The Truth Behind The Phenomenon of Gang Stalking Is What History Would Come To Know As Church Truth versus Apostacy and the Narcissistic Revenge Stemming From “Defection”
“For we know him that said: “Vengeance is mine: I will recompense”; and again: “God will judge his people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” ~Epistle to the Hebrews, 10:30–31
Giordano Bruno
Many people may not know who Giordano Bruno was more or less even know how he died. He became caught in the cogs and wheel of a Satanic device known as the Inquisition. Giordano Bruno was a Dominican priest whose intellectual interests encompassed mathematics, cosmology, magic, and forbidden church literature. He would go on to describe the University of Oxford as a “constellation of the ignorant, pedantic, and obstinate, and a mass of donkeys and swine.” Upon leaving the University on his return to Italy in 1592, he was apprehended by the Inquisition and took into custody. It was clear through surviving church summarizes he was willing to recant on some matters while remaining adamant on others. His issues were mainly theological rather than scientific. He was later sentenced to death by burning. Most likely succumbing to either asphyxiation as fire depletes oxygen near the stake, hypovolemic shock and/or hypoperfusion. Why was this death necessary? It was necessary because of his deviant proclivity to renounce church belief for, I’m sure what Bruno might have considered “theological inaccuracies.” Of course, his proclivity to speak unmindfully to supremely correct grand inquisitors all too tightly sealed his fate. The Vatican would eventually come to admit in 1992, that the Church erred and the episode belonging to Galileo Galilei a “sad misunderstanding that now belongs to the past.”
The Roman Catholic Inquisition and The Phenomenon of Electronic Targeted Assaults and Psychotronic Torture
Many people may not realize what the Roman Catholic Inquisition was all about. It was about a systematic purging of opposing beliefs that challenged the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church and its supreme ruling authority. Included in these opposing beliefs were alternative religious views such as Judaism and Muslim, as well as those who sided with new and emerging scientific beliefs based on scientific evidence; mathematics, physics, and astrology. In addition, anyone who behaved strangely, performing behaviors and rituals outside of normal traditional religious customs were also targeted. One particular group was known as the “benandanti” translated into English means “good walkers.”
The Benandanti
The sad truth about the benandanti is they were simple country people and villagers who were performing what seemed to them ordinary night-time processions of provenance intended to ensure an abundant and fruitful harvest. The benandanti’s nighttime walks were battles for fertility in the good human spirit, armed with sprigs of fennel and sorghum stalks of course, against witches, male and female, to ensure no evil befell their crops. I instantly am reminded of theories surrounding the ancient rituals of the people of Stonehenge. Processions of people with similar earthly objects, making a ritual hike to their sacred spot in the worship of the yearly solstice. Yet the Roman Catholic leaders, at first not knowing what to make of the benandanti, would come to view these ancient rituals as nighttime rituals to gather in darkness to commune with Satan and have sex and produce offspring. Thus, the end of the benandanti and their ancient fertility rituals.
“It has been said pragmatic accommodations are sought out in order to maneuver in dangerous environments. Robust and outspoken opinion is replaced by oblique suggestion or calculated silence, by trimming and feinting. It was the strategy of writers in the Soviet Union and it was the strategy of the times during the Roman Inquisitions. As the Roman Inquisition sought to silence their challenges, so too is the purpose for electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture.”
Galileo Galilei
A comparison can be made between Galileo’s trial and the phenomenon of electronically targeted assaults and psychotronic torture. As one historian has noted, Galileo’s trial was not about science but about obedience. Concern for “truth” had evolved into concern over the stability and continuance of the ecclesiastical rulers’ supreme authority and power.
Galileo’s trial was a dispute between the ruling Ptolemaic view of the heavens, the sun revolves around the Earth and the Earth is stationary versus Copernicus’ heliocentric view of the heavens, the Earth revolves around a stationary sun and revolves on its axis in one 24-hour cycle known as day and night.
Disagreements during tribunals that would ensure a death sentence would be denouncing the one supreme true God of the Catholic Church as well as denouncing the Ptolemy’s view of the heavens. Narcissists don’t like being proven wrong. Just imagine the labor-intensive work and the manpower required to find every reference to the word coitus, a term that was regarded as obscene; blot it out; replacing it with the more demure copula. There was no universal “find and replace” function. The same could be said for Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic targeted assaults with psychotronic torture. What type of manpower would be required for a systematically smooth execution of this type of crime?
The inquisitorial censors were often myopic, childish, capricious, or daft. The modern era would come to witness similar behavior in the behavior of Mark Zuckerberg, ruling Facebook CEO and social media giant. Zuckerberg would be criticized for capriciously censoring (deleting) the online accounts of his challengers and adversaries. Facebook, like the Roman Catholic Inquisition, can certainly be perceived as something that holds the possibility for “that Satanic Device.” Zuckerberg would later be disciplined for his Napoleonic buying behaviors. He was disciplined by the Federal Trade Commission for mishandling users’ data as well as needing to be told he could no longer purchase companies whose primary business was a social media platform and that he must “diversify his portfolio.”
The End of an Era
In the end, the Inquisition was extinguished not because it realized the error of its wrongs, but because it couldn’t cope with the profound change of values in Europe throughout the eighteenth century. Starting in Protestant countries it would move to the Netherlands and then to England. Issues of tolerance was raised — not for the first time, but as a new positive value emerged. Toleration was now being perceived in a different light, as a positive value rather than a negative value, something you praised and were proud of. Before that, tolerance was something you suffered and was done to you. This idea spread and the Inquisition collapsed.
More than anything else, it was the power of ideas. Ideas like “reason,” and “freedom of conscience” began to limit and then undermine the Roman Inquisition. There is one simple point that can be made about the Roman Catholic Inquisition. Its purpose was as a disciplinary institution operated by an entity, the Church, whose claim to authority was based on values and whose tools proved to be the implements needed to change human willpower. More than anything else, an organization based on values must beware of a challenge made on the very same basis. Ideas have no physical body in the physical world. As a result, they are slow to take hold. How inefficient they must appear placed next to brute force. But they are often the most powerful actors of all. One of those actors was the idea of tolerance. John Locke put it like this in 1689:
“Nobody, therefore, in fine, neither single persons nor churches, nay, nor even commonwealths, have any just title to invade the civil rights and worldly goods of each other upon pretense of religion [among other things] … The sum of all we drive at is that every man may enjoy the same right that are granted to others.”
We might look at the renaissance artwork of the famous sculpture Donatello’s “David.” The image of “David”, clearly the smaller weaker man represents the people of Florence, Italy. These people were a mercantile state, much weaker and smaller. David’s triumph over and the defeat of Goliath, clearly represented in the sculpting as a much larger and stronger man, represents the Duke of Milan. In a similar tone, the emergence of a unified Kingdom of Italy brought an end to the Papal States altogether and the Napoleonic Era abolished the Inquisition. Rome was captured by Italian forces in 1870, and Pope Pius IX took refuge in the enclave that would eventually become a sovereign city-state, his temporal powers henceforward restricted to those few acres. The head off of the Dragon had been cut off and, as it has happened so many times throughout history, it was cut off by yet another dictator/tyrant.
Might we not make a similar argument for the abuse to persons suffering electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture? Is the purpose of this form of torture not to illustrate to the victim the supreme ruling authority endowed by the perpetrator?
The following link provides a psychoanalytic explanation behind masculine counterphobic defenses against emasculation.