The Mythical Imaginary of Medusa and the Gender Differences on Murder
December 27, 2020:
As I have been working through my theory on the group phenomenon of electronically Targeted Individuals (TIs) here are some additional thoughts I like to add from my own personal experience with electronic targeting and gang stalking:
With regard to my analysis in saying the psyche of the person doing the electronic targeting possess the knowledge that women fear largeness, that all women are too familiar with this fear and the accompanying degradation and concern with bigness and expansiveness, inspiring feelings of anxious unsettledness in Western culture’s psychodynamic with regard to reactions to female flesh. To say that women fear this image of largeness is to associate fears surrounding the female pregnant body which renders the Object a subordinate, impotent, and effeminate being. One of the most dangerous positions a woman can place herself in is in the position of fecund expectation of childbirth. For it is in this position she becomes dependent with a dependent. This is what made me believe, at first, the perpetrator(s) of the crimes being carried out against me, electronic assaults and electronic targeting, which I was receiving was or is a WOMAN. This psychodynamic is something understood by most female psychoanalysts who study female development. By using electronic torture, the perpetrator projects on to the feared “bad object” the mark of humiliation and repudiation, the large expansive body, rendered and kept humiliated, repudiated, and subordinate to a higher power; a Master with an electronic tether to his Object … Here the perpetrator to the crime can enjoy the sensations phallic enjoyment brings, that is, in the pleasures of watching the growth of expansive largeness, with delight and excitation to the little boy’s links to power and dominance with the phantasy of his hard erect phallus. (see Gates, 2000) But this is Freudian male Oedipal development, not female Oedipal development? How is it then, that it has become reversed in what appears to be a staged re-enactment of a perverse, procreative fantasy of dominant male power?
Although it is by passive-aggressive means the degradation and humiliation of the targeted Object have taken place, aggression is still aggression, and the electromagnetic tether, that is, the electronic device used by the perpetrator must act like a counter-phobic object; a security blanket that protects the perpetrator like a cloak from the anxieties that are produced by the Object being targeted for which the perpetrator(s) fear, envy, hates, repudiates or all of the above (see Winnicott, 1971, Playing and Reality). In the further preponderance of psychoanalytic theory, females have a tendency to employ more logical reasoning and passive-aggressive behavior than men. Men tend to employ more violence in more active, outwardly aggressive outbursts against their targets using brute force, physical prowess, and phallic weaponry. Were women, in this regard, do not. Gender differences in rates of homicide statistically show that men are more likely to be violent perpetrators and women are much less likely to employ violence, but when they do kill, they kill by drowning, poisoning, strangulation, and suffocation (see Fox and Friedel, 2017). These are typically more subtle, passive-aggressive means to kill. But, suffice it to say, the electronic tether (the electronic device that tethers the Object to its “Master” is an extension of the phallus.
It must also be considered that the process of higher education seeks the goal of passive-aggressive problem-solving strategies. That is to say, collegiate or well-educated men employ similar strategies to problem solve in terms of conflict resolution or difference. They will use deductive logic, logical reasoning, and the prowess of advanced communication (language) to problem-solve versus aggressive outbursts of destructive physical action (violence). And since I believe the phenomenon of electronic targeting or the targeted individual (TIs) is a passive-aggressive form of “communication” utilizing language thru the use of advanced technologies, such as remote radio transmitters and other electronic mechanical devices, we could make a comparison between the profiles of the two; the rational world of scientific intellectuals versus the rational world of intelligent serial killers (see Cohn, 1987). So, while I believed at first it might be a woman, it is also likely this person may be male and in possession of a college degree, an advanced college degree with unanalyzed unconscious phantasies regarding their mothers. And so, it is we MUST CONSIDER the perpetrator(s) to these crimes may very well possess advanced technical knowledge in science or medicine, perhaps even a Ph.D. or M.D. This is what makes me believe the group phenomenon of targeted individuals may be part of advanced medical research or part of an experimental program with the US government.
Furthermore, regarding the mythical imaginary, the symbolic registering in the realm of the mythical head of Medusa which was decapitated from the body of the gorgon and used as a weapon until being kept as a souvenir and then placed on the shield of Athena, in comparison to the electronic targeting, the device that is emitting electromagnetic frequency signals from my head, we might use this myth to conclude the possible motive for the torture; a deadly weapon implanted in the head of an individual female rendering “the Medusa head” inoperable of her own volition. What, if anything, and this is purely conjecture, might be kept as a souvenir by the perpetrator? Ultimately, whatever it is, will be kept hidden, a secret by the perpetrator but it could be a photograph, clothing, hair, or some other personal possession of the victim. Or perhaps it is the counter-phobic object; the remote control from which he controls his puppet. This remains to be seen and is not fact, but it is psychoanalytic Truth. This Truth is based on psychoanalytic theory.
In terms of social science and psychology, I think it important to note the way our society socializes young men in the industrial war complex and the effects of individual, unanalyzed, unconscious phantasies towards their mothers, and their fathers, for the purpose of exploiting these men based on their social disadvantages and manipulating their vulnerabilities for the greater purpose of totalitarianism. Placing advanced weaponry in the hands of young men and socializing them into believing that aggressive, violent action is what makes them “men” and while these men see one single catastrophe after another, the wreckage piles up before them. And as this pile of debris grows before their feet, they are left with the memories they can’t unsee. As debris, left in the wake of catastrophe upon catastrophe, grows skyward, it becomes the left-over psychic mess from the winds of a storm we call progress.
Anselm Kiefer’s sculpting “The Angel of History” inspired by the artwork of Paul Klee’s “Angelus Novus“. The sculpting is of a pile of books on to which the wings of an angel are affixed. The pile of books is tattered and worn as are the wings of the angel. The pile of books symbolizes man’s intellectual works or man’s progress throughout history. On the wall behind the sculpting by Anselm Kiefer’s “The Angel of History” is inscribed the following phrase:
“Lnrache der Vogel — Folconelli”
Which is German, I think, and translates into English as saying something like “Revenge the Bird“.
According to several experts and philosophers, Paul Klee painted what is imagined to be the Angel of History by many (Angelus Novus). Klee was conscripted into the German forces during World War I and was deeply affected by this. According to Walter Benjamin, who acquired the painting in 1921, whilst fleeing the Nazis in 1940: “… A Klee painting named Angelus Novus shows an angel looking as though he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread…” Could this have been the connection Walter Benjamin made with the painting? Was it a premonition to the time he would have to depart Nazi Germany?
Angelus Novus shows an apparently aghast angel, eyes glued to an image of despair, stuck in a flying motion neither going forwards nor backward. This painting has been commented on by psychoanalysts, historians, and philosophers. The fact the Angel of History is “stuck in a flying motion neither going forwards or backward” suggests it may be a relic of history, or a “stranded object” stuck in Time, as it is left suspended or “confined” to a particular moment in human history. Not unlike many Nazis following the downfall of the Third Reich.
In studying unconscious fixed phantasies and the work by Eric L. Santner “Stranded Objects: Mourning, Memory and Film in Postwar Germany” many of man’s repetition compulsions repeat themselves throughout history. Conflict, war, destruction, and delusion were the products of World War I and inspire very similar feelings to the tone of Paul Klee’s Angel of History. The human race will be doomed to forever watch as the debris just piles up at its feet unless it is willing to do the work of mourning.
Citations and Sources:
Gates, Katherine. (2000). Deviant Desires: Incredibly strange sex. New York. Juno Books.
Winnicott, D.W. (1971). “The use of the Object and relating through identifications.” In Playing and Reality. Harmondsworth. Penguin, 1980.
James Alan Fox, and PhD Emma E. Fridel. “Gender Difference in Patterns of Trends in U.S. Homicide, 1976–2015“. Violence and Gender. Vol. 4, №2. June 1, 2017.
Carol Cohn. Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defence Intellectuals. Signs. Vol. 12, №4. Summer, 1987. Within and Without: Women, Gender, and Theory.
Other Reading Sources to consider:
Rosemary Balsam. (2012). Women’s Bodies in Psychoanalysis. East Essex, Canada. Routledge.
Lucy Holmes. (2008). The Internal Triangle: New Theories of Female Development. New York. Jason Aronson.
Lucy Holmes. (2013). Wrestling with Destiny: The promise of psychoanalysis. New York. Routledge.
Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel (1984) Creativity and Perversion. London, England. Free Association Books.
Danielle Knafo and Kenneth Feiner (2006) Unconscious Fantasies and the Relational World. Hillside, NJ. The Analytic Press, Inc.
Joshua A. Perper and Stephen J. Cina (2010). When Doctors Kill: Who, Why, and How. New York. Copernicus Books.
Michael Foucault (1978). The History of Sexuality. New York. Pantheon Books.
Amber Jacobs (2007). On Matricide: Myth, Psychoanalysis, and the Law of the Mother. New York. Columbia University Press
Bruno Bettelheim (1954). Symbolic Wounds: Puberty Rites and the Envious Male. Glencoe, Ill. Free Press.
Nancy J. Chodorow (2012). Individualizing Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Practice. New York. Routledge
Jessica Benjamin. (1995). Like Objects; Love Objects: Essays on Recognition and Sexual Difference. New Haven. Yale University Press.
Juliet Mitchell (2000) Mad Men and Medusas: Reclaiming hysteria. New York. Basic Books.
Michelle Boulous-Walker (1998) Philosophy and the Maternal Body: Reading silence. London, England. Routledge.
Judith Butler (1997). The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection. Stanford, California. Stanford University Press.
Christina Wieland. Matricide and Destructiveness: Infantile Anxieties and Technological Culture. British Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol. 12, №3. (1996): 300–313.