Uncovering The Perverse Core In Wireless Frequency Assault Torture As The Perpetrator Issues Forth His/Her Self-Representation

Karen Barna
7 min readFeb 4, 2025


This is an advertisement from YouTube that discusses our completely ridiculous economic paradigm. It applies here as well with wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture too.

Regarding wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, uncovering its perverse core at the center of its existence through the self-representation of the perpetrator behind these attacks. Consider the following from Luisa Perrone and Maurizio Russo in the British Journal of Psychotherapy, “The Perverse Core and Its Role in The Crossroads Between Self-Representation and Confusion”:

“In Creativity and Perversion, Chasseguet-Smirgel (1985) considered the process of separation and differentiation from the mother’s body. She points to the importance of a containing object, since without this [containing object] there are fantasies of annihilation and experience of intolerable psychic pain and regression towards a sexually undifferentiated anal world. All intergenerational differences may be denied in a fantasy, which includes the child and his/her mother. Here the main goal is to return to the primary fusional situation and thus deny the reality of separation. Meltzer and Gregor’s (1988) paper called this an “aesthetic conflict”, seeing it as a coexistence of both libidinal and epistemophilic drives oriented towards the “inside” of the mother, and these become part of fantasized threats from the enigmatic and mysterious features of her body in the primal scene. Begoin (1999) draws attention to the same process, noting that where there is an incapacity of the maternal object to contain the baby’s projections, there will be consequently a core of despair. This may be hidden, but is responsible for powerful perverse projective identifications and all forms of violent control of the object. Instead of the child being held in the parental mind, the child becomes the container or rather a place for the evacuation of parental contents. This will result in a permanent confusion between libidinal and destructive drives (Perrone & Russo 2008).”

Here I’d like to refer to two papers, one, “Matricide and Destructiveness: Infantile Anxieties and Technological Culture” by Christina Weiland and some thoughts on Sigmund Freud’s “Three Essays on Sexuality.”

In Christina Wieland’s paper she states,

“Separation from the mother is, of course, the main developmental task that has to be accomplished if a secure sense of self is to be established, and loss is the inevitable price (Weiland 1996).”

How this loss of the mother is incurred is of critical importance. Gradual, or “phase appropriate loss” is more desirable than a violent, traumatic rupture or loss. Phase appropriate loss results in the formation of ego structure whereas traumatic loss does not (Kohut 1971).

The issue of separation from the mother is a very complex one, therefore, I am only providing some possible psychoanalytic clues to the identity of the perpetrators, those parties interested in using this abusive technology on others with regard to their unconscious motivations. There are plenty of people with conscious motives who would acquire these abusive technologies as weapons are used against known enemies.

Freud wrote on perversion in his paper “Three Essays on Sexuality” he states:

“Symptoms themselves originate from the repression and transformation not only of normal sexuality but also as perverse aims and component instincts. The unconscious fantasies underlying the symptoms, as well as the symptoms themselves, reproduce or mimic these perverse forms as when masochism is transmuted into something moral and the person constantly engages in self-punishment and verbal self-flagellation, or when sadistic anal desires are expressed in attacking and attempting to destroy the creation of others through ridicule or mental demolition or transformed into compulsive withholding and or orderliness (Chodorow, 2012, pg. 29-30).”

It is here I’d like to point out the sadistic anal desires that are expressed in the “attacking” via wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, that is to say the “laching onto my body” and physical pain that follows, as the demolition or transformation of an object-other into something less desirable and/or less valuable.

What is meant when psychologists say “the mother’s ability to contain the baby” or “keep the baby’s mind in her own mind” is called mentalization. Mentalization is the process in which the parent helps the child to develop a sense of herself or himself as an individual with her own thoughts and feelings. This happens in the mind and the body. It’s about being fully taken in, thought about, and reflected on, by the parent or caregiver. The opposite of this is called colonization. Colonization is where undesirable bits of the parent, or undesirable content are evacuated from their psychic mind of the parent and injected into the child’s mind (Grand & Salberg 2017, pg. 204-226). Because this happens in the body and in the mind, children who display homosexual tendencies may be colonized by their parents into becoming heterosexual. That is, phobias of the mother and the father can become phobias of the children. Here, I think of the Nazi soldier’s obsession with orderliness and Arian characteristics, blonde and blue eyed.

Wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture is a perverse solution that seems to me to incorporate the inverse unconscious paradigm (Davies 2004). That is to say,

“In evil’s deformation of ethics, the human and the non-human seem linked in a reversal: that which is human is reduced to an “it”, and that which is an it is rendered sacred. Greed’s victim is filled with every dimension of human suffering. And yet it is it defined: envisioned by the perpetrator as a devoid of all the enlightened shadows of human subjectivity (Grand, 2000, pg.119).”

It seems to me wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture is something that belongs to the concentration camps of World War II. There, evil’s deformation of ethics performed unethical medical experimentation on undesirable human objects. In this perversion of peculiar form, the relationship in the reversal of “valuable German Nazi” vs. “Nonvaluable NonGerman Jew” known as the “inverse unconscious paradigm.” In this paradigm, human objects can become the transitional-objects in which medical knowledge can be acquired and transformed into vehicles that help support new medical/technologies/commodities through unethical and inhumane medical experimentation. In short, they helped provide capital and profit on the backs of the disavantaged. “One is not male or female because he or she owns a penis or a vagina (biological sex), but rather sexual acknowledgment implies a symbolic identification process in which he or she meets the other’s desire (Perrone & Russo 2008).” Likewise, the Jews became the symbolic identification of liquidated assets of the German government.

Turning my attention to Canada’s MAID law, that is, Medical Assistance In Dying, one does not have to be terminally ill with the occurrence of death arriving within 6 months, but rather they are only required to “have a grievous and irremediable medical condition.” This means, if someone is blind, deaf, has Down Syndrome, lost a limb, they can apply for euthanasia. Because of a seemingly broken health care system in Canada, with an overwhelming cost incurred by the government, the Canadian government allows for provisions for individuals to take their own life because of treatable diseases like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), diabetes, obesity, and depression, to name but a few.

United States laws for MAID are seemingly different. In the state of New Jersey, in order for you to be eligible for MAID, you must be diagnosed by an attending physician with a terminal illness. This means that death is most likely to occur within 6 months. I posed the question,

“How does this connect with wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture?”

When this torture creates, in an individual, “grievous and irremediable conditions” that may force individuals to commit acts of suicide, believing their life is “to unbearable and difficult” because the technology is clandestine and invisible, which makes people doubt the veracity and truthfulness of their story. Gas lighting and jokes like, “Put on your tin foil hat!” are projected towards these individuals who are suffering from wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture. These individuals who are suffering from the technology become the joke. These individuals suffering from wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, their very existence, is downplayed as “inconsequential” and “unimportant.”

I must further inquire as to the interpretation of New Jersey state MAID statute tha states in section C:26:16-2(c)(d):

“c. The public welfare requires a defined and safeguarded process in order to effectuate the purpose of this act, which will:

(1) guide Healthcare Providers and Patient Advocates who Provide support to dying patients

(2) assist capable, terminally ill patients who request compassionate Medical Aid in dying

(3) protect vulnerable adults from abuse; and

(4) ensure that the process is entirely voluntary on the part of all participants including patients and those health care providers that are providing care to dying patients.

d. This act is in the public interest and is necessary for the welfare of the state and its residents.

Is wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture being carried out in the name of the public’s interest and the welfare of the state of New Jersey and its residents?


Begoin, J. (1999) Love and Destruction: The Metabolism of Mental Pain in Psychic Life. Paper presented in the 2nd Syros EFPP Workshop.

Chasseguet-Smirgel, J. (1985) Creativity and Perversion. London. Free Association Books.

Chowdorow, N. (2012) Individualizing Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Practice. Relational Perspective Book Series, Volume 53. New York. Routledge.

Davies, JM “Whose Bad Objects Are We Anyway?: Repetition and Our Elusive Love Affair with Evil.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues (2004) 14(6) 711–732.

Freud, S. (1905b) “Three essays on the theory of sexuality.” In SE, Volume 7. London: Hogarth Press.

Grand, S.(2000) The Reproduction of Evil: A clinical and cultural perspective. London. The Analytic Press.

Kohut, H. (1971) The Analysis of the Self. Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press (1987).

“Medical Aid in Dying.” The Official Website for the State of New Jersey. Full Text of the MAID Act.

https://pub.njleg.gov/bills/2018/PL19/59 .HTM

Meltzer, D. & Gregor’s, M.H. (1988) The Aesthetic Conflict: its place in the developmental process. In “The Apprehension of Beauty: The Role of Aesthetic Conflict in Development, Art and Violence. Strath Tay, Perthshire: Clunie Press.

Perrone, L. & Russo, M. (2008) “The Perverse Core and Its Role in The Crossroads Between Self-Representation and Confusion.” British Journal of Psychoanalysis 24(1)

Wieland, Christina. “Matricide and Destructiveness: Infantile Anxieties and Technological Culture. British Journal of Psychotherapy (1996) 12(3): 300–313.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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