The Importance of Researching Conflict Trends and Conflict Drivers
It is interesting to note, the U.S. Army solicited the Rand Corporation to investigate “Conflict Trends and Conflict Drivers: An empirical assessment of historical conflict patterns and future conflict projections” following the Cold War and which investigated specifically “armed conflict of War following the fall of the Nazi regime and the rise to power of Joseph Stalin.” Rand completed an empirical research assessment of historical conflict patterns and projections on future conflict. I would like to note that when it comes to my electronic targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture it is interesting to consider the precipitation of electronic physical assaults as a form of domestic terrorism that follow certain circumstances and promote certain outcomes. Common to some narratives of electronically targeted individuals is some type of conflict immediately prior to the victim’s targeting. Link: Conflict Trends and Conflict Drivers: An Empirical Assessment of Historical Conflict Patterns and Future Conflict Projections | RAND
Historically, if there has been within the family, the parental axis of conflict and physical assault as well as verbal assaults and emotional abuse where children witnessed marital discord there is a higher likelihood of someone in this type of family becoming a Targeted Individual. Psychoanalytically speaking this element may have further fueled pre-oedipal fears surrounding maternal aggression and fears of paternal castration. The Object Love and the Object Hate mode of ambivalence in the splitting of the psyche. That is to say, that as women, we are both loved and hated ambivalently and sometimes simultaneously. In addition, it should be noted that children of targeted females are perceived as extensions of that female. In my personal history of my abuse, electronic targeted physical assaults seemed to increase the following deposition to the Mercer County Prosecutors Office (MCPO). Consider the following three writings:
The Fragilities and Fault Lines of Masculinity | by Karen Barna | Medium
The Object Humiliator: Theory Explained | by Karen Barna | Medium
In my personal experience with electronic targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture, I experienced a sexual assault which I reported to authorities. Rapists are known for their psychic splitting and it is male rapists in particular that are best classified as a paranoid-schizoid personality profile based on Kleinian psychoanalysis. From what I have gathered and uncovered through my research and investigation into psychoanalysis the paranoid schizoid personality position in particular to male rapists because it demonstrates a habitual unconscious motivational driver surrounding fears of female flesh.
“Life as we know it, and probably throughout the universe, if there is life elsewhere, means the universe, if there is life elsewhere, means Darwinian life. In a Darwinian world, that which survives, survives and the world becomes full of whatever qualities it takes to survive. As Darwinians, we start pessimistically by assuming deep selfishness at the level of natural selection, pitiless indifference to suffering, ruthless attention to individual success at the expense of others.”
In regard to my particular case, the problem becomes compounded because I have grown up in a family where at least one of my siblings has registered in the personality constellation of Paranoid Schizoid. In addition, I have others in the family who appear to go through periodic breaks in reality by targeting certain individuals presumably from stress or some other issue whether it be personal vendetta or prompted by an instigator. Still, he is also likely to have unconscious motivational drives as well surrounding fears of maternal flesh as well as paternal castration fears.
Common to all this is human communication and aspects in human communication are the social games that are played between players who hold positions of political, administrative, and financial power. Social games that seek to exploit and manipulate others. Individuals play these games as they are required sometimes to do when defending political, financial, or territorial interests. Sometimes it requires wearing the“mask of sanity” or a mask that at least hides your ultimate agenda and undecidedly personal goals. These social games are often played and are prized skills in the courts of monarchs and kings; successful businessmen and denizens of industry. But like all social games, there are distortions that cause warps and cracks in the logic of the game. Rapists need narcissistic supply as do all narcissists. They say the truest measure of a man’s business skill (and ultimate success) is profiting off of people when they’re down.
The subtlety in linguistics and semiotics comes in the form of argument and debate and how those cases are presented to a viewing audience. A woman may appear as “deserving punishment” when rape and abuse myths abound around her social status, poor health condition, or mental state by a narcissistic viewing public. For example, a person may claim the following, “She’s an “alcoholic” who “deserves” “to be beaten and raped” because she’s failing to take appropriate responsibility for herself.” This is most often seen in foreign national cultures such as India, Pakistan, and other Middle Eastern territories. Rape and abuse myths surround fears rooted in the female flesh, that are rooted in pre-Oedipal and Oedipal arrangements of the child. This psychoanalytic fact, mostly invisible to the onlookers who make up the audience of viewers (the crowd) and who are highly influenced by such statements because they lack appropriate education and knowledge. To the audience this woman may be perceived as a woman who is deserving of abusive treatment because she looks and acts “different”, and in her lack, and as such, “less than deserving respect.” Similar to how people perceive the poor or homeless.
In a research study in Pakistan, there is an association between male dominance and forms of male supremacy (we have come to know this in the United States as white supremacy) and in this Pakistanian research study female’s access to education, marriage above the age of 18, possessing a job (income), coming from a wealthy family, and having autonomy in decision making, lessen the likelihood of domestic violence in that culture. These socioeconomic factors contributing to a woman’s successful or less successful outcomes. The study concludes that women’s education, awareness, and financial position. The awareness aspect becomes the problem and the reason behind electronic physical assaults and psychotronic torture which seeks to disrupt autonomy and confuse understanding. This aspect of awareness also confuses and compounds issues of clandestine targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture because the identity of the assailant remains hidden. This aspect of indirectly affecting a female’s cognitive capabilities (awareness) thru veiled clandestine electronic physical assault and psychotronic torture can further direct her mental state by confusing perceptions and beliefs about her agency, and confer a sense of futility to the contemplated attempts to communicate the nature of the abuse to legal or medical professional authorities. In my personal experience with a mental health care worker in America’s healthcare system, in a conversation with “Dr. P” on Friday, July 9th in which a foreign-born Indian male psychiatrist victim-blamed me for “not taking appropriate responsibility for my abuse.” Violence against women is a global phenomenon and rape and abuse myths abound in various subcultures. Dr. P. belongs to Oaks Integrated Care which is a behavioral program designed to help people with addiction and mental health problems, yet on at least one occasion I have been electronically targeted thru electronic physical assault/psychotronic torture while waiting in the waiting area of Oaks Integrated Care which forced me to leave the building. I have gone to the police and the police cannot help, nor do I wish a local police department to help because a cop isn’t what I need. I need a lawyer to sue the doctor that implanted me because they are torturing a victim of repetitive domestic violence, repetitive physical assault, repetitive sexual assault, and rape, and who has been drugged and sodomized and to which they further victimize the victim!
Why is the victim being tortured? Why are the victim’s cognitive capabilities (awareness) being manipulated and exploited thru veiled clandestine electronic physical assault and psychotronic torture? Better yet, why was a patient who was part of a behavioral program to advance her therapy being tortured?
In addition to suffering this form of abuse myth, in my opinion, I have also been abused by Capital Health Systems at Fuld in their “psychiatric holding area” environment thru the hospital’s use of electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture which would be classified under telemetry. Traditionally, the use of electrodes attached to the body of a patient receiving a form of electronic convulsive shock therapy is now being administered utilizing wireless technology and telemetry to send signals to biological implants. Yet, I’m advised that if I feel “unsafe” in my home environment I should go directly to the emergency room. A place that violates my personal being too, and makes me feel even more “unsafe” because my ability to understand and comprehend what is happening to me is being directly manipulated by “professional medical staff” utilizing assaulting technology (telemetry).
It is important to analyze the saturation and diffusion of electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture in the public sphere as a means to facilitate and further intrastate violence. Also, it is important to analyze this technology as a means to further ascertain the precipitation of further violence against marginalized, vulnerable, and precarious populations of people who are being targeted. It’s important to ask questions like how prior personal conflicts between the victim and other relatives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and acquaintances further precipitate outcomes to future targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture? Also, it is important to ask why is it difficult to ascertain quantifiable metrics for the potential lethality of these technologies? Where is the research?
In a research paper, “Conflict Trends and Conflict Drivers: An empirical assessment of historical conflict patterns and future conflict projections” completed by Rand Corporation for the U.S. Army, the aim of the research was to identify post-Cold War operational trends in armed conflict and the global strategic trends that characterize and influence the environments in which conflict takes place. The project also had the specific goal of identifying the conditions under which change toward greater state-on-state conflict might take place. The interesting connection between this paper and the characteristics and influences in the personal environment that precipitate conflict is linked to instigations (instigators) that promote and support aggression. In my personal case, it’s a brother threatening my sister regarding legal litigation thereby instigating targeting. Instigational targeting is done by forcing the a person’s anger and frustration towards an Object, in which the person kicks the nearest lower social status person, in this scenario will say “the dog” to relieve stress and frustration. When aggression has no outlet, it seeks the closest person it can get to, similar to how a lightning bolt transfers energy, except this person is usually a person with lower social status, lower-income, less power, and even perhaps lacking in education. Here we can come to understand what conflict trends and conflict drivers the male rapists must experience prior to selecting their next female target.
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