Resistance to Occupation: Comparing wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture to Israel’s Occupation of Palestine

Karen Barna
7 min readApr 11, 2024


Updated April 15, 2024

Continuing on from my previous post, reveresed-engineered psychological techniques of SERE (link in sources below), to the perspective of a breakdown in identification between two people or groups, identification then becomes the link between the psychic and the social in transversing the boundary between the two. A person’s inhabiting a sense of self as like or unlike some other individual or group, as this becomes the basis for acting in the world in a manner that intends or enables an “alteration in power relations.” In torture programs or conversion programs the point is to “break the mind,” or “wipe the hard-drive,” and “re-install new software.” This is usually done with the purpose of “neutralizing” the subject and converting them to the “other side,” regardless of whatever the other position may represent in the world. For example, it was discovered on college campuses, young college men will groom young females for there preferred style of sexual relations by introducing alcohol and/or drugs to perspective young females. This is but one way a female’s right to choose is harnessed and exploited by men who place themselves in higher position of power over a “weaker” victim (Brian Van Brunt, Amy Murphy, Lisa Pescara-Kovach, and Gina Lyn Crance, 2019).

Let’s start with the question, “What is political about identification?” On the one hand, identification with oppressed or exploited groups, such as the Black Civil Rights Movement, Women’s Civil Rights Movement, LGBTQ Rights Movement, etc., provide the basis of coalition building and has been primarily responsible for the success of several civil rights law expansion for inclusion of minorities, women, and homosexuals. For example, in 2008, several supporters of Barrack Obama took to publicly expressing Islamic acceptance by wearing T-shirts that said, “My middle name is Hussein.” This group, but not limited to solely this group, have recovered, even promoted, vilified identification with Islam in an attempt to reduce Islamaphobia.

Judith Butler in 2004 tells us there are not only promising signs of hope, peace and growth with group identifications, but there are also many pitfalls to be aware of, and to guard against. “Identification is assumed through a set of constitutive and formative exclusions; any identification implies and includes disidentifications, those things that I am not. The potentially regressive political effects of such exclusions are evident, for example, in considering what is implied by identifying oneself as American, as this designation implicitly defines one apart from and in a sense against all other nationalities (Botticelli, 2010).”

Diana Fuss (1995) notes;

“Every identification involves a degree of symbolic violence, a measure of temporary mastery over and possession … identification operates on one level as an endless process of violent negations, a process of killing off the other in fantasy in order to usurp the other’s place, a place where the subject desires to be (Fuss, 1995).”

Winnicott’s (1969) clinical concept of object usage “posits destruction of the (m)other in fantasy as a necessary step in the acceptance of the other’s independent existence and the creation of a shared sense of reality (Botticelli, 2010).”

Winnicott’s theory is regarded as a necessary developmental achievement and pre-requisite to identify with another subject in object relations. But identification with, may not necessarily imply, empathy for the other subject. Things can, and often do, go wrong in psychic development across one’s lifespan. Such is the case with trauma victims especially war trauma victims.

Exploring the process of identification as they shape political resistance, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, where since in 2005, Israel’s control over Gaza’s air space, sea, and land entrance and exists have continued, and when an indigenous population is replaced by or simply subordinated to a new one while being denied meaningful control over their own governance, one is impelled to ask the question, “On whose authority?”

Here, one is compelled by the power of identification to be either for or against Israel. One need not be Israeli or Palestinian, or even Jewish or Arab, to feel a strong allegiance and identification with one side or the other! For me in my own plight against wireless electromagnetic frequency assaults, my question is, “Under whose authority am I being subjugated?” and “Is it an authentic power and for what purpose?”

When wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture seizes my body, I feel like a Palestinian who has been taken over by a violent abusive dictator! And one where control of my bodily territory and mind has been handed over to someone concealing their identity like some ransomware attack taking place over the internet. In the invisible places of advancing technologies and space and time. In regards to the Israeli-Palestinian war, the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza by Israeli power is at the root of the conflict which has created so much suffering on both sides! No other cause can be explained except the strong holding of Palestines by Israel.

Resistance Has Political and Personal Effects

Resistance can take many forms. Sometimes resistance takes the form of suicide, sometimes resistance takes the form of re-location, sometimes resistance takes the form of a deep dive into the fruit and nectar of the Gods. Therefore, resistance has political and personal side-effects. In torture and conversion programs it has “PRESCRIBED IDENTIFICATIONS.” So for me, this means the passive-subjection to terrorist occupation of my body and mind through control and domination via wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture. I have been turned into a subject pliable for the use of another. My only usurpation of my enemy’s power is through the strokes of my pen on paper and the hope it will reach listening ears.

Since one tactic of the usurpation of power from another is through violent, aggressive, hostile, and rivalrous acts of incorporation, women who throw fits of rage and freak out to the point of tears, sometimes successfully extract power and win arguments. These “hysterical women” are a species in their own right, for many men and women will accede to their demands. However, many hysterical women have a right to be mad. Therefore, the liveliness of their conduct should not be exterminated. However, it is the repudiation of these “hysterical women” by men who think these women are “playing a role” or trying there hand at “mimicry” by “impersonating” the “hysterical women” to win arguments or are simply “being difficult.” Mimicry and impersonation are the most elusive and effective strategies in colonial power and knowledge in garnering power and control. Since, identity is located at the site of both fantasy and power as well as in Freud’s distortions in reactions to prohibited forms of identity in the personalities of his female hysterical patients, we can come to an understanding of why some men would want to control the bodies and minds of women.

Through a historical and psychoanalytic lens of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory allows for engagement with a rich and developing literature in colonial and post-colonial studies. Two separate racial “otherness” under colonialism become relevant in researching the periodization of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. “First, the colonized subject functions as an Other to the colonizing subject, the repository of repressed or disavowed characteristics. This means not only must the black man be black, he must be black in relation to the white man. The second, as in the case of Palestine, subsequently, the colonized function for the colonizer not as Other but as Object, in the common rather than the psychoanalytic sense of that term; the “in relation to” drops out of the equation. Separated from contact with Israeli people by figurative and literal walls, Palestinians become thingafied made invisible and irrelevant, even as a repository of disavowed characteristics (Botticelli, 2010).”

As far as I can tell, wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, as I have experienced it, appears to be someone’s attempt at a “civilizing mission against an Object-other.” This makes the nature of wireless electromagnetic assaults different from the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Here, there appears to be no “civilizing mission” against Palestinians by Israel. No apparent desire to create “a reformed, recognizable other.” Still, one is left to wonder at how people denied the opportunity of human encounter with the people who essentially control their lives and livelihoods may thereby be driven to actual destruction, destruction in which the object may not survive. By denial of the virtue of civil and human rights, my precious state is offered me no alternative but to live in a constant state of conflict with those oppressing me. This comes at a tremendous cost to my health.

With regard to torture programs and conversion programs, to act on the medical knowledge of a person’s known vulnerabilities in order to neutralize and destroy that person through torture is nothing more than as Sue Grand wrote, “The reproduction of evil.”


Barna, Karen. “Reversed-Engineered Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Tactics and Techniques: Exposing wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture. Published April 10, 2024. Retrieved April, 11, 2024.

Butler, Judith (2004). Precarious Life: The powers of mourning and violence. New York. Verso

First Do No Harm: The paradoxical encounters with psychoanalysis, warmaking, and resistance. (2010). Adrienne Harris and Steven Botticelli editors. New York. Routledge. The Relational Perspective Book Series, Vol. 45.

Fuss, Diana (1995). Identification Papers. New York. Routledge.

Grand, Sue (2000). The Reproduction of Evil: A clinical and cultural perspective. Hillsdale, NJ. Analytic Press.

Khalidi, R. (2006) The iron cage: The story of the Palestinian struggle for statehood. Boston, Mass. Beacon Press.

Brian Van Brunt; Amy Murphy; Lisa Pescara-Kovach, and Gina Lyn Crance. “Early Identification of Grooming and Targeting in Predatory Sexual Behavior on College Campuses. VIOLENCE AND GENDER. Volume 6. No. 1. Published March 11, 2019.

Winnicott, Donald (1969). The use of an object. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 50, 711–716.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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