Some Notes on How Technology-Facilitated Violence Relates to the Use of Objects and the Transitional Object Phenomena in Object Relations Theory

Karen Barna
7 min readJan 25, 2021


Transitional Objects in Childhood (thumb and blanket)

Tags: Electronic Targeting, Electronic Torture, Electronic Harassment, Targeted Individuals, Technology-Facilitated Violence, Crime, Abuse, Physical Assault, Object Relations, Stalking, Cyber Stalking, Cyber Misbehavior, Domestic Violence, Coercive Control, Online, 21st Century Technology, Terrorizing Intimate Partners, Violent Crime, Sextortion, Sexual Assault, Grooming Female Sex Roles

According to the following journal article, the person that keeps using electromagnetics against me needed something to suck on as an infant as a precursor to his/her transitional counter-phobic object phenomena. In the paper, The Precursors of Transitional Objects and Phenomena, Renata Gaddini states:

“Transitional objects and phenomena have precursors too. Precursors differ from transitional objects in that they are neither separate from the infant (e.g., the thumb) nor created by him (e.g., the dummy shoved into the infant’s mouth are coped with, in the early months, with these precursors. Autistic children are not able to cope thus; they do not suck. A possible biological, constitutional basis has recently been suggested by Frances Tustin for this inability: that it may be due to muscle floppiness and poor coordination.

Precursors of transitional objects are based on nipple-like sensations. They correspond to those which Tustin used to refer to as normal autistic objects and which she now indicates as autosensuous. Precursors to transitional objects are objects that have the capacity to console the child and have not been discovered or invented by the child. They are provided by the mother or are parts of the child’s or the mother’s body. Besides the tongue and the fingers, the forerunners of transitional objects include (1) the pacifier, (2) the bottle used as a pacifier (3) the child’s wrist (4) the mother’s wrist (5) the back of the child’s hand (6) the back of the mother’s hand and (7) the child’s hair, ears or naevi, which are touched or rubbed to produce a tactile sensation in association with the sucking or other combined actions.”

What’s interesting about the precursor to transitional objects is they have exclusive talismanic value typical of transitional objects. A talisman is any object ascribed with religious or magical powers intended to protect, heal, or even harm individuals for whom they are made. Talismans are often portable objects carried on someone in a variety of ways, but can also be installed permanently in architecture. If these “portable objects” can be permanently installed in architecture, then what prevents modern medicine from implanting these talismanic electronic tethers that respond to the electromagnetic frequency in the bodies of human beings. What’s interesting regarding the talismanic symbolism associated with these electronic tethers (the electronic device that sends electromagnetic signals to biologically implanted devices to torture and abuse) is that new and advancing technology is portable, it can provide protection as seen in the “Find My Device” and “On Star” feature in cell phones and modern automobiles, and they may even be capable of inflicting harm by hacking or casting electronic signals to transient Objects in the environment.

As is well known, transitional objects and phenomena are basically symbols of union, that is union after separation from the mother. In adolescence, the use of videogames with the use of remote controls can facilitate coping mechanisms in which the child can feel powerful utilizing Objects (e.g., machine guns and swords) as the extension of the self. Only gradually do they represent the baby or the mother and father. Because of the significance of symbolism regarding the union with the mother, a union that is represented because the mother exploits the precursory transitional objects as a way to “break free” from attentive caregiving by forcing these objects into the mouth of the infant (Winnicott, 1968). Also, these transitional objects can manifest as counter-phobic objects; fetishized objects used as religious amulets. Renata Gaddini states:

“It is the transitional object at a time when there is as yet no separateness and individuation because there has not been separation and loss and the origin of the potential space for creation. At times it is difficult to differentiate the precursor object from the transitional object in purely descriptive terms. We must be able to understand what each of them means to the infant.”

To understand what separation and individuation means, it is defined as the infant separating from the mother as he or she begins to understand his or her world through the realization that mother is separate from the infant. That is, the infant-self realizes the mother has wishes and a will of her own which are separate and independent of the child’s. The child is free to develop his own unique sense of identity. In most cases, separation and individuation phases occur in most adults. With regards to myself, in my particular case, separation and individuation has occurred. But it hasn’t occurred with the perpetrator using the electronic device that acts as the transitional counter-phobic object in its attacks against me as the “surrogate breast.” As the transitional counter-phobic object (e.g., electronic device casting the signals) the perpetrator uses to abuse the “surrogate breast”, this behavior is based on the paranoid-schizoid position of personality disorders. The same spectrum of disorders also includes autism. These two positions, paranoid-schizoid and autism, can be made relevant through the adult child’s lack of concern or empathy for the Object through its repetitive sadistic attacks. Because the child continues in its sadistic, primitive, and archaic attacks against the surrogate Object it represents a developmental failure in acquiring the capacity for concern and empathy.

People might say to me, “Oh, well it’s because you haven’t separated from your mother. You need to find your own place, free and clear of any dependent “status” on your maternal object.” First, I have been dedicating my time and attention to my 86-year-old mother because she is failing in her mobility. What’s more, many people do not understand this requires much more than just a “move away” from an Object towards independence. It requires legal interventions, explanations, and empirical evidence in which courts of law, mental health caregivers, and the general public can utilize as a resource in stopping this form of experimental coercive control and abuse. It requires restraining orders and lawsuits to make sure these types of abuses aren’t perpetrated on the general public at large. A benchmark standard with which federal and state law practices can adhere to definitions, terms, and penalties for such violations. These are all needed because it’s not just my physical safety that is in danger. The general public at large is in danger of receiving these same violations if legislation isn’t passed. Because I’m certainly not the one performing the sadistic, primitive attacks against my own body with regard to this electronic targeting and torture. Issues of personal safety are at risk for the general safety and security of the nation.

It is my opinion that the person using this electronic tether connected to my body suffers periodic psychotic breaks in reality in which he or she believes they are in their full right to torture, demean, dehumanize, through violent means if necessary, the sadistic behavior directed at me, the Object, which appears to threaten the perpetrator’s existence in some way. This is based on a delusional fantasy because the perpetrators of these attacks have no foundation on which to factually base any real claims of “threat” and the electronic tether acts or behaves like the original precursor to transitional objects found in object relations. It quells anxiety, gives the adult child a feeling of having a “super-power” and it provides the child with satisfaction as they have dominion and control over “mother’s vast resources”; love, nurture, attention, the endless supply of her breast milk, warmth and protection because they are now in control of the Object. With regard to the attention-seeking behavior of these electronic assaults, how else would the perpetrator keep his or her victim “speaking” about these phantasmagorical, seemingly absurd violations but to continually make sure the electromagnetic signals keep getting delivered to the Object body? Could have this perpetrator been ignored, left hungry, and cold by his or her maternal Object? And now threatened are they by the Object’s “move away” from his or her wishes? Here is where the “stand-in Object” fills the void and quells the anxiety, the hole left behind from an earlier neglectful mother? It is, after all, the “pacifier” or the “breast substitute” (e.g., the bottle filled with milk) that helps quell the anxiety of mother’s separation from the child, and this electronic tether can most certainly be perceived as the stand-in “pacifier” for the lost Object. It is in all likelihood the perpetrator may have suffered profound abuse and neglect at the hands of an abusive maternal Object in his or her early childhood development as this abuse is pathological. Abandoned and left ignored of his/her basic needs, he uses a transitional counter-phobic object, the electronic tether, to cope. I say this because I see it as a recapitulation of the same abuse received in childhood as its aim is to thwart the progress of a self-caring Object (e.g., thwarting physical exercise and bathing). Renata Gaddini further states:

“We find that the process of attachment to the transitional object (the symbolic representation of the reunion with the lost mother) takes place when the child feels deserted or lonely in the empty space and time between the developing self and the mother. Soon the transitional object will serve as a powerful protection against anxiety arising from the threat of separation and abandonment, anxiety which arises particularly in relation to the detachment from reality and the separation from the object, such as occurs when falling asleep.”

Gaddini, R. (2003). The Precursors of Transitional Objects and Phenomena. Psychoanalysis and History, 5(1), 53–61

Winnicott, D.W. (1968) From the unpublished correspondence with Renata Gaddini (cited in the above paper).



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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