Modern-Day Medicine and the New Era of “Electronic Slavery” in America

Karen Barna
14 min readFeb 3, 2021


Modern American medicine was built on the backs of black slaves. This is a true statement, and there are countless other examples we can draw on in the recorded annals of human history to support this fact, not just the horrific experiments carried out on the Jews by the Germans during World War II. I’m not going to list them all here. If you are interested in a quick read regarding the presence of unethical, inhumane experimentation found in the human archive you can read When Doctors Kill: Who, Why, and How by Joshua A. Perper and Stephen J. Cina published in 2010. It offers a good glimpse into the prevalence of human sadism and the dehumanization of various minority groups within the field of experimental medicine.

“I am God, your Physician” (Ex. 15:26). The prophets also acknowledge God as a Healer and Jeremiah stated: “Heal us, and we will be healed” (from the blessing for healing, Jeremiah 17:14). Throughout the Torah, God is imbued with great healing powers. It is no wonder that it is written, “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away” when it comes to health, wealth, and life itself.” (1)

This quote, which was included in Perper’s and Cina’s book, is very interesting because the Bible provided guidance to man on many levels. This guidance came down to him in the form of laws and codes and the very book that governed the reader’s behavior also gave the reader instructions on how to carry out war and genocides, carry out acts of torture and cruelty, how the service of a prostitute was made acceptable and how they were to be paid (by the giving of a goat), bizarre ways of killing children, and how to sell your daughters into slavery and when to stone those daughters to death.

To begin my discussion, we should ask why it is we have all of the current advanced modern technology that we do today? And the answer to this question is, of course, because of the art of war. All of the advanced current modern technology we have today has been developed to make us even more proficient at carrying out acts of war against our enemies. Even the use of neuromodulation therapies can be used on soldiers suffering the traumatic side-effects of war. But like all good things, these very technologies can be used against us in malign and Machiavellian ways. Many of those who claim they are being electronically targeted in some way include antidotal stories recounting their experiences. Antidotal stories are the least creditable source of scientific facts because they lack scientific proof. When trying to make a point that supports an argument claiming electronic targeting you need to provide scientific evidence that supports your claim. When a person claims they are being electronically targeted void of any supporting evidence, people often get labeled a “nut job” or a “conspiracy theorist.” And even still, when the scientific proof is available, you need to tap into the realm of philosophy to untangle the convoluted twisted story of “silence” (e.g., clandestine technologies) and its relationship to abuse.

With the advent of advancing modern technology, we witness within the field of medicine an ever-increasing dependency on new technologies that operate utilizing radiofrequency. We find on the DARPA’s website (Department of Advancing Research Projects Agency) the announcement regarding their new N3 (Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology) program. (2) Various uses of neuromodulation have exploded in the field of medicine over the past years. Although DARPA’s program is geared toward developing “wearable” headgear that delivers electronic stimulus to certain regions of the brain, researchers may have moved into the advancing direction of biologically implantable that utilize wireless signals that do not have to be worn as “gear”, but instead remain permanently in place within the body receiving wireless signals from a broadcasting source. I know there are implantable devices like VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulator) which, planted in the upper shoulder of the human body, delivers and regulates neuromodulation of electronic stimulus from the vagus nerve to the brain in people suffering from Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy. These biological implants come with a remote-control device the person uses to modulate settings of stimulation. It is also important to note these devices are surgically implanted. They are not surgically non-invasive. (3)(4) Other devices that have been coined “experimental” have been observed in surgically implanted microchips in teeth during dental surgery. (5)


The federal government through the CIA has had a long history of wanting a piece of your mind or at least a stake in knowing how to control the mind. As a result, there have been various programs geared toward controlling states of human consciousness:

“Between 1955 and 1960, the CIA conducted a mind control and brainwashing program with the code name “MKULTRA” using psychoactive drugs such as LSD and mescaline at 80 institutions on hundreds of test subjects. MKULTRA was started on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953, largely in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind-control techniques on U.S. prisoners of war in Korea. The CIA wanted to use similar methods on their own captives and possibly to manipulate foreign leaders with such techniques. The project was run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence under the direction of Dr. Sydney Gottlieb, a psychiatrist, and chemist. Prior to MKULTRA, a number of secret US governmental studies had been conducted to study mind control, interrogation, behavior modification, and related topics including Project CHATTER in 1947, and Project BLUEBIRD and Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Because most MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 by order of then CIA Director Richard Helms, it is difficult if not impossible to have a complete understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research sub-projects sponsored by MKULTRA and related CIA programs. The Agency invested millions of dollars into studies probing dozens of methods of influencing and controlling the mind by chemical, biological and radiological means (Radio Frequency or RF).” (1)

One of the latest methods and systems for altering states of human consciousness has come to us through a new creation by James Gall. (6) On June 23, 1992, the United States of America has granted a patent for altering the states of human consciousness which involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferable sounds, having differing frequencies and wave forms. This technology researches the correlation between electroencephalographic wave rhythms exhibited by the human brain in various states of consciousness. For example, when the human brain is in a relaxed state with eyes closed there is a pulse frequency between the range of 7–14 Hz. When a person is aroused and anxious the rhythms exhibit a pulse frequency in the range of 14–28 Hz, and when a person is sleeping the rhythms fall to within 1.75 to 3.5 Hz range. The latest in cutting edge technology utilizes frequency wave stimulation that targets certain regions of the body and the brain through “wearable” gear that have been utilized by scientists studying psychiatric illness, brain damage (brain trauma), and paraplegics who have had their spinal cords damaged or severed resulting in paralysis. (7) However, with regard to the latest advances in wireless communication and new technologies that are surgically implanted in the human body, devices that can regulate states of consciousness, the possibility of controlling human behavior even further presents to researchers even new possibilities in controlling human behavior.

Experiments of this nature are of personal interest with regard to controlling someone’s “sexual arousal” because women have been the targets for violence; sexual assaults and rapes and have been the human cargo for human traffickers interested in selling young girls and women into the sex trade. In addition, how are men to get their wives “in the mood” when we know many couples experience “sexless” marriages after many years of marriage.


Before the advent of modern technology, men used alcohol or clandestinely slipped a drug into a woman’s drink to try and control them. Today, it has been my experience, women are being manipulated by those close to them (past associates, friends, acquaintances, pastoral counselors, family, intimate partners) through biological implants that may be used for obtaining sexual favors from them or controlling other aspects of their behavior. How is one to explain the female experience of waking up in the morning with severe vaginal soreness? The kind of soreness that comes from a long session of sexual intercourse. Women are being raped in their “sleep,” while in their homes, using a form of advancing technology against them that allows the perpetrator to easily slip in and out of their bedrooms, obtain sexual relations without resistance and without the possibility of any physical altercation. Since new technologies offer the potential to alter states of human consciousness and induce sleep utilizing frequency (Hz) stimulation, how is this happening in America?


If you visit DARPA’s website that discusses their N3 program (Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology), it reads:

“DARPA has awarded funding to six organizations to support the Next-Generation Nonsurgical neurotechnology (N3) program, first announced in March 2018. Battelle Memorial Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Rice University, and Teledyne Scientific are leading multidisciplinary teams to develop high-resolution, bidirectional brain-machine interfaces for use by able-bodied service members. These wearable interfaces could ultimately enable diverse national security applications such as control of active cyber defense systems and swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles, or teaming with computer systems to multitask during complex missions." (2)

If these research projects are part of research programs in play at major universities throughout the US, and historically many experimental research projects have been funded by the federal government, then this means all these newly created technology will soon be, if not already, marketed to certain groups of people like medical doctors and others in the field of clinical medicine, or to those with advanced degrees in mathematics and physics, undergraduate students interesting in expanding new technologies with regard to its future possible uses. Promoting these new technologies over websites is part of a web-based campaign known as conspicuous consumption. Who has the purchasing power to buy into such experimental technology? Is it just the federal government? The everyday human? Medicine and the field of health care? Obviously, these new technologies have found their way into the hands of modern doctors as well as in the hands of everyday humans. The Mayo Clinic, the number one top-rated hospital in the United States features some of the latest therapies utilizing biological implants that respond to electromagnetic frequency. (8) Since medicines increasing dependence on technology is rapidly growing, utilizing brain-machine interfaces to help “cure” fatigue sounds like a good idea. But as I have experienced the effects of “brain-electromagnetic stimulation interface” to try and coercively control me into therapy sounds like the Machiavellian deception that it is. A way of manipulating the test subject into a certain location/area. Corralling humans like cattle similar to how farmers control their livestock. Yet, as I have experienced it, this form of electronic targeting has worked in exactly this way. And although there were no explicit words spoken to me during this time while being corralled, we can understand the language that is being expressed. In reading Philosophy of the Maternal Body: Reading silence, we can come to an understanding of the dialectic through the lens of philosophy. The dialectic that is being used when an invisible force latches onto your body and you suddenly come under the control of an unknown assailant can be read as, “Do my will.”

So, who else could be interested in utilizing forms of this technology? How about state policing authorities interested in new models of “communication” in aspects of “social control”? Coercive control is used all the time by those in power ruling over their subjects, especially the police. This technology is part of a market economy whose consumers are those interested in utilizing the latest in 21st-century advances of “Invisible Technology”. I’m led back to the same question, who has the purchasing power to buy into such advancing technology in the interest of “ social control” in utilizing this technology for their group’s benefit? Psychiatric hospitals trying to help “cure” the mentally ill? Obviously, this is one aspect of its use. How about the various state governments interested in imposing new forms of “social control” in curbing “deviance” through new cutting-edge surveillance technologies? Surveillance technologies that might help to ensure bringing “peace” to its communities. Who has access with regard to the purchasing power of these new technologies? People in positions of power within local police administrations who make purchasing decisions on what new technologies offer the latest in cutting-edge surveillance power? How about people within the news media interested in new ways of “communicating” with the public? Am I being targeted by my neighbor, the state government, or the federal government, or someone else interested in controlling my vagina and the “service” it might provide men?

There are various forms of devices that run on an electromagnetic frequency that can be used as part of a surveillance state. All the latest technologies; cell phones, laptops, tablets, wireless telephones, ALEXA, global positioning systems, tracking devices in automobile navigation systems utilizing satellites. The creation of many of these technologies has been funded by the US military through the federal government under military contracts. The internet was developed by the federal government for the purpose of gathering a larger knowledge base in support of the space race and its NASA projects.


To say, “There exists levels of subclinical sadism in the everyday populations of the world” is a gross understatement. In a 2016 research study, researchers concluded they found higher levels of Dark Triad personality traits in students pursuing business degrees. (9) In a 2013 study, researchers found that sadistic personality traits were a predictor for a test subject’s preference for killing bugs, and in a second study found sadistic personality traits predicted the preference for harming innocent victims. (10) In another research study in 2015, researchers concluded that people who admitted having stolen something in their lifetime were higher on primary and secondary psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and dysfunctional impulsivity than those who had not stolen something. In addition to this finding, secondary psychopathy predicted stealing from a wider range of targets than primary psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. The researchers also discussed how their findings might relate to how psychopathy may be part of an adaptive suite of traits that enable a “cheater” strategy. (11)

I would like to reiterate my previous question,

“Women are being raped in their “sleep,” while in their homes, using a form of advancing technology against them that allows the perpetrator to easily slip in and out of their bedrooms, obtain sexual relations without resistance and without the possibility of any physical altercation. Since new technologies offer the potential to alter states of human consciousness and induce sleep utilizing frequency (Hz) stimulation, how is this happening in America?”

“Despite the obvious importance of individual differences in understanding offending behavior (e.g., Miller & Lynam, 2001; Wilcos, Sullivan, Jones, & van Gelder, 2014), there has been relatively little research exploring the relationships between personality and petty thefts in non-incarcerated adults (Lyons, & Jonason, 2015).” (11) I’d like to expand on this quote by comparing how sexual assault and rape may be considered a form of “petty theft”. In researching the attitudes and behaviors of some individuals found within the court system, there is oftentimes experienced by the victim a proclivity by others toward “victim-blaming” when they encounter certain police officers and court administrators. (12) These experiences are often compounded by the fact women often blame themselves for their sexual assault or rape believing they themselves were responsible for it or that the behavior of the male was somehow justified and expected. In a high school sexual assault case that involved the rape of one 16-year-old female by two football players, other students displayed behavior that reflected victim-blaming toward the 16-year-old victim and downplayed the behavior of the two football players. (13) Through the power of social media, researchers were able to positively identify the prevalence of legitimizing rape myths and subverting myths through social media coverage. Myths that excused the behaviors of these two male teenage assailants because they were “good boys” and pinned responsibility on the rape victim herself. As a result of these widely held beliefs, many acts of sexual assault go under-reported. Speaking from my own personal experiences, I have been sexually assaulted many times throughout my life but only once did I ever have the courage to report it. This should be a statement of the type of treatment female victims are expected to endure after reporting sexual assault. Beginning with how women, as a whole, have been taught to expect “no respect” or receive “no fairness under the law” we can come to an understanding of why and how electronic torture is a new phenomenon in the 21st century of “invisible technologies.” Further proof of the covert “grooming” of victims by forcing them to accept the assaults received. If I represent one female, how many more are out there just like me?

It’s interesting to note the first time the term “targeted individual” was googled, was in 2004. (17) The same year Facebook launched. Facebook launched in February 2004.

Now, bring into this discussion of “electronic targeting” and the “targeted individual” suffering a form of abusive “electronic slavery” and “electronic torture” we can begin to unravel the mystery of the phenomenon by citing the prevalence of everyday sadism within non-incarcerated adult populations in various psychoanalytic papers found in the reference section (9)(10)(11), rape myths and subverting beliefs towards others (12)(13), and how these myths and beliefs contribute to the dehumanization of certain ethnic groups and minority groups. New creative technologies that can promote, through self-promoting business strategies, that may actually target and dehumanize certain minority groups by stripping them of their civil rights and denying them their unique human identities (14). Throughout history, we see periodic manifestations of group violence that dehumanize certain groups based on individual differences; ethnic, race, and gender. (15)(16) The electronically targeted individual is no different from other phenomena of historical dehumanization like the institution of slavery.

Reference Sources:

(1) Perper, A. & Cina, S. (2010) When Doctors Kill: Who, Why and How. New York. Copernicus Books.

(2) “Six Paths to the Nonsurgical Future of Brain-Machine Interfaces.” (2019) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. US Department of Defense.

(3) “Vagus Nerve Stimulation.” (2020) The Mayo Clinic.

(4) “Vagus Nerve Stimulation” (2021)

(5) “Dental Microchips.” Clinica Dentis Implant. November 19, 2013.

(6) US Patent issued to James Gall for his “Method and Systems for Altering Consciousness.” June 23, 1992. Patent №5123899.

(7) “Paralyzed Rats Made To Walk Again.” Veritasium. Uploaded December 4, 2012. Using a cocktail of neurotransmitters in combination with electronic stimulation.

(8) The Mayo Clinic. (2021) The Mayo Clinic offers cutting-edge therapies utilize electromagnetics and electronic stimulation.

(9) Krick, A., Tresp, S., Vatter, M., Ludwig, A., Wihlenda, M., & Rettenberger, M. (2016). The Relationships Between the Dark Triad, the Moral Judgment Level, and the Students’ Disciplinary Choice. Journal of Individual Differences, 37(1), 24–30.

(10) Buckels, E., Jones, D., & Paulhus, D. (2013). Behavioral Confirmation of Everyday Sadism. Psychological Science, 24(11), 2201–2209.

(11) Lyons, M., & Jonason, P. (2015). Dark Triad, Tramps, and Thieves. Journal of Individual Differences, 36(4), 215–220.

(12) Friedmann, Sarah (2017) “9 Horrifying Things Judges Have Said to Sexual Assault Victims. Published May 1, 2017. Retrieved online February 3, 2021.

(13) Kosloski, A., Diamond-Welch, B., & Mann, O. (2018) The Presence of Rape Myths in the Virtual World: A Qualitative Textual Analysis of the Steubenville Sexual Assault Case. Violence and Gender. Vol. 5., №3.

(14) Douglas, .H., Harris, B.A., & Dragiewicz, .M. (2019). Technology-facilitated Domestic and Family Violence: Women’s Experiences. The British Journal of Criminology, 59(3),

(15) Haslam, N. (2006). Dehumanization: An Integrative Review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(3), 252–264.

(16) Haslam, N., & Loughnan, S. (2014). Dehumanization and Infrahumanization. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 399–423.

(17) Mind Games: The Tortured Lives of ‘Targeted Individuals’ | WIRED

(18) History of Facebook — Wikipedia

Other resources of interest:

(19) “The Subject and Power: Subjugation in the Era of 21st Century Android and Drone Technology. Proclivities’

(20) “Technologically-Facilitated Violence and Terrorism in Personal Civilian Life: Reviewing the psychoanalytic literature.” Proclivities’

(21) Johnson, L., Plouffe, R., & Saklofske, D. (2019). Subclinical Sadism and the Dark Triad. Journal of Individual Differences, 40(3), 127–133.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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