Thank you for feedback, and yes it is very terrifying when considered against the backdrop of a society's continuum of behavior that seeks to ascribe negative values pertaining to cultural differences in gender, ethnicitiy, religion, and race. Violent abuses that seek to ascribe social critisim and stigmitization to individual's because they are different and when those very "differences" make people feel uncomfortable.
What's worse is the controversial theories that suggest this phenomenon is part of covert government manipulations based in antiquated information of past history, and to which make the least amount of sense. Trying to understand the phenomenon of the Targeted Individual (TIs) and the electronically Targeted Individual (eTIs) in its structure and psychopathologies as being part of gangs, mafias, and organized criminal networks is received as "absurd" and false, because of the disinformation. How these gangs/mafias/criminal networks relate to intimate partner violence really needs to be exposed for the harm that it is as it can potentially unleash determental power on to society. at large Yet, it is the victims' responsibility to address their own victimization being perpetrated on them by their loved ones or close associates. And this is the main reason why the phenomenon has continued to flourish unabatted. Unfortunately, it boils down to deceptive criminal relationships which run parallel to deceptive sexual encounters and relationships that result in sexual assault or theft of property. Thank you for taking an appreciation for this information. It tells me people are listening.