How Does Female and Male Identity Capital Play Out In Gang Stalking?

Karen Barna
8 min readAug 18, 2021


Image: Child Beauty Queen (Identity Marker)

Part of female identity capital (sometimes called culture capital) is body size and weight. I believe culture capital is appropriate because traditionally speaking, the wealthy were thin while lower-class women tended to be “full-bodied.” I’d like to go out on a limb here and say, in Hollywood, there are more black, overweight, female actresses than white actresses. Although shallow and insignificant as this may seem, the truth discovered in the pursuit of psychoanalytic study is this. Narcissistic egos can run deep and men and women are narcissistic. To humiliate and demean an Object in your object-relational world by electronically stimulating a person's brain in an uncontrolled environment, in random attacks, during sleep, and especially during early waking hours leads to the onset of behavioral change is what narcissists do. This is the intrusive element electronic targeted assaults take as a characteristic of stalking. The early morning hours are no longer the hours the target is allowed to work out. The controller/operator has now decided she must not be allowed an avenue to health. Why? Working out provides health benefits such as stress reduction and maintenance, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and heart health. According to the controller/operator, this is a crime that must not be defined as murder because there is no statute of limitations on murder, therefore it must remain ambiguous and hard to define. After all, it is a cultural murder, a murder of female identity capital. When you can’t define the crime, how can you prosecute it for what it truly represents?

“what . . . any inquisition really is: a set of disciplinary practices targeting specific groups, codified in law, organized systematically, enforced by surveillance, exemplified by severity, sustained over time, backed by institutional power, and justified by a vision of the one true path. Considered that way, the Inquisition is more accurately viewed not as a relic, but as a harbinger.”

Gangstalking, electronic targeted physical assaults, and psychotronic torture are a form of derision. The bullying, tyranny, and unfair treatment of marginalized groups are tolerated in some third-world countries like Afghanistan and India, but in the United States of America, it is outlawed. We have stalking laws.

The Coward Hides His Face

The coward hides his face, and exposing the coward’s face to the broader group about the abuse he represents is the power the operator/controller hands over to the victim. I have that power because I am the victim. The difference in “identity status,” to some women, is represented as characteristics such as youth, beauty, dress size, and wallet size. The paranoid fear that dances around the shadows of someone suffering the mental illness of the paranoid splitting rooted in the castration complex, when a lack of this insider identity is realized as well as the lack of identifiers that would signify status recognition such as youth, beauty, dress size, become the very objects of coveted envy. Coveted envy leads to callous hatred, acts of clandestine violence, and forms in believed narcissistic supremacy. John Steinbeck said it best when he said in poverty his daughter would be envious and in riches, she would be a snob. “Money does not change the sickness, only the symptoms.” Identity capital is a form of currency. All those things we hold dear to us that give us our identity. What are they? Are you the fastest swimmer? Are you the fastest runner? Are you the fastest problem solver? Are you athletic? Are you the most beautiful in your family? What are you better at and who would capitalize the most on making sure you don’t have those skills?

I have a brother-in-law who has all the finest things. He is like this. If, I have hummingbirds visit my yard because I garden and plant flowers. Once he finds out, he must “one-up me.” Everything seems to be a competition. He purchased a trellis and beautiful flowering plant that attracts hummingbirds. At one point, I was using a digital camera to take pictures and I voiced a wish to buy a good camera and become a better photographer. What does he do? Buys a professional camera and goes out of his way to “show it off.” It’s petty but maddening. It would appear he’s the covetous type. He is also tied to my same-sex twin sibling. I call her my Dark Twin.

After I had begun to be electronically targeted with physical electronic assaults that prevented me from doing work. (I am a diabetic and I need to physically move my body to burn blood sugar). My brother-in-law and sister both came to my garden and ripped out everything I planted and threw it away and re-arranged it to produce more food because she said, “You can’t take care of it anymore.” Is this why I’m being electronically tortured? So they can have my garden? He violated my boundaries that day because some of those plants I purchased and cultivated to a bigger size. And now, I find myself targeted. I’m being abused by some unseen force (electro-magnetic) that sends vibrational energy to points located in my body (lower abdomen and head/teeth). I wonder, is he the one who is doing this? Are their accomplices involved? Since the concept of stalking denotes a pattern of repeated, unwanted intrusion by one person into the life of another in a manner that causes distress, disruption, or fear, I am fairly secure in saying I am being stalked. Stalking often employees third-parties in what is called “proxy stalking.” After the recognition of equal rights for women and the prosecution of domestic violence, stalking has become an unacceptable behavior in the Western world. Stalking is a social construct that arises in particular social and cultural contexts.

My next-door neighbors at 1241 Indiana have people from India as either visitors or relatives to their home environment. I’m looking at them as suspects because of the social, cultural, and ethnic differences some Indian men possess in beliefs toward their women. The issues in Afghanistan, following the fall of Kabul surrounding women’s rights, are a perfect example of how oppression works and the cultural capital of identity is promoted and thereby demoting other identities in the process. To describe an example, a man from India or from Afghanistan might promote his “authentic authority” based on his gender, positional of power, masculine identity, and wealth as a man while systematically demoting “inauthentic identities” such as girls, women, the poor, those who helped the Americans during the Afghan war. This is a gendered/status refusal tied to the imaginary symbolics in philosophy and the muting of feminine voices based on gender politics. The female silenced body is rendered in Plato’s cave metahphor.

Take this information back to the beginning of the post, in what I said in the opening. Part of female identity capital (sometimes called culture capital) is body size and weight. I believe culture capital is appropriate because traditionally speaking, the wealthy were thin while lower-class women tended to be “full-bodied.” To torture a woman for this purpose would be to “one down her identity capital.” And as I said, a female’s identity capital is no different than men’s. It is all bound to those identity markers and status symbols, that marks us as the “signified” by “the signifier.” What are your identity and status markers? These are some examples of identity markers; male/female, fat/thin, 30s/40s, white/black, beautiful/unattractive, prim/careless, adorned/unadorned, educated/uneducated, employed/unemployed, father/nonparent, Polish/German, immigrant/citizen, competitive athlete/non-competitive, academic/nonacademic? These are your identity markers and your status markers. How well do you know your enemies?

Additionally, identity markers and status markers are perceptions about ourselves and others that define how we see ourselves and others and what makes us who we are.

In abusive relationships, the abused individual losses internal competency that results in depression, anxiety, suicidal ideations, which may lead to self-destructive behavior patterns. This resulting from long-term abuse of electronic physical assaults and psychotronic torture that leave the targeted subjects less productive than they were before. It then places the targeted subject in a state of debilitating or deteriorated physical condition with feelings of worthlessness, badness (no good), powerlessness, and hopelessness as a result of the targeting. At 53, I should not be identifying with my 88-year-old mother who is debilitated from old age. This is what electronic targeted physical assaults with psychotronic torture accomplishes.

Political operatives with a network of associates directed by their political operatives, with vast amounts of money, to target certain individuals through clandestine investigations to impugn whistle-blowers, journalists, and those seeking to expose government corruption are nothing new to the psychoanalytic theatre stage of deception and seduction. In the book, Dark Money, Jane Mayer spent five years conducting hundreds of interviews-including with several sources within the network-and scoured public records, private papers, and court proceedings in reporting this book. In a taut and utterly convincing narrative, she traces the byzantine trail of the billions of dollars spent by the network and provides vivid portraits of the colorful figures behind the new American oligarchy.

What’s my point? There are over 100,000 American citizens claiming to be the victims of a clandestine targeting operation that gang stalks, eavesdrops, using advanced technology to target and disable them. Who are the ones that will be profiting off of this phenomenon? Investors to the next generation of advancing technologies?

What further compounds the problem? Some of these targeted American citizens come from abusive homes (already with psychiatric issues) and the fact they are being further abused facilitates a narrative that supports the primary political operatives’ goals and agenda. It goes back to what I spoke about at the beginning of this post; killing off identity capital. Part of the identity of the individual is being replaced (behavioral changes). Part of the identity capital of being feminine is most certainly body image, body size, dress size, clothing apparel, dress accessories, youth, and beauty. To attack any one of those identifying characteristics is to commit identity murder or a form of femicide. My psychology is feminine psychology rooted in theories of female development.

My question is this. How are targeted subjects who come from abusive family homes supposed to transcend their abuse in recovery if the abuse is compounded by continued electronic/psychotronic targeted violence? The answer to that question is: It is the political operative who has deemed the targeted subjects as an “unvaluable group” deserving of experimental research and development for profit against a marginalized group of individuals whose lives “don’t really matter.”


Jane Mayer. (2016). “Dark Money: The hidden history of the billionaires behind the rise of the radical right.” New York. Anchor Books: A Division of Random House, LLC.

Blizard, Ruth & Bluhm, Ann. (1994). Attachment to the abuser: Integrating object-relations and trauma theories in treatment of abuse survivors. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 31. 383–390. 10.1037/0033–3204.31.3.383.

Ellnor Greenberg, Ph.D. “How Do You Develop Whole Object Relations as an Adult?” Understanding Narcissism. Posted February 11, 2019. Retrieved online August 18, 2021.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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