The Feminist Perspective and the Phenomenon Known As Contract Stalking
Impressionism “The Garden at Maurecourt” by Berthe Morisot
My latest reading into analyzing philosophical theory and applying it to the phenomenon of group (gang) stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture has revealed startling new insights into femininity and female oppression. In Shoshana Felman’s book, “What Does Woman Want?” Felman discusses how she inadvertently discovered a common theme among some male authors’ perspective on “woman”. It was through her analyzing Balzac’s writing “Adieu” and Freud’s writing on the analysis of a dream he had of one of his female patients named Irma. In Freud’s analysis of his dream, he called it a practical and theoretical interpretation of “specimen dream” and was the dream that, in fact, laid the entire primary foundation for the whole theory of the unconscious.
The similarities in these two writings was the task at hand. The task at hand was the project of cure and of feminine resistance. That is, the female’s subject’s resistance to the “cure”. Here one of the singular and most striking common elements in both writings turn out to be feminine resistance and the age old battle of the masculine conquering the feminine. And in both of these cases, Balzac’s and Freud’s, they are stories about healing which clandestinely parade as stories of killing.
In a similar view, Judith Butler’s writing “The Force of Non-Violence” discusses in similar tone through the lens of philosophy, history, and psychoanalysis the historical political schema that manifests as a type of war logic and dictum that expresses the notion that “in order for me to live, the “Other” must die.”
Feminism comes to be defined, almost inadvertently, as a bond of reading: a bond of reading that engenders, in some ways, the writer and this leads to her full assumption of her sexual difference; this paradoxically proceeds knowing what it means to “read as a woman” instead of the historical psychic life of power that dominates the female learner as the influencing dominant sex which predominantly values the masculine perspective and the castrating phallus of father. This very philosophical positioning within the realm of “reading as a woman” has uncovered for me a new way to recognize how masculine dominance and masculine language contribute to the linguistics of victim blaming.
Butler’s writing, “The Force of Non-Violence”, which came on the heals of the death of George Floyd, discusses “living” and “non-living” populations and “valuable” and “non-valuable” groups existing within a social order which exists predominantly as white male patriarchy and that this power manages populations rather than distinct subjects. This logic manifests as, “You have to be prepared to kill, and killing is a means to preserve your own life.” For this is the language of the paranoid personality rooted in the paranoid schizoid personality constellation.
If we return to Michel Foucault and his 1976 lecture “Society Must Be Defended,” Foucault elaborates on the emergence of the biopolitical field in the 19th century and here he describes “the power over humans as living beings” which appears to be distinctly a European formation. That is the biopolitical power is to manage populations through advances in technological medicines.
The claim to be made is, “This is or was a life,” or, “These are or were lives,” is intimately bound up with the possibility of necessary modes of valuing life: memorialization, safeguarding, recognition, and the preservation of life. That is to say, “This is a life worth living, worth preserving, so I dare not torture and destroy it.” And, “These are lives that ought to be given the condition to live and to be registered and recognized as lives.” With regard to the phenomenon of group (gang) stalking this is simply not so. The targeted population is deemed “non-valuable” and tortured as such.
Additionally, it cannot be underscored enough the very question, “What is a woman?” has not yet been answered and defies, in fact, all given answers. Are there women, really? Simone de Beauvoir’s work “The Second Sex” asks provocatively:
“One wonders if women still exists, if they will always exist, whether or not it is desirable that they should, what place they occupy in this world, what their place should be.”
Judith Butler (2021). THE FORCE OF NON-VIOLENCE. New York. Verso Publishing.
Shoshana Felman (1993). WHAT DOES WOMAN WANT?: Reading and Sexual Difference. Baltimore, Maryland. The John Hopkins University Press.
Michel Foucault (1978). THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY. New York. Pantheon Books.