I believe Gang Stalking with Electronic Targeted Physical Assaults and Psychotronic Torture may have something to do with "property." Where you say "money" I say "property" or "commodity". Property could also distill down to "territory". The fact that women make-up more victims then men (I have no criminal reports or crime stats on this would have to look up sources) in cases of stalking is a crucial point to address because women are very often considered "property". The psychotronic torture that makes up a portion of the phenomenon is curiously and particularly disturbing as women can be electronically sedated and trafficked for the sex industry. Still by-proxy stalkings can fall under "gang stalking categories when I one person pursuades one or more others to engage in the activity. And so too, surveillance technologies are becoming cheaper and easier to acquire so that anyone might become someone else's watchdog. You don't have to be in the MOB to have mob mentality.