On The Targeted Individuals' Experience and The Paradoxical Encounters Of Psychoanalysis and Warmaking: Making a comparison
This relational book perspective takes a look at the paradoxical conflict of medical treatment being known and considered as a “healing science” (First, Do No Harm) and the American Psychological Association’s complicity with the CIA in “black sites" in foreign countries utilizing medical doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, doctors, who swore a hypocratic oath to “do no harm,” to design torture programs to extract information and garner personal gains from detainees in the interest of their country’s military programs and national security. This is where the narrative in Targeted Individuals' writing on mind control programs is rooted, when they say, “The Nazis have not left us.”
I want to share with you some of the chapter titles found in this book. They are as follows:
2. Men learn from history that men learn nothing from history by Jean-Max Gaudilliere
4. Whose Truth?: Inevitable tension in testimony and the search for repairs by Nina Thomas
7. Torture and the American Psychological Association: A one-person play by Neil Altman
8. Violence in American Foreign Policy: A psychoanalytic approach by Frank Summers
13. Notes on Mind Control: The malevolent uses of emotions as a dark mirror of the therapeutic process by Ruth Stein
14. The Gendering of Human Rights: Women and the Latin American Terrorist State by Nancy Caro Hollander
15. Living In The Plural
16. The Politics of Identification: Resistance to the Israeli occupation of Palestine
These are but a few of the chapter headings and what drew me to this particular book series is that the books published in this series provide striking insights in psychology and psychoanalysis and human history. The above referenced paradox isn’t about national security or military programs for war. We know we must sometimes resort to the fight for fair democracies to flourish. But rather the paradox of doctors, medical healers who swore an oath “to do no harm,” learned men of wisdom and “healing” that turn a blind eye to design torture programs and biological weapons of destruction to kill men instead of heal them and other programs designed to break the mind and destabilize them psychologically so there internal locus of control is obliterated and clairsentience destroyed.
I watched a video created by Democracy NOW! in which one individual made a comparison to doctor-patient confidentiality who said, “If I am treating a patient who has children and I feel those children maybe in harms way, I have no obligation to that confidentiality anymore. I must go to a higher authority.” This does not happen when doctors, psychologists, or psychiatrists are consultants to torture programs. The prisoners are like children to the doctors treating them and to the prison guards too! They must be protected. They have a right to be protected from harm. Else why call ourselves human medical professionals and guardsmen when we are nothing more than human monsters exacting out our revenge?
In cases of torture programs, ethical lines are crossed by doctors interested in working outside good ethical principles. If medical professionals contribute to a climate of abuse, what hope do we have in stopping further violence and abuse in our society? Furthermore, what message are we sending to the public, to our children, and to the world? What happened at Guantanamo sent a message to the American public. A message that says, “It’s okay to torture our perceived enemies.” What happens when some of our American citizens are split against Jews, Muslims, Chinese, Homosexuals, African Americans, Women, alcoholics, drug users, pot-smokers, Hippies, Catholics, Irishmen to name but a few. What we witness is increased mass random gun violence and the killing of innocent, vulnerable school children at Robb Elementary and Sandy Hook Elementary! And we hear about the phenomenon called “Electronic Harassment” and “Targeted Individuals" suffering from wireless electronic torture. I have said before that those events peculiar to historical time periods never leave us: Witch-hunts, Inquisitions, and Genocides. They only transform into something altogether new. Have men learned nothing from history? So don’t be fooled by the narrative that says, “The targeted individual is mentally ill!” It’s a narrative that ONLY supports the perpetrators to the violence. Don’t give them the power! They may turn the power you give them against you!
I want to tell you a story about my wireless electronic targeting and the death of my sister. My sister had a heart condition and she was terrified of having the necessary medical procedure in treatment for her condition because there was a high risk of death. So she wouldn’t have it done. One day in late August 2013, she “accidentally” fell down a flight of steps and injured her knee. She was taken to the hospital where she was persuaded by doctors to have the heart procedure done. She didn’t even get a chance to have the procedure done. She died in the hospital not from a knee injury, but because a blood clot either dislodged or clotted in her brain shortly after entering the hospital in early September.
This past week in New Jersey we received two consecutive snow storms and I had to shovel snow. As I went out onto my slippery porch that has several steps, an electromagnetic frequency (wireless electronic targeting) was immediately turned on. I could feel the intensity of the frequency against my body. As a result, I got dizzy, disoriented and became unstable on my feet. I had to catch myself several times from falling. This technology could have caused me to fall, possibly break my leg, and need to be taken to the hospital. You know when you are admitted to a hospital your chances of dying multiply significantly?
Although I have not read this book yet, there is some information pertaining to mind control and the role of responsibility. There is also existential beliefs prevalent in our country that say “personal freedom is regarded with the highest value.” And with mental health, in particular, people have a duty to take care of their own mental health so they can live their happiest lives. And this is true, but wireless electronic targeting destroys this freedom. The Targeted Individual is no longer free. They have been placed in a cage where proximity is key in relation to the electronic devices that transmit signals to the target. That means, the person transmitting the signal is close to you somewhere. They are not hiding in China behind a computer screen. There somewhere closer to you than you think. In short, it is a torture program designed to benefit someone who is interested in taking life and freedom away from the target and that individual’s personal freedom to choose. It is not medical treatment or therapy. It is violence and it is abusive.
“Doing Harm": Roy Eidelson on American Psychological Association’s Embrace of U.S. Torture Programs. Democracy NOW! September 5, 2023.
First Do No Harm: The Paradoxical Encounters Of Psychoanalysis, Warmaking and Resistance. (2010) Adrienne Harris and Steve Botticelli (eds.). New York. Routledge. Relational Perspective Book Series. Vol 45.