The Biopolitics of The Signifier and The Signified: Psychoanalysis of Gang Stalking, Electronic Targeted Assaults and Psychotronic Torture and The Monsterous Female Form
This brief essay entertains the historical phenomenon of inhumane, unethical medical experiments carried out on innocent populations within the archive of human history and entertains how medical doctors may contribute to female victimization that denies the female’s agency and possessed human identity.
Doctors are part of the conspiracy involving the phenomenon of Targeted Individuals simply because they want to point blame at the victim by claiming “mental illness.” I say this because I find it funny that very few, if any, doctors ever provide an explanation like, “Well, there are evil and sadistic people in the world who may have figured out a way to pull this type of crime off. Hitler did rise to power over a disenfranchised population of people. Maybe, just maybe, it could be happening again.” People who ignored and turned a blind eye to important red flags during the Holocaust made a grave decision, except for the few who saw the phenomenon of the Third Reich emerge and acknowledged it for what it was; a silent war waged against the innocent.
Targeted Individuals may very well be manipulated by the medical professionals they see and these same doctors gaslight them, professionals, who are interested in advancing technology for the future benefit of mankind? Its mere nature of being a “biopolitic” — a fractional portion of a population being managed through biotechnological targeting (medicine & technology) — is an indexical sign that points a finger to the signifier’s identity and intention. The Signified are the fractional population being managed by a controller, and the controller is The Signifier. How many lives have been lost in the name of science? Countless individuals, no doubt. Why would anyone think Targeted Individuals are any different? The mere fact many of these individuals may also be suffering some form of mental illness compounds the phenomenon and cloaks it in even more secrecy. Are the victim’s symptoms a side-effect of the experiments or are the symptoms the result of the person’s mental illness? If this is one grand experiment, I think it may be a conspiracy between the patient’s family and medical professionals. Or is it a conspiracy involving the victim, the victim’s family, and an outside co-conspirator(s)? This would be true in my opinion, at least in my case. Is it truly an inchoate crime because its purpose has not yet fully come to fruition, which seems to be untimely death. Or is this phenomenon a concept in crisis, similar to rape and deceptive sexual relations? Is it an infinite game being played out whose purpose is to exhaust the victim and change their behavior and lifestyle through a “biopolitic” that causes misery, unhappiness, and reduced quality of life of a fractional part of the U.S. population, thereby causing behavioral modifications and the usurpation of personal choices and personal freedoms? Let us not forget that “quality of life issues” are always involved in state-assisted suicide cases and in people who suffer from stroke and other traumatic brain injuries. Two of my family members already endured reduced quality of life issues as a result of “poor health.” But electronic targeted assaults were involved in their inhumane “treatment.”
Whatever the phenomenon of the Targeted Individual is, it’s a violation of my Fourth Amendment rights and my First Amendment rights. This technology took away my right to believe in God, I suffered a loss in my freedom of speech and expression as a direct consequence of this technology, and the right from unreasonable searches and seizures every time a frequency signal laches onto my body. I believe a form of Global Positioning (GPS) may have been used and experimented with on a fractional portion of human test subjects. At least, this has been my experience. I don’t know this for sure though except to say a high power magnet of some sort is being used. My mental health issues involved drug use and alcohol use. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia because I believed in “God” and because believing in “God” is a delusion. I suffered from hallucinations as a result of “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” and “hallucinations” based on a profound sense of love for my God based in my Christian faith known as a “second baptism.” I would feel “presences” in the room when no one was there which I now believe was nothing more than clairsentience which is not a psychic phenomenon but an evolutionary adaptation that allows one to elude danger while “living in the wild.” Anyone who has ever felt “eyes on them,” like they were being watched has experienced what is known as “clairsentience.” An adaptation that allowed our ancestors to perceive the enemy before he showed his face. A chance for us to run before the enemy had an opportunity to kill us.
In the words of Hamlet penned by the great William Shakespeare, “There’s the rub….” meaning the difficulty, the obstacle, or objection found in the situation. In Hamlet’s case, it was the difficulty in committing suicide. But a rub is some fault in the surface of a playing green that stops a bowl or diverts a golf ball from its intended direction. In my case, it is the purveyors, of electronic targeting technology, who believe that man is somehow “civilized.” I find this belief completely outrageous because “civilized living” has more to do with the amount of money one possesses and the type of company one keeps. And even then, “gentrified” or “civilized man” still runs the risk of acting like a Neanderthal, groping around in the dark, trying not to kill others, but somehow still doing so anyway. Its ideology can only be understood through the lens of reverse psychology and abnormal psychology. And therein lies the gaslight; “Ah! the rub.”
Uncovering the truth behind the phenomenon of Targeted Individuals will require an understanding of symbols and signs; signifiers and the signified, indexes and iconography. My electronic targeting was designed to make me less active and slovenly. As a result, I gained weight. “Fat” as an indexical sign expresses personal meaning to The Signifier. What is its meaning? What is its message to a “viewing audience?” What does it want the onlooker to see? How does it affect the audience’s “gaze” and “perceptions?” In the Victorian era painting shown below, one can see the overs-sized face of a male voyeur as he peeps in on the naked woman lying on the panther skin rug.
The lifestyle changes that take place in the life of the Targeted Individual have personal meaning to The Signifier who wishes to humiliate his/her victim(s). You have to ask yourself, “What do the behavioral changes represent, in regard to their personal meaning, both to The Signified and The Signifier?” And, “Can the progress, rather the regression, be charted or mapped?” No doubt it will always revolve around and represent some type of forced narcissistic injury, meant as an inflicted blow because of The Signifier’s wounded ego. Loss of narcissistic enjoyment of some type for The Signifier that is rooted in competition that points us back to the Oedipal scene of early childhood development. Could this be a result of someone’s perceived sense of “violation” by another, rooted in a breach of “common culture” between the victim in his/her relationships with other Objects that inhabit his/her object-relational world? Whatever it is, it involves a criminal conspiracy that would require two or more persons and most likely involve an outsider, outside of the victim’s normal object-relational orbit. That is to say, an unknown identity who may possibly be a medical doctor, a state administrator, or some other identity interested in vendetta.
Because I am a woman, I make feminist connections to fantasies of feminine evil as well as connections to signs and symbols, indexes and iconography in artwork, song, and film that represent both the feminine fertile object and the monstrous maternal form. In one example, let’s take Marc Quinn’s sculpture “Origins of the World” which depicts and mimics the vulva labial opening of a “golden conch shell.” In this rendering of female fertility, the female vulva is made “golden” thereby expressing its value as important. In “Promising Monsters: Pregnant Bodies, Artistic Subjectivity, and Maternal Imagination” by Rosemary Betterton, this paper talks about both the work of Marc Quinn, whose art seems to differ from the artistic subjectivity of other female artists she covers and an artist by the name of Tracey Emin as well as a sculpting of Alison Lapper. The women Bretton features seem to have a shared theme that identifies pregnancy with “disability,” “abortion,” and “the monstrous.” For example, consider Tracey Emin’s mixed-media artwork.
As Julia Kristeva notes in The Powers of Horror, the womb is often depicted as and understood as simultaneously repulsive, threatening, and desirable, and as Lynda Barry reflects in One Hundred Demons, “I knew a lot more about monsters than I did about people. Monsters were understandable…Monsters hardly ever started out as monsters. Something always transformed them.”
In feminist theory, the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world, in the visual arts and in literature, from a masculine heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer. The act of gazing at another human being creates a subjective power difference, which is felt by the gazer and by the gazed because the person being gazed at is perceived as an object, and not as a human being. The gaze can be interpreted as the aesthetic pleasure of the viewer). The male gaze is conceptually related to the behaviors of voyeurism (gazing for sexual pleasure) and scopophilia (pleasure from gazing) and narcissism (pleasure from contemplating one’s self). Here Laura Mulvey’s theory of sexual inequality and the asymmetry of social and political power between men and women are important in understanding the full purpose of the phenomenon of Targeted Individuals. Mulvey’s theory built upon a Freudian psychoanalytic concept of male castration anxiety and in her analysis, there are two ways in which women as the passive recipients of the male gaze can be sexualized to avert castration fear: the first is voyeurism-sadism and the second, fetishization. Mulvey’s analysis references voyeurism-sadism as “pleasure lies in ascertaining guilt (immediately associated with castration), asserting control and subjecting the guilty person through punishment or forgiveness.” Fetishistic scopophilia involves reducing the threat of castration fear associated with the female presence by fragmenting and hyper-sexualizing parts of the female body. We see this in the sexual fetish of body inflation fantasies. In the cinematic representations, which Mulvey theorizes is more aligned with the voyeurism-sadism reference, the male gaze denies the female’s agency and human identity, thus dehumanizing a woman, transforming her from person to object, to be considered only for her beauty, physique, and sexual appeal, as defined in the male sexual fantasy of narrative cinema. Here we can make references to the artwork of Hans Bellmer, the murder scene of Elizabeth Short, BDSM, and the sexual fetish of body inflation fantasies as well as to the phenomenon of electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture being carried out on female victims.
In regard to my targeting, it would seem it involves both voyeurism-sadism as well as fetishistic scopophilia and a heterosexual perpetrator.