Intimations Towards Secret Organizations: The plight of the Targeted Individual

Karen Barna
13 min readMar 5, 2021


Emblem/Crest of the Freemasons

“So, when Adam Smith suggested in 1776 that when tradesmen meet ‘the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public’, he is telling us something rather important about the relationship between secrets and organizing.”

In 2006 Dr.Vaughn Bell provided an analysis of ten examples of online “mind control” experiences consistent with gang stalking but didn’t explicitly call them “gang stalking.” When assessed by three independent psychiatrists all cases were classified as consistent with psychotic disorder (Pierre, 2020).

In 2015 two doctors conducted an analysis of 128 stalking cases thru survey questionnaires. Of the gang stalking cases, one hundred percent of the cases involving stalking by multiple people were deemed “paranoid delusions” whereas only 4% of stalking cases by a single stalker were deemed delusional. The reason for this significant difference was due to the fact that gang stalking “defied credulity” because of the amount of resources gang stalking would require. A detective once told me, just because something is improbable doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Organized criminal conspiracies are real and organized mafias and gangs are also real. So, I have to be astounded when people say “gang stalking” defies credulity. People organize themselves in drug trafficking schemes and pay off authorities or recruit authorities into their organization to allow for the successful operation of the “business” (Pierre, 2020).

People who have experienced trauma or were victims of violence may be still in the grips of their abuser. An aspect of gang stalking, electronic targeted assaults, and psychotronic torture is that it is generally a long-term experience that drains the targeted victim and ultimately causes the onset of mental illness; depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. These are the by-products of long-term abuse and trauma. These facts have been reported in various papers that discuss Targeted Individuals and people suffering the long-term effects of violence, such as in cases of the aftermath of war. Experiencing the onset of depression, feeling hopeless, loss of power, anxiety disorders, and fear for their well-being are consistent with long-term abuse victims. An aspect of the conspiracy of “gang stalking” (electronic targeting) may involve hospitals and doctors’ offices carrying out experimental clinical research and the individual being implanted against their knowledge. The US government has a bad history of unethical, inhumane medical research.

Former President Bill Clinton apologized openly to the public in 1997 about the government’s role in experimental research studies. Currently, there is no statute of limitations on human rights violations in medical research. There have been numerous research studies involving non-consenting test subjects in the past history of US government conduct. Although this one case occurred over 74 years ago, its reprehensibility still stands. The U.S. funded a study that led to the deliberate infection of hundreds of Guatemalan males with syphilis from 1946–1948. The study was undertaken to investigate the use of penicillin as a treatment for syphilis, but the results were never published. The researchers infected nearly 700 prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala. Prostitutes infected with syphilis were led into the prison and were used as a tool to infect the male prison population. Test subjects were never told they were going to take part in a research study evaluating the effectiveness of penicillin on syphilis. The infected test subjects were then treated with penicillin, but the results of the study remain unclear as to whether or not these men were actually cured. These research documents were uncovered by Wellesley professor Susan M. Reverby in an archive at the University of Pittsburgh (National Public Radio, 2010).

Although today’s Targeted Individuals suffering electronic assault and psychotronic torture may be part of a criminal conspiracy not necessarily being carried out by the U.S. government. Niccolo Machiavelli said, “The desires of men change little.” One of the desires of men is criminality and this holds true across millennia. The effects of long-term abuse construct a narrative in the minds of the victims and it’s a narrative based on mistrust and betrayal. Researchers deceiving test subjects and concealing facts about the nature of the experiment are just as much criminals as crooked politicians, crooked businessmen, and crooked police officers. Criminals aren’t ethical and vulnerable populations are often the targets of violence and abuse by unscrupulous researchers, businessmen, politicians, and scientists. Examples of research that has been conducted on vulnerable populations in ways that are reprehensible still continue today except we have boards that oversee ethical research and ensure test subjects are giving legal consent, something that was lacking in previous inhumane, unethical research studies. But just because we have laws and regulations that ensure ethical research and the establishment of legal consent doesn’t mean that certain doctors and scientists are obeying the law. As I said, the desires of men change little and one of his desires is criminality.

To further make my point about the omnipotent nature of man, he has harnessed the ability to clone animals and potentially humans. He has grown livestock in embryonic states in plastic artificial wombs. He has annihilated genetic diversity by directly manipulating genetics and creating hybrid organisms. As we slowly kill our planet’s atmosphere, oceans, and rivers we explore Mars for the prospect of setting up an “outpost” so we might eventually live there. This allows men the excuse they need to continue their narcissistic consumption and destruction of the planet, alleviating consciousless behavior with a plausible reason.

I’m tired of people discrediting Targeted Individuals as “crazy” and “mentally ill.” Some of these individuals may actually be suffering from a mental illness but not all these TIs are mentally ill. Some have successfully prosecuted their perpetrators.

Although no one has proved electronic bodily assaults and psychotronic torture, yet, experimental medicine utilizes remote wireless stimulation on certain human diseases like limb paralysis and Parkinson’s. In addition, former President Donald Trump has established a new department of the military, The U.S. Space Force. Former Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, announced China, Russia, and the U.S. all have directed energy weapons in space. Energy weapons that can be directed to any point on the planet.

Our government was shaped by a secret society and they helped establish American political powers. Conducting business in secret is what made the mob successful. Carrying out secret business is still done today by virtually all governments interested in their country’s security. Some have called electronic targeting, service security surveillance. When you hire a private investigator, the investigator doesn’t announce his presence. He hides in secret just like the person carrying out the electronic assaults and stalking. Similarly, the most secret of U.S. military operations are carried out under the veil of darkness. Why? Because it wouldn’t benefit them if they announced their presence and alerted the enemy before they arrived!

I feel it important to include a paper written about the secret society and to pose questions about the politics, epistemology, and ontology of organizing. The following quote from Dan Brown’s The da Vinci Code was included in the introduction of this paper by Martin Parker,

“Langdon was feeling anything but fortunate, and co-incidence was a concept he did not entirely trust. As someone who had spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems and ideologies, Langdon viewed the world as a web of profoundly intertwined histories and events. The connections may be invisible, he often preached to his symbology classes at Harvard, but they are always there, buried just beneath the surface.”

Parker wrote a paper on the intimations of organizations and secret societies in his studies of organizational research studies. According to Parker’s paper ‘organizational secrecy’ lurk marginally in the shadows of organization studies. His paper focused on answering the question, “How do we know that something is an organization?” Like al Qaeda, the organizational structure behind electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture remains an enigma. Like the clandestine terrorist’s organization, and despite its historical incantations of its name, al Qaeda remained a poorly supported enigma whose proof of existence was reinforced through mimicry. According to Parker’s paper,

“….there is almost always an assumption about trying to make things visible in organizational research, whether the data are numbers, texts, or conversations. The evidence we use is usually of the empirical kind, the equivalent of looking for the neon sign. But none of these things are the organization. We never see the organization, but only catch fragmentary signs of its presence. Even when we visit a building that “contains” an organization, we don’t see “it” but instead an intense display of the material and events that signify it. By definition, the successfully secret society would leave no such evidence, which means that all the organizations I will be mentioning in this paper have accidentally or deliberately failed in their attempts to be invisible. They have left traces of their existence and we, like Dan Brown’s suspicious detective who does not believe in coincidence, then look for connections buried below the surface.”

According to Parker, another group of researchers (Stohl and Stohl, 2011), are convinced that organizations are produced as a system of communication. Communication, that is, language and discourse. Language and discourse are main areas of research in psychoanalysis. It is through language we come to understand our mother’s gestures, even before we, as neonates and young toddlers, acquire the ability to understand fully and utilize speech as a form of articulate language. Think of when a two-year-old stands next to a Christmas tree after being repeatedly told not to touch the ornaments. He carefully glances around the corner to see if mommy is looking and when her back is turned, he reaches for an ornament. The mother quickly catches a glimpse of the child out of the corner of her eye and turns to face him with “a look” of disapproval and the toddler quickly retracts his arm. No words were spoken, only the exchange of glances but still a communication took place.

Part of psychoanalysis is reading silence, that is, to determine what is being said without explicitly being spoken. In a similar manner, Martin Parker’s paper is attempting to identify the invisible within organizational structures and bring those elements to light and make them visible. In psychoanalysis this is called “reading silence,” “reading denial,” or “reading with the eye,” that is to say, just as two things are in opposition to one another, correlating them with each other allows us to bring “voice to silence” or “visibility to the invisible.” Louis Althusser viewed the non-vision of a text (its silence) as a function of its vision (of what it voices) by not voicing it (Walker, 1998, pg. 34).

Monique Plaza wrote in Ideology Against Women,

“…. when Althusser defends a strategy against the capitalist state, he doesn’t occupy just a position as professor or committed intellectual. He defends his social position as a man, which totally blinds him to the sex-class antagonisms and oppression of women in which he participates.”

Louis Althusser contributed significantly to the field of philosophy of which feminists draw on his theories to support feminist theory. Oddly, Althusser strangled his wife in 1980 and was declared unfit to stand trial. He was institutionalized in a mental hospital. However, we find similar corresponding antagonisms similar to Althusser’s position when political policies that serve the wealthy elite are blinded to social class antagonisms that hurt the underprivileged, policies affecting minority groups, along with similar matching business strategies that further suppress the lower classes deeper into oppression.

Karl Popper in 1945 described ‘the conspiracy theory of society’ and located it as a mistaken attempt to personalize the impersonal forces and coincidences that structure our lives. He viewed society as an area filled with powerful men and groups and sinister pressure groups whose wickedness is responsible for all the evils we suffer. To quote Parker,

“…it is common for post-war intellectuals to dismiss contemporary conspiracy theories as a form of paranoia (Ronson 2001). That being said, plots and schemes are as old as recorded history, with disguises, assassinations, and coups being a regular feature of the ancient world. So too are ideas about heretical sects, subversives, and religious or ethnic groups organizing against the public or hiding secrets from the masses (Cohn, 1970). However, it is not until the early modern world that the idea of enduring formal organizations which hide their existence became a common part of culture. It is noteworthy that this is at the same time that the first corporate charters are beginning to be granted by the state. There are echoes of this in the Sociedad Anonima, Societe Anonyme, Societa Anomina, and many other variants in North Western Europe — ‘societies of the nameless’ with purposes that transcend individuals. So, when Adam Smith suggested in 1776 that when tradesmen meet ‘the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public’, he is telling us something rather important about the relationship between secrets and organizing.”

In 1799, the United Kingdom outlawed any groups that swore oaths of secrecy, except for the Freemasons, with the “Unlawful Societies Act.” This act was repealed in 1967.

George Simmel wrote an essay in 1906 “The Sociology of Secrecy and of Secret Societies” which opened with the sentence, “All relationships of people to each other rest, as a matter of course, upon the precondition that they know something about each other (Simmel, 1906).” Simmel asserts that it is impossible for transparency (knowledge) and opacity (ignorance) to exists in social relationships and says that the question is not whether or not secrecy exists in a relationship but rather how much and why. He asserts this by concluding it is impossible to truly know anyone because everyone’s private thoughts, unspoken feelings, and imaginings aren’t always shared with others, and too, that one person’s opinion of another may vary from one person to the next depending on individual differences in individual experience. Thus, the element of secrecy with not knowing is part of every relationship. Simmel uses the secret society to illustrate this point and its important feature to understanding research in organizational studies because secret societies establish a type of social process in the marking of boundaries and shaping of identities. Thus, secrecy has its charms, its markers of belonging, statements about privilege and status, and claims to possession of a mystery. In short, it creates social power which arrives in the form of exclusion and separation, and it is this social element of secret societies that have historically created acts of oppression against outsiders and minority groups. This behavior vests social significance with like-minded group members and allows them to engage in purposeful associations with one another, of which a tremendous amount of psychological satisfaction, validation, and cohesion is obtained.

According to Parker, we see the “secrecy plot” in a huge number of films; The Adjustment Bureau (2011), the Men in Black films, Dr. Who’s suited enemy “The Silence” and the TV show “Roswell” and the latest network series “Emergence”. In the theatre of film, plots are foreshadowed by connections that are ambiguous but often these connections are institutionalized and named as shadowy.

“Your honor, your honor, it's not me, it’s the invisible visible evil powers that be. Untraceable insatiable having to feed, yeah you cry when you’re wounded and you laugh when they bleed.” ~”Defeat You” by Smash Mouth

These ‘invisible lines up to hidden levels of influence’ and this fact is echoed in popular songs and literature referring to organized crime in which the distinction between evil organizations and legitimate business operations dissolves into ambiguity.

Mark Lombardi was an abstract artist that attempted to conceptualize through large-scale linear diagram the connections between structures of financial and political power, corruption, and affairs among capitalists, politicians, corporations, and government. Invisible empires, or at least ambiguous accountability and vague representations of supposed “legitimate” businesses supported by a linear diagram connecting the dots of various corporate holding operations.

In another linear sketch diagram, Lombardi details George W. Bush, Harken Energy, and Jackson Stephens’ relationships, circa 1979–1990 (1999).

What does all this information describe to us? It describes the secret society and secret business dealings of wealthy elites and is considered as something of a general social form with which the public at large expects. George Simmel explained its nature in 1906 by the general everyday personal interactions of relationships between people. Secrecy should be understood as one element in a worldwide spread of social imaginary (conspiracy) in which secrecy and organization are inextricably intertwined. This is not a world of clearly bounded and legitimate organizations, but of crime, conspiracy, and paranoia. The intentions of organizations are unclear, who is “inside” seems vague and shifting, and even their very existence is in question. The problem now becomes clear. The problem rest in proving an organization's “secret business” and gathering the evidence to support one’s claim.

So, again, I have to say it’s upsetting for me when people who claim they are being electronically targeted, suffering electronic computer/cell phone assaults, electronic bodily assaults, and psychotronic torture are called “crazy” or “mentally ill.” When George Simmel has explained, it is not a question of if whether or not there is secrecy within relationships. The question is how much secrecy and why?


Pierre, Joe (M.D.) Gang Stalking: Real-Life Harassment or Textbook Paranoia? (Part1: The paranoid reality of “targeted individuals.” Psychology Today. Published online October 20, 2020. Gang Stalking: Real-Life Harassment or Textbook Paranoia? | Psychology Today

Pierre, Joe (M.D.) Gang Stalking: Conspiracy, Delusion, and Shared Belief (Part 2: When group affiliation reinforces delusion-like beliefs. Psychology Today. Published October 31, 2020. Gang Stalking: Conspiracy, Delusion, and Shared Belief | Psychology Today

Pierre, Joe (M.D.) Gang Stalking: A Case of Mass Hysteria? (Part 3: When mass paranoia occurs through mass suggestion. Psychology Today. Published online November 16, 2020. Gang Stalking: A Case of Mass Hysteria? | Psychology Today

“U.S. Apologizes for Syphilis Experiments in Guatemala.” National Public Radio. Published online October 1, 2010. U.S. Apologizes For Syphilis Experiment In Guatemala: Shots — Health News: NPR

Parker, Martin. “Secret Societies: Intimations of Organization.” Organization Studies, 37(1). August 2015. University of Bristol, Leicester University, UK. DOI: 10.1177/0170840615593593 (PDF) Secret Societies: Intimations of Organization (

Popper, Karl. (1994). “The Open Society and its Enemies.” Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press. Original Publication 1945 in Two Volumes.

Walker, Michelle Boulous. (1998). Philosophy and the Maternal Body: Reading Silence. New York. Routledge.

Plaza, M. (2008). Ideology against women. Gender Issues, 4(1), 73–82.

Ronson, J. (2001). Them: Adventures with Extremists. London: Picador.

Simmel, George, PhD. (1906). The Sociology of Secrecy and of Secret Societies. The American Journal of Sociology. 11(4). January 1906. The Sociology of Secrecy and of Secret Societies (

Chomsky, N. (1989). Necessary illusions: Thought control in democratic societies. Boston, MA: South End Press.

Cohn, N. (1970). The pursuit of the millennium. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Stohl, C., & Stohl, M. (2011). Secret agencies: The communicative constitution of a clandestine organization. Organization Studies, 32: 1197–1215.



Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X