the identity of the perpetrators, and that it is specifically designed to do just that; be a critical incident for the victim. I believe this because it seeks to take away the victim’s control and the feeling they may have regarding their INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL.
This is IMPORTANT: Both the actual event and your level of victimization have to do with the incident itself, but an enormous part of the impact of a critical incident, and by extension your ability to survive it, depends on you, your mental health, and your prior experiences. Then why would electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture be carried out against people who are claimed to be “mentally ill.” Wouldn’t this attack further harm them and set up the possibility for life-threatening possibilities?
Dr. Zarse said, “It turns out that your mental health going into a critical incident plays a crucial role.”
Electronic Targeted Assaults (EAs) and Psychotronic Torture (PTs) use real physical attacks and assaults on the human body with a real threat of death. In my experience with electronic targeted physical assaults, they have been unexpected, of long-term duration, vacillating events of intensity, and both comprising a physical assault as well as a sexual assault. The level of victimization was both PRIMARY AND SECONDARY for me with regard to EAs and PTs sometimes experiencing both PRIMARY and SECONDARY victimization simultaneously.
EAs and PTs long-term duration wears down the victim to a state that has diminished and compromised physical health, well-being, happiness, and her SURVIVAL SKILLS.
The sexual assault aspect of the electronic targeted physical assault, as well as the psychotronic torture, brings up its connection to a fetishistic behavior in the world of Bondage, Discipline, and Sadomasochism (BDSM) known as the Electro-Medical Fetish. Practitioners of BDSM can purchase electronic devices with electrodes that can be attached outside the various parts of the genitalia (erogenous zones). These electrodes transmit low-level electric shocks for the purpose of sexual arousal. This has happened to me with vibrational sensations and that mimic mild electronic shocks similar to the type of fetishistic device that seeks these same aims by a person who can turn it on remotely.
My goal is to recuperated damages and seeks legal prohibitions that will be strongly enforced regarding the behaviors of gangs stalking, electronic targeted physical assaults, psychotronic torture in order to better protect American citizens from any future civil rights violations that include, but are not limited to, First Amendment violations and Fourth Amendment violations.
With regard to EAs and PTs and their effect on victims SURVIVAL SKILLS. The INTENT is to diminish and compromise that aspect of the “you” that is part of a CRITICAL INCIDENT through long-term physical abuse and torture. SURVIVAL MENTALITY and The Psychology of Staying Alive is about the “you” part in the event of a CRITICAL INCIDENT. The “you” aspect of surviving a critical incident can increase the rate of your successful survival. But with EAs and PTs, your INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL is being shaken and denied, and you begin to question fundamental beliefs you hold about yourself, how much power you truly have as an individual over your own choices, and about the outside world and how it operates. By diminishing and compromising my perceptions and beliefs, they reduce my best chances for long-term survival by guiding the victims toward comorbid health.
The most important and fundamental psychological factor for survival is AN INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL.
A research paper entitled, Impact of Locus of Control Expectancy on Level of Well-Being, explored the impact of locus of control, a psychological social learning theory, that is rigorously researched for its implications on leadership qualities and the level of happiness of the individual. Academic research supports the view that a maximum level of happiness is achieved by individuals with a balanced locus of control expectancy. That is to say, a mixture of internal and external locus of control, known as “bi-local expectancy.” This would support Nancy Zarse’s claim that people in positions of leadership, like Captain Sullenberger (Capt. Sully), attribute the success of an inflight critical event to his whole team recognizing that he alone couldn’t possibly be responsible for averting any critical and catastrophic event by himself. This is what is meant by “bi-local expectancy.”
INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL really boils down to CONTROL and whether or not you believe you have control or whether or not you think you are being controlled. We see this play out all the time in the workplace, when faced with obstacles those with an “external locus of control” put forth less effort believing the matter has already been decided. (Here, I would like to remind my reader of my early morning workout routines in which I was routinely and systematically electronically physically assaulted and targeted with psychotronic torture?) In contrast, those with an “internal locus of control” when faced with obstacles will expend extra effort to overcome obstacles and to achieve their objectives.
Captain Sullenberger said, “I call it an emergency landing, not a crash. I found a way to deliver the plane to the surface intact and float long enough to be rescued.”
So, if words matter, am I wrong to call my electronic targeted physical assaults and targeted psychotronic torture a “critical incident?” Or am I supposed to believe that it belongs to some other category entirely?
Captain Sullenberger and his team’s success in effectively diverting a catastrophic crash that might have ended in 155 fatalities is an excellent example of how survival mentality works and how important the layering of survival skills is, including the survival skill of sports training is one’s chance of survival.
Just to give you an idea, when US Airways flight 1549 experienced double engine failure, Captain Sullenberger’s critical incident lasted only 208 seconds (that 3 1/2 minutes). That means, Captain Sullenberger had to employ all he had learned up to that point regarding his aviation knowledge and skills as well as prepare his body physically for the force of the impact. He would have to pull on all his strength to remain calm in order to pull off the emergency landing as well as make it safely out of the plane.
An internal locus of control is about your ability, your perceived ability, to control your reaction to a situation, and to control the environment around that situation. The belief that you control your reaction to a situation and the environment. It is my belief the INTENT and PURPOSE for electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture is for the perpetrator(s) to CONTROL THE ENVIRONMENT AND ACTIONS OF HIS VICTIMS. Why? Because these types of assaults diminish and compromise the victims’ confidence, he or she has in their own abilities to be in control of their own bodies and to make personal choices in whether or not they acquire the necessary physical skills need to be effective in survival situations and defend against negative life events.
It is for this reason Locus of Control serves as a protective factor against some but not all negative life events. We might see a person with a strong internal locus of control struggle with the death of a loved one, or personal illness, or financial problems. The losses of aging require a person to let go of their internal locus of control a bit because they have now become DEPENDENT which can be difficult for anyone who has been used to their INDEPENDENCE. And, by INDEPENDENCE, I mean the ability to make personal choices like in deciding what time of day they make their doctor’s appointments. Forcing someone into premature death, which I believe gang stalking with electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture is all about, demands the victim relinquish his or her internal locus of control and surrender, albeit against his or her own will, to the wishes of the perpetrator which is very similar to aging and death.
In conclusion, we do no service to ourselves or the public at large by remaining silent witnesses or victims to acts of crime. When we refuse to speak, we relinquish the control we do have over to that other person. Evil is allowed to flourish when good men say nothing.
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Zarse, Nancy, PsyD. (2021) Survival Mentality: Psychology of Staying Alive. Great Courses Plus. Lecture 01: “What It Means To Survive” & Lecture 02: “Developing An Internal Locus of Control.”