The Syrian Government Has Been Toppled: How this is connected to the targeted individual and electronic harassment

Karen Barna
6 min readDec 13, 2024


In August 21, 2011 Assad refusing the West's request to step down from power. On December 8, 2024 his political rule came to an end when opposition forces took hold of his palace and forcibly removed him from power. A move most likely precipitated by the wars in Israel and the Ukraine.

“The United States is called an “Informal Empire” or “Invisible Empire” and rather than be demarcated by territorial boundaries, operates by controlling the governments of foreign nations that maintain their identity. This behavior is characteristic of, and the purpose for, in my opinion, wireless electronic assault torture which ruptures the private boundaries and intimate spaces of the individual citizen who maintains control over their individual identity.” — On Violence in American Foreign Policy and the Dark Mirror of Wireless Electromagnetic Assault (

It is the advancing technological advent of oppression via electronic harassment and wireless electromagnetic assault torture that seeks to overthrough an individual citizen’s identity. To gain a better historical context of this phenomenon let us look to the administration of President Eisenhower.

President Eisenhower resided as the American U.S. president from January 20, 1953 through January 20, 1961. Eisenhower allowed the CIA direct involvement in the Iranian coup d’etat in 1953 and the Guatemalan coup d’etat in 1954.

The Iranian coup d’etat was a U.S. and British instigate with the help of the Iranian Army to overthrow democratically elect prime minister Mohammed Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the autocratic rule of the shah, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, on August 19, 1953. The objective was to protect British oil interests in Iran after its government refused to concede to Western oil demands. It was instigated by the United States and the United Kingdom. This began a period of dissolution of the longed for democracy of democratic rule in Iran which allowed for public elections of political leaders and along with other social civil rights that are still prevalent to this day. In the interest of foreign oil, and revenues generated by the sale and procurement of Iranian oil reserves, the U.S. violated its founding forefathers' values of democracy in favor of a dictatorship. A blatant betrayal of U.S. philosophical principles, indeed!

Then, in 1954, Eisenhower allowed for a 2.7 million dollar budget (which was more like 5 to 6 million) to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz through psychological warfare and political action in Guatemala. Part of this “psychological warfare” came in the form of a misinformation campaign that touted Arbenz as a communist. As such, the Guatemalan government was also represented to the American people as communist. This event took place during the Cold War, and although the allegations were false, the misinformation campaign worked. This operation, according to some sources, carried out assassinations that took place under operation PBSuccess. Later, the assassinations carried out during this covert operation would later become the first known assassination manual for the CIA which would be used in future covert operations. The political action taken triggered a 36-year Guatemalan Civil War whose leftist-guerillas fought a series of U.S-backed authoritarian regimes whose brutalities included a genocide of the Maya people. But why, and for whose purpose? For U.S. and British control of the United Fruit Company (UFC). Many high-profile leaders held financial interests in the United Fruit Company stock. People like John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles were among the list of members connected to the financial gains this company represented.

The “light” most men cannot see when it comes to war is the world of affect, intention, and meaning. In particular, the reasons for war motivations in these men, whose reasons most likely reside in the unanalyzed, unconscious fantasies of men whose interests are represented in such brutal actions, are never disclosed to the public until decades later.

Since I have already discussed the false war in Iraq I’m not going to repeat it here, but just to say that it was a war misrepresented to the U.S. people under a Republican administration. This makes me seriously wonder about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Could it have been his denial of some CIA secret operation that precipitated the violence?

War, as a constructed experience, needs to be ritualistically repeated precisely because it does not promote growth. There is no learning from the experience. “Men learn from history that men learn nothing from history (Harris & Botticelli, 2010, pg 17).” It would appear the inability to tolerate painful truths results from some kind of “relational failure,” a condition in which it is unsafe to depend on another, be that other a parent, a cultural surrounding, or a political nation. Without adequate care, the vulnerable self is abandoned to overwhelming anxiety, and as a result of these fears of annihilation and collapse, due to the fault lines of masculinity of the male psyche, most men are foreclosed to feelings of vulnerability (feminine feelings of weakness and inferiority) because these feelings are not represented in the male paradigm. Femininity is not worked through due to the traumatic separation and loss of the mother through Oedipal castration, which ushers in matricidal theory, men’s vital necessity to individuation (Kristeva, 1989; Weiland, 1996). Castrated feelings of being made to look and feel weak and inferior in the face of another superior male figure, or male equivalent, thereby contribute to the ongoing violence that continually erupt within the global theatre of war and within private, intimate relationships. This drives male patriarchial dominance, in addition to terroristic violence frequently witnessed in times of “relational collapse” (see Chadorow, 2012, pg. 129-135). One of the ways powerful nations, and thereby powerful leaders, become represented as “superior” is in the unmasking of vast amounts of financial wealth. This is historically been a part of male patterened dominance.

It is for this reason, the advancing wireless electromagnetic technology in use against targeted populations is so suspect of a form of male patterened violence against women and, thereby, vulnerable groups who do not possess power such as the autistic, the elderly, the poor, the homeless, the mentally ill, and other marginalized groups.

I have to further ask the question,

“What is the function of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, to void the target / victim of any effective experience, thereby, deadening off her personality and emotional content by inducing trauma and disassociation?”

This would seem to hint towards masculine frustration, hate, and rage often associated with feelings of vulnerability, inferiority, and separation, frequently carried out in forms of male patterened violence directed against women and weaker groups. Emotions like hatred and humiliation are central. Sociopolitical conditions certainly affect motivation, feelings, and actions, and we can look, at motivation as if it is directly caused by abstract and generally proscribed political or material conditions. We can label such behaviors as anti-imperialist, nationalist, or borne of religious fervor (Chowdorow, 2012).

“Such an approach, however, frees us from keeping at the forefront of our minds that particular individuals engage in suicide missions, mass murder, torture, ethnic cleansing, or genocide. These individuals have conscious and unconscious wishes and fantasies, have, indeed, conscious reasons and rationalizations that make such behaviors feel acceptable and even laudable. We are looking at individuals who hate, commit violence, and polarize the world into good us and evil them (Chodorow, 2012, pg.123).”

Since all people rationalize their individual culture; political beliefs and religious ideologies they justify the reasons for their particular behavior whether violent or pacifist. This is how people achieve a sense of coherent identity by participating in causes connecting certain individuals and disconnecting from other individuals.

“What, in the psychic organization of ordinary masculinity, leads a not-negligible number of men, and to that extent, a negligible number of women, to develop hatred and to react to humiliation with violence and aggression in a way that predominantly most women do not?”

“Most men in modern societies and throughout history have been powerful and dominant, but their power and dominion seem a fragile and vulnerable business, constantly threatened, and consequently, constantly threatening (Chodorow, 2012, pg.126).” Two clinical components to forms of male patterened violence seem to be connected to: first, the paranoid schizoid splitting that projects “badness” into the object-other, and, secondly, narcissism and humiliation.

For women as well as men, I would suggest this development may be connected to a “non-optimal primal scene formation.” That is, a primal scene that was neither average or expectable (Holmes, 2013, pg. 144; Niedecken, 2016).


Barna, Karen. (2024). “On Violence in American Foreign Policy and the Dark Mirror of Wireless Electronic Assault Torture. Published February 13, 2024.

Chodorow, N. (2012). Individualizing Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Practice. New York. Routledge.

First Do No Harm: The paradoxical encounters of psychoanalysis, warmaking, and resistance. New York. Routledge.

Holmes, L. (2013). Wrestling with Destiny: The promise of psychoanalysis. New York. Routledge.

Kristeva, J. (1989). Black Sun. New York. Columbia University Press.

Niedecken, D. (2016). The primal scene and symbol formation. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Vol. 97. No. 3. (pp. 665-683).

Weiland, C. (1996). “Matricide and Destructiveness: Infantile anxieties and technological culture. British Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol. 12, No. 3, (pp. 300-313).



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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