Uncovering the Clues to Electronic Targeted Physical Assaults and Psychotronic Torture and Why the Central Illusions of White Supremacy Has Not Ended

Karen Barna
5 min readAug 11, 2021


Post Updated: August 17, 2021

“An era can be considered over when its central illusions have been exhausted.” ~Arthur Miller

John Cusack tweeted this quote about our political environment. It’s a compelling quote. Of course, when I think of political central illusions, and a time era, I think of Adolf Hitler. Of course, when it comes to discussing perverse acts the like of Adolf Hitler, we believe that era has ended but it’s only become an infinite game in business and profits. It’s only become more conventional through the use of advancing clandestine technologies that can hack into peoples’ lives and steal away their rights and their bodies through cyber warfare. We now live in the era of eSTIM (wireless electronic stimulation). We also live in an era of wireless communication in which handheld devices have been placed in our hands. There is a very real connection to man’s proclivity to use eSTIM sex toys as a form of BDSM and the electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture both have connections rooted in the human pregenital instincts and the pregenital human ego. That is to say, acts of sadism and the creation of the anal sadistic universe.

For the last few days, I have been excessively manipulated with electronic convulsive shock therapy during the nighttime hours as I sleep, again. I can’t see my predator, his identity, his ethnicity, his nationality, the color of his eyes, nor the color of his skin.

There seems to be a connection between past violence (past domestic/physical violence element), Capital Health Systems at Fuld (medical facility element/medical access to victims’ bodies), the police (state authority element), and the electronic physical assaults and psychotronic torture (continued violence element against a human body) of victims. At least, as I have experienced it in my case.

When analyzing sadistic targeted physical assaults utilizing electronics and psychotronics, at random and at will assaults, there is the pregenital instinct of the pregenital ego of the perpetrator to consider. When I say “pregenital instincts” and “pregenital ego” that’s a clue that’s been uncovered about the psychological state and persistency of character of the perpetrator. The suspect who is responsible for torturing me from “a far”, who may in actuality be very close in proximity, will have as part of their personality tendencies and repertoire persistent sadistic and anal sadistic phantasies (unconscious wishes towards annihilating victims) and fantasies (the acting out these same sadistic fantasies in their relational world. This is something that escapes the barrier of invisibility to that point of observations to hint towards suspicion). (1) There seems to be a basic breach in human decency and standards of conduct with this perpetrator who is acting out his/her sadistic conscious or unconscious phantasies against me.

“The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and god-like technology.”

~E.O. Wilson, September 9th 2009

Since human violence first takes the form of aggression, some type of conflict is most likely an element that proceeds the initiation of mind and body physical assaults the targeted individual experiences. And we know from past time eras, that the label “mental illness” has been used to manipulate wives and love interests, and to satisfy the male pregenital instinct and pregenital ego in management of his anger toward female flesh (in fact, any flesh), as a result of his maternal Object’s initial ambivalence towards him in infancy. That is to say, he/she not only cast females in delusional images and images of Evil, but males as well. It is an indexical sign of the perpetrator’s warped and distorted notion surrounding their mothers accompanied by notions of feminine evil. He is from the middle class. (2)

Here, when we speak of a time era where the anal sadistic universe manifested, I think of the World War II era. What if Hitler said, “I’m sorry but I didn’t know what I was doing.” Would this be an acceptable excuse for his actions? Certain actions are just beyond the pale of human decency. (3) Arthur Miller said,

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”

Exactly why does REVENGE and VENDETTA tap into the pregenital instincts in the pregenital ego to satisfy the human proclivity for sadistic attacks against human flesh? The answer to that question is rooted in theories of matricide and the paranoid-schizoid personality position.

For me, I have to ask, “Why do these attacks increase and coincide with phone calls from psychiatric service facilities and calls from my insurance company to remind me of “services” that are available to me?” And, “Why are these attacks happening in the privacy of my own home?” This makes me believe it is more about violence and territory. The canvas of the human body in the form of female flesh echoes the past violence of the pregenital stage (preOedipal stage). That is to say, the unconscious territory of the female sexual body is locked in the masculine and feminine mind from our pre-Oedipal phase of psychosexual development. There, in our unconscious mind, resides our pregenital instincts and the pregenital ego. Here is what stranded objects do with their psychic fodder that remains unsublimated:

Trash, City, and Death

(1) Image of Holocaust, Victims of Adolf Hitler

(2) Image of One of Washington State Prostitute Killer, Robert Lee Gates’ victims

(3) Image of Gang Murder credited to El Chapo and The Sinaloa Cartel

(4) Tiled Gallery of The Black Dahlia Murder Images

Click the link below to view the images on another published blog site of mine because Medium.com will not allow me to publish them over their platform.

Uncovering the Clues to Electronic Targeted Physical Assaults and Psychotronic Torture and Why the Central Illusions of White Supremacy Has Not Ended — Proclivities’ Principle Wisdom (wordpress.com)

Additionally, “Why do these attacks end after I’m placed in psychiatric care in the hospital and start again a few days after release if it’s not about controlling a human body as an Object Other?”

In The In-Between ‘Space’ of ‘Voice’ and ‘Silence’: Comparing the phenomenon of the T.I. to other historical harbingers | by Karen Barna | Jul, 2021 | Medium


Janine Chassegeut-Smirgel. (1984) Creativity and Perversion. London. Free Association Books. Chapter 7, “Psychoanalytic Study of Falsehood” and Chapter 9, “Aestheticism, Creation and Perversion.”

Bram Dijkstra. (1986) Idols of Perversity; Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-Siècle Culture. New York. Oxford University Press.

Eric Santner. (1990). Stranded Objects: Mourning, Memory, and Film in Postwar Germany. Ithaca and London. Cornell University Press. The interesting connection to the opening of the play by Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s 1975 play entitled “Trash, City, and Death” was a speech of commemoration by the cardinal of Cologne, Joseph Höffner, in which he declared that the Germans “should not, again and again, exhume past guilt and mutually committed injustices, in constant self-torment.” Yet the connection being made here, by me, is to this fact that the German Nazis have not left us but are still living with us in the form of white supremacist narcissism and group (gang) psychology. The only way this can be explained is through personality and the existence of the paranoid-schizoid personality position rooted in pregenital instincts and the pregenital ego of the individual. That is to say, human sadism.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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