Intimate Partner Violence: How Spanking Affects Externalizing Parenting Outcomes and the Externalizing Behaviors of the Child and Its Connection to Electronic Assaults and Electronic Torture in Everyday Civilian Life in the Public at Large
With regard to the study of parenting behaviors and their central role in influencing children’s behaviors and thereby the development of negative outcome in children’s behaviors, such as criminal offending, substance misuse, psychiatric disorders, and violence perpetration, there can be an association made between the act of visually witnessing violence and the act of personally experiencing the violence first hand through targeted electronic assaults against the body. However, the symptoms associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) and domestic violence (DV) should be the same types of symptoms observed as the side effects for those being electronically targeted with electronic assaults. Symptoms such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance misuse, other psychiatric disorders, and criminal offending.
In one research study, the effects of intimate partner violence (as seen in the act of spanking) and how it affects and undermines the relationship between the mother and the children. In the aftermath of violence, practitioners worked with both the mother and children as a means of intervention in supporting and strengthening the mother-child relationship.
In another area of research, the aspect of intimate partner violence plays a role when “surrogate parents” (intervening family members such as siblings who act in place for the parents) have the established existence of dark personality traits because of a personality disorders which further complicate and compounds the intimate partner violence (IPV). These are factors that contribute to the promotion of long-term side effects because these “surrogate parents” show obvious signs of not respect the rights of the mother and seek to sabotage and undermine her psychiatric treatment and healthy development. This is my truth. Using a form of electronic targeting, I was abused in my home with electromagnetic frequency vibration/stimulation that forcefully removed me from the home by some unknown assailant.
In the aftermath of this experience, in which I was forced to stay at my twin siblings' residence since I had no other housing, I underwent outpatient therapy. I somehow came in contact with trace amounts of cocaine while staying there, and of which I tested positive for as this was part of the treatment program. I was not using at this time and I can support this statement by the fact I had cut all previous associations with my former drug suppliers following a sexual assault. I also had no income or money, and I was being treated on a daily “outpatient” basis for trauma and addiction. I believe the drug was introduced into my toothpaste or on my toothbrush. This was a most Machiavellian move as it served to undermine me and complicate my treatment program. This is the smoke and mirrors of a deception aimed at harming a person through deception. It has become clear to me that I am dealing with a sadistic narcissist.
In the paper I’m going to cite, Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Parenting and Children’s Externalizing Behaviors: Transactional Processes Over Time published in Violence Against Women on January 1, 2021, I’m going to make a comparison between the act of physically spanking with the hand and the act of physically spanking with an electronic tether, inducing an electromagnetic field in the head to cause cognitive disturbances. This fact has been reflected in my writing which sometimes is full of mistakes in both grammar and spelling. These electronic assaults have most recently been dished out in the form of punishments. This happened to me when I refused to hand over my COVID19 relief check last month, I was tortured via a biological implant in my head that delivered an electromagnetic field/signal that turned on and gave an uncomfortable sensation associated with this EMF field. Since I have past experience with trauma and addiction, I am no stranger to overnight stays in the psychiatric ward of my local hospital and, as you know, the mentally ill make up a portion of people who have been used in unethical, inhumane medical experiments. Pregnant mothers and their children make up a vulnerable group of people who are sometimes targeted especially if these new mothers are unmarried. See the Vanderbilt Nutrition Study.
In all areas of research, diagnostic tools are used to assess the efficacy of the newly developing technologies, drugs, and research. Adverse side-effects can be assessed in various ways, for example by visual observations like weight gain or loss and evaluating self-care, declining health can be supported through lab test reports. But when this happens over a relatively short period of time, the long-term effects of aging can be ruled out. Long term aging is something that naturally occurs over time but declining health that happens rapidly can be the result of physical abuse as observed in intimate partner violence (IPV) or disciplining through an electromagnetic tether.
“Both spanking and poor parent-child relationships (lacking in warmth, communication, and support) have been found to be associated with externalizing behaviors among children (Gershoff et al., 2018; Pinquart, 2017).”
This is because spanking both dehumanizes the child and can subvert the child’s worth to a level that is on par with animals. Horses get “spanked” when their riders want to “ride” and spanking offers the child no avenue for thinking critically about his or her past or present behavior. Spanking only allows the child to feel humiliated and experience the hate and frustration of the parent who has lost control in the moment and may actually be experiencing a psychotic break from reality. Although the child may make the association that whatever behavior he or she displayed was obviously unwanted, it does not provide the child a structure of loving acceptance through carefully crafted verbal communication and sensitive speech (e.g., language). Speaking the language of violence through spanking does not offer logical reasons for the parent/s disapproval of the child’s behavior. It also lacks acknowledging the very real fact that we all sometimes fail or fall short as human beings but this doesn’t mean we aren’t loved. It means we may need to change our behavior to better fit within the parameters of society. Spanking’s unspoken verbal communication (e.g., language) is violence and hate. It’s a full-on castrating rejection of the child by casting him or her down to a level that is subhuman/animal and primal. This primal association is in regard to the display of sadism that spanking offers the child and this is the primary reason why spanking may affect negative parenting outcomes and the externalizing behaviors of the child. Children are not animals or livestock. They shouldn’t be treated like one.
The paper certainly has its limitations and drawbacks. But it is also important to note that this study’s data was drawn from the longitudinal research of the effects of welfare reform on low-income households in San Antonio, Chicago, and Boston (Winston et al., 1999). Approximately 2,400 low-income families at or below 200% of the Federal poverty line were randomly sampled with racial and income stratifications from low-income neighborhoods. This study is useful because the aim of the study is relevant to the outcomes of parenting and children’s behaviors, and helps fill a gap in the research literature that lacks longitudinal studies in violence against women (Campbell, 2011). In addition, the Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three-City Study (TCS) offers longitudinal data that gives us an opportunity to examine temporal effects.
Out of the large data sample, 965 children and their mothers who had completed the TCS study and included the children who resided with their mothers throughout all the phases of the research study. Most of the mothers identified as being Hispanic (57%) and had a mean age of 36.98 years (SE = 0.34). Most mothers indicated being single (59%) and reported their educational level as having a high school diploma/GED or less (56%). The focal children were mostly female (55%) with a mean age of 12.09 years. As a side note, 16 of the mothers possessed only an education up to the 8th grade. In 21st century America!!!!
The paper investigated the (1) effects of IPV on two parenting outcomes (maternal spanking and parent-child relationship) and the externalizing behaviors of children, and (2) it examined transactional associations between parenting and children behaviors. The paper hypothesized that IPV will affect parenting outcomes and children’s externalizing behaviors, both of which will go on to affect each other in a transactional manner over time. This is to say, reciprocal reinforcement had been observed. I like to think of this “reciprocal reinforcement” as meaning “the act of spanking as a form of violence may be reinforced as a problem-solving solution by the child in his or her externalizing behaviors.” But I cannot stress enough that various levels of sadism can be expressed in the act of “spanking.” I would like to know how these “spankings were carried out?
For me, the important information discovered in this study was the negative side-effects of externalizing behaviors in children exposed to intimate partner violence during their childhood and transactional processes were triggered where subsequent children’s behaviors and parental responses influence each other reciprocally over time. This study indicates that in understanding the effects of IPV on mothers’ parenting, we have to account for how older children as active individuals can influence parenting. This study shows how parents respond to their children’s behaviors will further impact their children’s behaviors setting off a reinforcing process.
How does this information connect with regard to the phenomenon of the electronically targeted individual? The effects of IPV and spanking’s affect on externalizing children’s behavior and the phenomenon of the electronically targeted individual suffering electronic assaults and torture, in my opinion, is part of the manifestation of everyday sadism (sadistic personality traits) within the non-incarcerated adult populations, adults who maintain subverting beliefs about others (such as found in rape myths and how children should be disciplined), and the proclivity of the human race to dehumanize groups based on differences in general.
Source References (as they pertain to the impact of intimate partner violence and children’s externalizing behaviors and the phenomenon now known as the Electronically Targeted Individual (TIs) suffering Electronic Assaults and Electronic Torture:
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