How Loss of Identity is Achieved through Combined Acts of Narcissism and Group (Gang-Related) Psychology: An analysis

Karen Barna
8 min readSep 12, 2021


In the study of human medicine, there are patients known and termed “resistant to treatment.” I believe a percentage of the population of people that make up the group known as Targeted Individuals may be patients diagnosed as “resistant to treatment.” The only way forced treatment can occur is if you become a ward of the state through incarceration, you have been committed by a psychiatrist and deemed unable to interpret reality or care for oneself because of a mental diagnosis. Or you have given over your body to experimental science to be experimented on for payment. The latter scenario is more a business arrangement than a forced condition by a state authority or medical doctors. We can certainly compare Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel’s chapter on Narcissism and Group Psychology to uncover and understand how the psychopathological thinking of one in a superior position of power (say a medical doctor or nurse) might disguise his/her true anal sadistic character thru professional occupation, and attempt to “cure” all human ills. The comparative illustration that Chasseguet-Smirgel supplies us with, in her book Creativity and Perversion, is in her analysis of a film “The Corpse Incinerator.” A movie shown in Paris during the 1970s and one that was not shown for any considerable length of time. The story is of a criminal pervert necrophile, which although different from the those carrying out gang stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture, makes a perfect example to demonstrate the metempsychosis that in all things annihilation does not exist and that things simply “change form.” In the “changing of form,” we can illustrate the victim’s impending “loss of identity.”

To briefly summarize Chassegeut-Smirgel’s analysis of the storyline in the movie “The Corpse Incinerator” a pervert necrophile is a crematorium worker who perceives death as a beautiful thing. His philosophical logic is Death frees one from the soul (the body). The body is clearly likened to a “blemish” that the main character in the movie helps to get rid of. The main character himself will become the murderer of his wife and children because they have “impure blood” in them. Here is the thinking of the pervert carrying out acts of gang stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture against a population of labeled “schizophrenics” and/or the “mentally ill” who, by interpretation of the gang stalking narratives, may have been diagnosed as “resistant to treatment” and/or “cannot imagine anything better for themselves,” as one man over expressed to me when I discussed my experiences with gang stalking and targeted electronic physical assault and psychotronic torture. He spoke to me as if I was an annoyance, a petty inconvenience he had to put up with. In the movie, the human body clearly becomes “a blemish” in society that must be expunged at all cost thru the incinerator at the crematorium. In a similar vein, the “imposed treatments” of targeted electronic physical assault and psychotronic torture are meant to annihilate and transform the victim. We can certainly connect this logic to my Quora “friend” who was incredibly helpful in disclosing his own psychopathological way of thinking to me. The main character of this movie imagines a huge collective crematorium where he will offer up his services to the German Nazi and he will end in believing he is the Dalai Lama.

We can, thru comparative religious study, compare the use of mysticism in ancient Egyptian religious worship and the creation of a capacitor attached to images of the Baghdad Battery on wall relief at Hathor and boxes inlaid with metal where they may have believed they had actually divined the power of Ra, the sun god, through a magical box. Thus, we see, and can interpret man’s “God Complex.” In the movie, we see the use of mysticism to magnify the power of the pervert to remove all “fecal character to transform excrement into gold and to transform digestion — which in the movie is combustion, just like incineration — into a marvelous alchemy freeing the soul from the body which is nothing more than refuse” (Chassegeut-Smirgel, 1984). Bela Grunberger (1959), and a contemporary psychoanalyst to Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel, wrote of the element of digestion in the anal sadistic universe as “digestion as a fragmentation of ingested food and its degradation into less and less differentiated elements, which progressively lose their former peculiarities, and forming finally a homogeneous mass, the fecal bolus” (Chassegeut-Smirgel, 1984). Those who have been electronically targeted have previewed the pervert's anal-sadistic universe and it is one that can be described as an act, sustaining a fantasy where breaking down the barriers which separate individual from individual (doctor from patient, brother from sister, daughter from father, child from adult, the molecules in the body from each other) the fantasy destroys reality and creates an alternate one. An alternate reality where all differences are abolished. And here we have the pervert who does not respect the boundaries of another person’s being. As certain parts of the body remain private and secluded, off-limit boundaries that aren’t meant to be touched as the Constitutional Doctrines imply, the anal sadistic pervert breaches the imposed legal limits and violates the liberty and freedom of the individual (Minnesota State University, Constitutional Amendment Summary, 2021). And here, of course, of specific interest is the Fourth Amendment. The ambiguity in this principle astounds me and we can uncover journal articles that clearly provide examples the criminal act of rape has still been a perplexing “concept in crisis” as rape myths still proliferate our culture (Conaghan, 2019; Chiroro, Bohner, Viki & Jarvis, 2004). If we have, at this late date in the history of humanity, a “concept in crisis” regarding sexual assault because of these rape myths, then imagine what type of crisis we have in concepts advancing technologies in science such as cloning and neuroethical issues in brain initiatives. “In the name of advancement of the sciences,” other specific social groups and radical right-wing conservative liberals, who want to remain unregulated by government interference and totally free to do as they please. We have seen when and where medical authorities have violated the medical and ethical guidelines of certain people. Concerns have now shifted from cloning to neuroethical issues in the ethical research of brain initiatives. Some of the latest research developments are utilizing electromagnetic frequency on the brain as well as optic light sources to control animal emotions like fear, aggression, sadness, as well as clinical depression. These latest neurological research projects may certainly help treat feelings of emotional fear for terminally ill patients facing end-of-life decisions.

In recounting my experiences with targeted electronic physical assault and psychotronic torture, I have established a connection when recording my blood sugar and blood pressure readings to analyze dated events of targeted electronic physical assaults and psychotronic torture. When I am targeted electronically and psychotronically and forced into a stupor to sleep, and which happened again yesterday on 9/11, I observe through routine blood sugar checks an increase in my blood sugar readings. An increase of 40 to 50 points. I believe this is due because sleeping during the night I am less inclined to drink water and to have an additional period of sleep during the day as well, were there is reduced activity and the ability to drink water creates this same scenario for dehydration. The stress of the targeting has also has taken its toll on my blood pressure and anxiety levels. I am almost inclined to believe these targeted electronic assaults, as well as psychotronic torture, are meant as palliative hospital care because I refuse psyche treatment programs. Although when these electronically induced sedative sleeps occur, I directly witness a reduction in blood pressure and I attribute it to someone trying to treat my medical comorbidity from afar and as someone clandestinely trying to “treat disease.” Possibly an impostor who, hiding behind some veil of concealment, as in the movie “The Corpse Incinerator,” is carrying out a perverted fantasy as a competent employed citizen. I had previously stated in the study of human medicine there are patients known and diagnosed as “resistant to treatment.” I am certainly one of these psychiatric patients, and my father was a hospice patient. As a patient resistant to “treatment” I professed my right to choose my own forms of mind-altering substances and that included religious beliefs. As there exist many individuals who despise religion because they believe it “hampers progress,” not unlike the radical right conservative-liberal that believe government interference hampers progress. Taking someone’s belief in God away thru the use of mystical illusion rooted in physics is a violation of someone’s first amendment rights.

I want to be clear to note this phenomenon of targeted electronic assaults and psychotronic torture clearly hints toward purposes in palliative care in the area of hospice type arrangements. Sedating the terminally ill or making one believe they are “terminal” or experiencing psychotic hallucinations. This is a hint towards my father’s end-stage of life care and his personal experience with targeted electronic physical assaults as he conveyed them to me.

The one term alluded to, but never spoken of, by Michel Foucault in his book The History of Sexuality, according to Alenka Zupančič, is the term human unconscious. And how the human unconscious can influence a doctor's imposed choice to medically treat certain vulnerable, disadvantaged, and marginalized groups because they are the “blemished” and make excellent research test subject fodder.


Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine. (1984). Creativity and Perversion. London. Free Association Books.

Chiroro, P., Bohner, G., Viki, G., & Jarvis, C. (2004). Rape Myth Acceptance and Rape Proclivity. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(4), 427–442.

Conaghan, .J. (2019). The Essence of Rape. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 39(1). The article states, “If we can’t say what rape is, how can we struggle against it.” This very question is at the heart of the criminal activity called Gang Stalking, Targeted Electronic Physical Assault, and Psychotronic Torture. It becomes an ambiguous term that although covered broadly by federal laws, uncovering the identity of the perpetrators becomes a difficult and tedious task leaving many targeted people without resources abandoned, placed in a difficult position, and without help. After the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack on May 6, 2021, the identity of the perpetrators were only uncovered with extensive federal resources of the FBI, Department of Justice, and federal intelligence community.

Foucault, Michel. (1978). The History of Sexuality. New York. Pantheon Books.

Zupančič, Alenka & , (2016). Biopolitics, Sexuality and the Unconscious. Paragraph, 39(1), 49–64.

Minnesota State University. Constitutional Amendment Summary. Retrieved online September 12, 2021.

Sanders, Laura. “Can privacy coexist with technology that reads and changes brain activity?” Science & Society. Published February 11, 2021. Retrieved online September 12, 2021.

DCODE by Discovery. (2019). “Coakroach and Brain Cell Hacking. Published January 23, 2019. Retrieved online September 12, 2021. U.S. scientists turn cockroaches into living robots, and another team claims it has found a way to switch emotion-controlling human brain cells off at a click of a button.

Barna, Karen. (2021). Bondage and Discipline and The Making of New Markets for Commercial Consumer fetishism in the Era of e-Stimulation. Published February 13, 2021. Retrieved online September 12, 2021.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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