What The Book of Job Teaches Us About Game Theory and the Phenomenon of Group (Gang) Stalking of the Targeted Individual

Karen Barna
27 min readOct 4, 2021


Updated: October 4, 2021; 9:37 AM

This article makes a point to make a literary comparison of the afflictions suffered by Job in the Bible and the phenomenon of electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture, and that both are of a similar nature. This article also makes a point to define and diagnose the “God” of these assaults with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) as outline by the DSM-IV. I borrow on the work of Donald Capps in a journal article he wrote for Pastoral Psychology, as well as psychoanalysts who have contributed to psychoanalytic theory. Authors like Heinz Kohut, Herbert Rosenfeld, Nancy Chodorow, and Melanie Klein.

In the Book of Job, after Job, a faithful and upright individual suffers losses of livestock, the death of his 10 children by marauding men, followed by an affliction of open sores all over his body (Behcet’s Disease), he wants to confront God face-to-face, and not through intercessory prayer either. He wants to talk to him directly and ask why he is being punished? For Job inquires, “Why have you made me your target?”(Job 7:20) Job finds God’s elusive nature a problem. The job cannot confront God face-to-face because he is “God.” It isn’t until God presents himself to Job in form of a whirlwind does Job inquires of God’s cruelty.

What the reader/listener is aware, and Job himself is not, is that “God” and “Satan” have entered a GAME. After roaming about the Earth and walking around in it, Satan enters the court of God. God wants to know if he has noticed his faithful follower Job in which Satan replies that he had. Satan challenges God by saying the only reason he is so faithful is that God has given him everything; abundant and plentiful livestock, property, financial wealth, 10 children. Satan tells God if he strikes out his hand, Job wouldn’t be so faithful. God, refusing to hurt his faithful follower himself, offers Job to Satan and says do with him as you wish but do not harm him. Two players, God and Satan, in a finite game with the goal to see what type of rational or irrational choices will be made by the game piece called Job. Remember the movie Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd?

A strategic attack is placed upon Job’s blessings: his livestock is struck dead, all 10 children murdered, and Job is afflicted with open, painful sores all over his body. All this which God allows because he believes Job cannot be turned against him in the wager he has made with Satan.

What of God’s invisibility? God cannot be reached by Job directly in the physical sense because of God’s nature. In fact, God instead, God presents himself to Job as the superior controlling player in the game and manifests himself as a whirlwind in which he speaks to Job directly in the form of a whirlwind for five chapters. It is during these conversations we get a glimpse of a controlling, unempathetic, sadistically cruel God. The diagnosis by Donald Capp in Pastoral Psychology has been narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and he has proven God has met all nine criteria in various books of the Old Testament including the Book of Job. In fact, God belittles Job’s intelligence and inferior knowledge through a series of rhetorical questions, for it is God who is clearly the superior, all-knowing deity. And to further add insult to injury, God basically says to Job how dare you question my justice? I am the superior person in this arrangement and not YOU! How dare YOU pronounce me wicked so that YOU may be right? He says Job’s claims are recklessly bold and insolent. This is the typical response we expect to get from a person with NPD, for God is guilty as hell for causing Job’s pain and suffering but eludes being blamed for it by gaslighting his victim.

What’s more, is God’s showy entrance into the world of living human beings. He chooses, not as a disguise the shape of mortal man or “a messenger from God” with which to identify with Job in human form, but he appears to Job as a showy whirlwind. What a grand entrance for this “superior being”! He displays a similarly consistent style of showmanship in Exodus when he exacts the ten (10) plagues against Egypt. What a performance of perfectly destructive showmanship; flies, gnats, frogs, locusts, and inflicting man and beast with boils all over their bodies. He even rains down sulfur and fire on the city of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible story found in Genesis [Gen. 19:23–24]. But does God ever take on responsibilities like creating economic infrastructure, supporting foreign trade, providing opportunities for employment, the development of aqueducts, and the building of cities, providing social services for the poor, sick, and the disabled? All these aspects are consistent with exceptional statesmanship, the work and hard grit of “lowly humans” seem to be countered by fierce, military, pyrotechnics. In fact, God doesn’t do any of the things attributed to the hard work and perseverance of human populations, although he does claim to have given the people who create these accomplishments the “gifts” and “talents” to do so. Of all of God’s skills, showmanship is surely one of them, however, it appears he is lacking when it comes to a supportive leadership role, characteristics we typically attribute to traits like honesty, integrity, intrepidness, hard work, and perseverance of adversity to the human race. And not God! At least as far as the Book of Job is concerned. We could also discuss his leadership skills when he hand-selected Moses and guided him through the desert for 40 years, where, under God’s navigation and leadership, made them wander like nomads for 40 years! Wandering nomads may very well have walked in circles during their 255-mile trek to the promised land. Exceptional skills of statesmanship belong to excellent leaders which God is clearly not. At least when it comes to the Book of Job.

Destructive Showmanship and Destructive Narcissistic Defense Function of NPD; A review of Herbert Rosenfeld’s work

We can make connections and comparisons to the aspect of destructive showmanship of a militarized defensive posture of God with his earthquakes and the pyrotechnics of raining fire and brimstone from the sky and make a connection to the presence of infantile psychic destructive forces within the construct of narcissistic personality disorder where the purpose for an exhibition of power is to pervert and block growth and development as well as providing an attacking defensive function against victims, where devaluing and depreciating the subject to the point of rendering them “useless” and “worthless” (Rosenfeld, 1971) can be made in both the plight of Job, the plight of the Jewish Holocaust, and the plight of the Targeted Individual suffering electronic targeted assaults and psychotronic torture.

As I have stated, I can make a direct connection and comparison between this analysis of the Book of Job, right-wing radical Republican liberals (Mayer, 2016), and the analysis Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture which are obvious acts of destructive showmanship and not supportive statesmanship.

In another bulleted point, God said to Moses, “Go into Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these signs of mine among them, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your son’s son how I have made sport of the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them; that you may know that I am the Lord” (Exod. 10:1–2). The whole idea is to draw attention to himself through a few signs that make sport of the Egyptians, making them look rather foolish. Is this not what game theory has taught us about warfare and to which reveals to us the purpose of Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture. That it is nothing more than a demonstration of how “stupid,” “weak,” “childish,” “foolish” the victim is? A flashy array of showmanship utilizing hi-tech advanced technology and the smoke and mirrors of a seduction utilizing implanted software on victim’s computer devices that “hack into” the private lives of the victims as well as implanted biological devices that “hack into” the victim’s brains? Creating disruption, distraction, denial of rights, and the illusion of an “omnipotent and powerful God” in order to elicit in the victim feelings of “powerlessness,” “inferiority,” and “fear” against a clearly “superior power.” And if we consider the aspect of victim selection in populations suffering malevolent forms of NPD, we see victims tend to be weaker, vulnerable, accessible targeted populations for the narcissist.

Another point to make is this. Although the readers/listeners to the Book of Job are made aware of the wager between God and Satan, Job, himself, is not. As a result of this lack of privileged information, Job becomes confused as to the reason for his punishments. God and Satan both know Job is blameless, upright, and faithful. The dilemma in Job’s situation is in the folly of trying to understand “God’s ways” when certain “human people” (non-ecclesiastical) are not privileged “to know the mind of God.” Here we might make a literary comparison to the work of Goethe in his play Faust. What follows for Job is confusion, as well as a deception by the very God he loves and trusts. Every good detective knows a criminal will lie through his teeth. That is why detectives are taught techniques in uncovering the lies told by criminal agents. But Job does not shrink in the face of a larger-than-life dictator and says, “Look! I have become of little account. What shall I reply to you?” In other words, I’ve clearly been reduced to a 10th of my worth, you clearly took away from me what you wanted, demonstrating to me you clearly hold the superior position. What am I to say to you?

With regard to Group (Gang) Stalking as the reason for its manifestation is for its purpose in GAME PLAY, then the reason I contend it has been instituted upon the victim is because that the victim has achieved Nash’s Equilibrium in his/her lifestyle. And Nash’s Equilibrium states that “… Nash equilibrium is a decision-making theorem within the game theory that states a player can achieve the desired outcome by not deviating from their initial strategy.” So, if a player has no incentive to make a change, or consider an alternate choice in his/her lifestyle, then, how is one to illicit a change? And the answer to that question, as was Satan’s hoped-for outcome in the Book of Job, is to elicit a change in the victim’s choices by inflicting a painful and tormenting, outside opposing force, upon the victim, which takes the form of electronic targeted physical and psychotronic assaults in Targeted Populations, or in Job’s case, inflicting him with catastrophic loses and painful open sores. And the man who confronted me over Quora.com while I was discussing my experience as a Targeted Individual stated it was “because I couldn’t imagine anything better for myself.” This is in line with Satan’s response to God, “Job is only faithful to you because you give him everything!” It would seem that prosperity and wealth is the difference that separates the classes. And I contend the reason for my targeting.

The biggest development in the advancement of Job’s position would have been in the revelation that what is being done to him is nothing more than a GAME! A game bought about because Job is living in prosperity under the protection and benevolence of God. But because Job is not privileged to the information that God and Satan are only playing a game, he remains preoccupied with his suffering and punishments, endlessly wondering what he has done wrong to displease God. The fault, as is the faultline in the phenomenon of Group (Gang) Stalked Targeted Individual suffering electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture, can be viewed as when Job’s friends come to assist him, attempting to explain to Job with limited understanding and knowledge regarding “God’s ways”. The unavailable information denied them is in the fact that God and Satan are, in fact, at the craps table at Trump’s casino playing a GAME with Job’s very life and welfare just to see “what Job will do next.” The unavailable knowledge is that it is all a GAME to transform Job and darken his faith against God! And here we might ponder the fact of whether or not the phenomenon of the Targeted Individual suffering electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture might not be a purposefully crafted design, an experiment if you will, using hi-tech advances (the militarized defensive posture akin to earthquakes and fiery pyrotechnics of the Old Testament) to transform the subject’s [a Job substitute] “own narcissism” (Kohut, 1966/1986).

Kohut noted that like all complex human activities, creativity involves the whole personality, and thus a wide range of psychological structures and drives. God clearly is a creative being and creativity is a much needed attribute in transforming destructive narcissistic infantile psychic forces into more productive modes of socialized behavior. He had created many things. “But clearly, more than just the narcissistic energies are involved … But narcissism plays a key role in the creative activity of the individual “as a spur, driving him toward fame and acclaim” and which we could certainly say of God. Another narcissistic aspect of creativity is the “idealizing libido” which manifest itself in one’s own passionate involvement in creative work. The analogy between this involvement and the mother’s love for her unborn fetus and newborn baby is often invoked, but Kohut believes that “the creative person’s relationship to his work has less in common with the expanded narcissism of motherhood than with the still restricted narcissism of early childhood” (p. 75). In fact, “the personality of many unusually creative individuals is more childlike than maternal,” and “the experiments of some of the great in science impress the observer with their almost childlike freshness and simplicity” (p. 75) [Capps, 2009].”

Capps goes on to further say,

“Thus, whether in art or in science, the creative individual “is less psychologically separated from his surroundings than the noncreative one; the I-you barrier is not as clearly defined,” and the “intensity of the creative person’s awareness of the relevant aspects of his surroundings is akin to the detailed self-perceptions of the schizoid and the childlike: it is nearer to a child’s relationship to his excretions or to some schizophrenics’ experiences of their body, than to a healthy mother’s feeling for her newborn child” (p. 75). In this connection, Kohut cites the work of Phyllis Greenacre and Kurt R. Eissler, noting that “their findings are consistent with the proposition that the artist invests his work with a specific form of narcissistic libido” (p. 76). The very fact that creative people “tend to alternated during periods of productivity between phases when they think extremely highly of their work and phases when they are convinced that it has no value, is a sure indication that the work is connected with a form of narcissistic libido” (p. 77). Thus, consistent with Freud’s view that the narcissistic drives originate in the child’s desire to recover the sense of perfection that be originally enjoyed, Kohut concludes:

Creative artists, and scientists, may be attached to their work with the intensity of an addiction, and they try to control and shape it with forces and for purposes which belong to a narcissistically experienced world. They are attempting to re-create a perfection which formerly was directly and attribute of their own; during the act of creation, however, they do not relate to their work in the give-and-take mutuality which characterizes object-love. (p. 77) [Capps, 2009]”

With regard to the limited information available to victims of Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture, a.k.a. The Targeted Individual, the confusion to their plight is further compounded by the fact that disinformation regarding the phenomenon gets passed around the internet. In my experience with Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture, as an umbrella term assigned to it that does not accurately categorize it, it is most likely being carried out by someone who is suffering from NPD or perhaps some other type of personality disorder such as schizoid personality disorder in combination with a clustering of the Dark Tetrad traits (sadism, Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy). If we consider Capps’ comment regarding the personality type of God in his analysis,

“One could just as well argue that God suffers from schizoid personality disorder, whose essential feature is “a pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings (DSM-IV).” Such persons often seem indifferent to the approval or criticism of others and do not appear to be bothered by what others may think of them. We can easily imagine that such a person might help someone overcome colon cancer and then subsequently create a flood in which this person perishes, and does not have much feeling about either of these occurrences or even consider that they might appear contradictory (Capps, 2009).”

To further illustrate aspects of schizoid personality disorder (SPD), I will gather from my own personal experience as a rape victim. Men who rape women may very well have suffer from SPD. SPD is at the heart of abnormal object relations based on Kleinian theory (Jacobs, 2007). As known rapists operating in the communities are split against their maternal love object (Palmer, 2011). As a result, men who rape can demonstrate a form of “detachment from social relationships,” especially concerning women through repetitive sexual assaults. Men of this type often have a restricted range of expression or emotions which is also termed “shallow effect” during consensual intercourse. This restricted range of expression and/or emotions may, at times, seem to be connected with drug and alcohol abuse but because the perpetrator's history of violence is most likely due to SPD. During sessions of consensual sex, men who rape may display shallow effect which is characterized by a lack in depth of emotional feeling in combination with mechanistic robot-like movement, but in scenarios of forceable sexual assault, these men express themselves, although considered abnormal and antisocial behavior, with a range of almost “normal” emotional content and movement consistent with normal heterosexual passion.

However, in its discussion of the nine criteria required for narcissistic personality disorder, the DSM-IV notes that often implicit in their inflated judgements concerning their own accomplishments is an underestimation or devaluation of the contributions of others (criterion 1); that they may ruminate about “long overdue” admiration and privilege and compare themselves favorably with famous or privileged people (criterion 2); that their own self-esteem is enhanced by the idealized value they assign to those with whom they associate (criterion 3); that their self-esteem is usually very fragile and they therefore fish for compliments, expect their arrival to be greeted with great fanfare, and are astonished if others do not covet their possessions (criterion 4); that they expect to be catered to and are puzzled or furious when this does not happen, assume that they do not have to wait in line, consider their priorities to be so important that others should defer to them, and get irritated when others fail to assist in their very important work (criterion 5); that they expect to be given whatever they want or feel they need, no matter what it might mean to others, and form friendships or romantic relationships only if the other person seems likely to advance their purposes or otherwise enhance their self-esteem (criterion 6); that they assume that others are totally concerned about their welfare, discuss their own concerns in inappropriate and lengthy detail while failing to recognize that others have feelings and needs, and treat those who talk about their own problems and concerns with impatience and contempt (criterion 7); that they begrudge others their successes or possessions, feeling that they better deserve those achievements, admiration, or privileges, and devalue the contributions of others, particularly when those individuals have received acknowledgement or praise for their accomplishments (criterion 8); and that they tend to make their disdain for others very apparent, such as by complaining about a clumsy waiter’s “stupidity” or concluding a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician (criterion 9).

And as Donald Capps has carefully illustrated for us, God in the Old Testament meets the nine criteria for NPD. In addition, another important point I would like to include is the information that aspects of Group (Gang) Stalking with electronic targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture, at least as I have experienced the, can be analyzed in the same manner, as it presents a similar dilemma in, not only game theory, but also in Job’s dilemma in the Bible Book of Job in the Old Testament. And the person who is at the root of this phenomenon clearly demonstrates he is in full possession of a “God Complex” better known as a personality disorder and that this person values his identity because he carefully conceals it from exposure much like God who calls himself “I AM WHO I AM.” When prompted by Moses to reveal his name, God said; “At this God said to Moses: “I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE.” And he added: “This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, “I SHALL PROVE TO BE” has sent me to YOU [Exodus 3:14].” Some translations use the phrase “I AM WHO I AM.”

Let’s consider the aspect reflected in the Book of Job when God allowed himself to be drawn into a wager with Satan and this fact evidences God’s rather fragile self-esteem. “A person with a secure sense of self-esteem would not worry much as to whether someone was loyal to him. He would accept this loyalty as a given and appreciate it for what it represented and helped him to accomplish (Capps, 2009).” This ties into the faultlines and fragilities of masculinity Nancy Chodorow has theorized about in Individualizing Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Practice. Men who are not secure in their identity will sometimes fall victim to acts of aggression and violence (Barna, 2021). Nancy Chodorow writes,

“Humiliation, specifically, is especially a male-male — originally father-son — affair. In the normal developmental course of events, much hinges on how a boy relates to his father and turns into a man — the delicate negotiation of this transformation, of identification, of how to replace or join without bringing on retaliation, castration, or humiliation. All of these, in turn, depend partly on a father’s own sense of confident masculinity and selfhood. … (Chodorow, 2012, pp. 131).”

“In addition, the fact God entered into this wager demonstrates a clear lack of empathy and is a demonstration that he is either unwilling or incapable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others (Capps, 2009).” The fact that God would place Job in the direct line of a firestorm from an evil malevolence clearly speaks of how much he truly cared about Job and Job’s suffering. “Even when he appeared to Job in the whirlwind, he did not ask Job how he was feeling, much less apologize to Job for putting him through his awful ordeal. Instead, he told Job that God did not know what he was talking about, thus intimating that this man who had been so faithful to him was not very intelligent (an unintended irony?). This attack on Job’s intelligence had its desired effect because when God stopped to catch his breath, Job responded that he was of a little account and we would speak no more [Job 40:3–4] (Capps, 2009).”

If we consider a research article from Psychiatry Research published in 2018 and completed to assess the gender differences in populations with NPD, it states:

“Although this disorder is estimated to affect 7.7% of males and 4.8% of females in the general population (Stinson et al., 2008) and is associated with substantial functional impairment and psychosocial disability (Stinson et al., 2008), it remains one of the least studied personality disorders (Caligor et al., 2015) [Hoertel, Peyre, Lavaud, Blanco, Guerin-Langlois, Rene, Schuster, Lemogne, Deloreme & Limosin, 2018].”

If we make a comparison to borderline personality disorder (BPD) and the gender distributions within populations of BPD, and consider the criterion for its diagnosis, we come to discover that it is far less likely that God or the person responsible for the electronic targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture of Targeted Individuals is a female (Silberschmidt, Lee, Sanarini & Schulz, 2015).

To further illustrate the argument for God’s NPD in the Book of Job, one might think that when Job said he would speak no more, it would have ended the matter, but God would not let Job off the hook quite that easily. Instead, he demanded that Job speak by responding to the questions that God was putting to him. He told Job to “gird up his loins like a man,” for “I will question YOU, and you declare TO ME,” adding, “Will you even put me in the wrong? Will you condemn me that you may be justified?” [40: 7–8]. It’s hard to imagine a more unfeeling attack on a man who is struggling just to keep alive, especially when we consider that God entered into the wager with Satan merely to prove that there are lots of people who admire God for who he is and not merely for what he does for them. An impartial reader of Job would probably conclude that Job’s response to the effects of the wager proved Satan’s point, that, in effect, God knew that Job’s reaction to what had happened to him would have forced God to concede that he had lost the bet with Satan. Perhaps this was why he demeaned Job, for a narcissist does not take kindly to being proven wrong.

What’s more, is in knowing the Book of Job’s purpose is to produce an effect/affect in the reader/listener rather than to communicate a literal idea. How is the reader made to feel upon learning that God and Satan are playing a game with Job’s life? As a faithful follower and diligent servant to his Lord and Master, a valued follower to God, in return what is God’s reward for such loyalty? Job is thrust into a GAME with Satan and God who will toy with his welfare; his emotions, his life (health), his faith, and his financial well-being. And, in return for all this suffering placed upon a blameless follower, for the purpose of a defensive posture supporting God’s very male ego, God blatantly demeans Job with a bullying approach condemning him for audaciously “questioning His justice.”

Another bulleted point is in the very similar way of how God conceals his identity and the perpetrators' to electronic targeted assault and psychotronic torture also hide their identity from their victims. Capps noted, “God has a grandiose sense of self-importance and believes that he doesn’t have to have a name assigned to himself. He states, “I AM WHO I AM” which is an indication of such grandiosity. Whereas other deities had names suggesting that they were the gods of the people residing in a given locale, God took a name that not only drew attention to himself but also manifested the sort of grandiosity of which narcissists are famous, for he says, in effect, that a person as important as he does not have to be identified: “Who I am is who I am [Capps, 2009).”

Can we not say this as well for electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture and the plight of the Targeted Individual? Alternately, we hear the phrase spoken, “It is what it is.” This gives the speaker a convenient exit towards an excuse not to take responsibility for issues when there is clearly a need for corrective actions. I have heard abusers speak this phrase in order to elude the work of recovery. If an impoverished child falls ill with HIV because his/her mother is a prostitute who has acquired full-blown AIDS, certainly we wouldn’t let that child perish? Would we? Clearly, this is not what Americans stand for. We would not allow that child to perish without proper medicine just because of the inequities of a misguided parent. No, we would not. Neither would we seek to further punish that child for belonging to the lower classes. We would provide supportive statesmanship and social welfare benefits (Democratic statesmanship). Perhaps even provide improved educational opportunities in learning. This type of statesmanship clearly deviates from right-wing radical liberal Republicans who want to do what they want to do and the right-wing radical liberal Republican groups that form under the guidance of the Koch brothers. What’s more, is we could make similar comparisons to right-wing radical liberal groups that gathered at Charlottesville Virginia in 2017. Such events as the Unite the Right Rally where various white supremacy groups rooted white Klan ideology, alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazi, Klansman, and various right-wing militias groups gathered in protest.

I propose, that just like the Book of Job, the purpose of electronic targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture is to illicit an effect/affect in the reader/listener. The purpose of electronic targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture is to illicit a feeling/emotion (fear/agitation), a response (verbal aggression/silence), some type of action/behavior (inaction/action/stay-at-home/ leave the house) and/or induce alternate states of consciousness (such as sedation or stimulation/inducing dream-like states through the use of new technologies of eSTIM as seen in Defense Advanced Research Agency Projects (DARPA) research) [Khan, 2016]. We can compare this to reports of random acts of gun violence in people who claimed they were being electronically targeted. To say, that the people claiming group (gang)stalking with electronic targeted assaults or psychotronic torture were “mentally ill” does the investigation an injustice because of one simple overlooked element; GAME THEORY. Game Theory can illuminate for us the rational choices made by characters in texts ranging from the Bible to Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 as well as in the analysis of irrational choices made by men in random acts of gun violence. For this reason, we can explicate strategic questions in law, history, and philosophy from Game Theory.

They claim the “mental illness” of the victim suffering electronic targeted physical assault and psychotronic torture is the reason, yet I will clearly demonstrate, point for point, how the perpetrators of such violence are just as mentally ill. So that the question becomes, Is it me? Or is it them? Am I the “problem?” Or are the perpetrators the problem? Because what it sounds like to me, is that phenomenon of the Targeted Individual, there appear to be two opposing groups of people and one of them is more mentally ill than the other in trying to annihilate them through clandestine electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture!


The comparison made between the Book of Job (Job’s dilemma) to the content narrative of electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture of the Targeted Individual and the likelihood that person carrying out these destructive attacks possess NPD or some similar type of personality disorder can be summed up as follows:

(1) God’s grandiose sense of self-importance in exaggerating his superiority. He in fact refuses to identify himself with a name saying, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). Similarly, we see the perpetrator to electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture pre-occupied with similar refusal to divulge their identity as can be supported through the empirical evidence of invisible assaults against human populations in which the perpetrator carefully conceals their identity similar to ransomware attacks. If we consider the aspects of prosperity and wealth as characteristics that separate the classes, we can contend the reason for such game play in electronic targeting, as seen in ransomware attacks, is in the purpose to diminish the other while acquiring some of that very prosperity for God himself.

(2) God seems to be preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited power and brilliance. God has repeatedly demonstrated a tendency towards destructive showmanship causing earthquakes and raining fire and brimstone from the sky and causing various plagues. Similarly, we see the perpetrator to electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture pre-occupied with similar fantasies of unlimited power and brilliance. In showy displays that make their targets look foolish and stupid as is witnessed in people who carry out acts of bullying and ransomware attacks. Some victims of ransomware attacks, silently pay off those who victimize them out of embarrassment.

(3) God believes himself to be “special” and deserving of “special treatment” because he uniquely identifies with “special people of high-status” or “privileged institutions.” This was demonstrated in the book of Exodus 3:11–13 when God only chooses the tribe known as the Levites because they were considered “special” with special talents and skills and to which all other tribes were not considered. As a result, only the tribe of Levite was selected as “God’s special people.” I did not mention this in my paper, but I’m mentioning it now. This is a reference to a form of supremacy (white Klan supremacy) as well as its connection to the concealment of information as demonstrated in the Book of Job, in where Job was not privileged to the knowledge that Satan and God were engaged in a game using Job as a playing piece. Institutions like the CIA and the NSA do not make certain information publicly known. As a result, certain individuals are only allowed access to privileged information. Likewise, high-profile criminal cases may also conceal information from the public to protect the integrity of the investigation and certainly, criminal conspiracy and acts of organized crime carry out similar acts of concealment. By reducing the Targeted Individual to a shadow of his/her former self, the perpetrator can appear to be much more powerful.

(4) God is interpersonally exploitative. As a result, God is well versed in Game Theory. In fact, Satan is too! Written centuries before the writings of John Nash and Heinz Kohut, the Old Testament Book of Job incorporated theories rooted in Nash’s Equilibrium and Kohut’s Forms and Transformation of Narcissism. Certainly, Satan’s purpose was to transform Job’s narcissism by reducing him to a 10th of his former worth, thereby forcing him to make an alternate choice which was to turn his will against God. In the content narrative of Group (Gang) Stalking, people who report being targeted with electronic physical assault and psychotronic torture have said they “undergo a lifestyle change.” Some suggest the reason for their targeting is to move them into therapy groups where they may receive more social service support and financial grants.

(5) God possesses a sense of entitlement and unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations. When Job was enduring his suffering, God expected him to continue to be loyal and faithful even in the face of these terrible losses. In fact, God expected this of Job. There is no suggestion or implication of reciprocity in the fact that God must answer your prayers if you’re a faithful follower. Likewise, there is a similar pattern occurring with the Targeted Individual. In such cases, a person demonstrating forms of infantile anxieties are exacting punishments against a population of people for what appears to be assuaging the narcissism of the perpetrator. By utilizing advances in technology, the perpetrator creates for himself a counter-phobic object, a device used in a defensive posture against what may very well be phantasmagorical fears (Winnicott, 1971). For what does the Targeted Individual receive in return for his suffering? At least God, at the end of the Book of Job, restored Job’s health, gave him more children, and multiplied his financial status. It is as if the Targeted Individual is being used as a scapegoat (container) for the anger someone else’s feels about his unsolved problems.

(6) God lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. That God would enter into a wager with Satan over Job is evidence of his lack of empathy. The fact that God would place Job in the direct line of a firestorm from an evil malevolence clearly speaks of how much he truly cared about Job and Job’s suffering. In fact, God plans his entrances in such a way that they clearly place the other at a distinct disadvantage, leading them to confess to their deficiencies, insecurities, and insignificances. He appears to Moses as a burning bush that literally could lick his ass and burn it with fire. In the Book of Job, he appears as a whirlwind, perhaps a dirt devil that might increase in intensity literally throwing him yards away and killing him. We see something similar with electronic targeted physical assaults and psychotronic torture. The subjects suffering such torture are made to feel insignificant, inferior, and weak.

Here I listed at least six (6) of the nine criteria to make an official diagnosis of NPD. You need to only confirm at least five (5) for a formal diagnosis.


American Psychiatric Association (1994). The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders — DSM-IV. Washington, DC; Author.

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Jacobs, Amber. (2007). On Matricide: Myth, Psychoanalysis, and the Law of the Mother. New York. Columbia University Press. In this book, Jacobs considers a myth found in ancient Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus and draws on Kleinian object relations theory.

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Kohut, Heinz (1966/1986). Forms and Transformations of Narcissism. In A.P. Morrison (Ed.), Essential papers on narcissism (pp. 61–87). New York: New York University Press.

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Pollard, Cynthia (1997). Narcissism: From Kohut ot CAT. Reformulation, ACAT News Winter, p.x. The important contribution to this article, and please defer to ROSENFELD and his representative Kleinian view of narcissism, where he outlines seven (7) observed destructive forces that operate to pervert power and block growth and development. These are defensive functions that also provide an attacking function. https://www.acat.me.uk/reformulation.php?issue_id=36&article_id=376

Rosenfeld, Herbert (1971). A clinical approach to the psychoanalytic theory of the life and death instincts: An investigation into the aggressive aspects of narcissism. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 52, 169–178.

The New World Translation of the Holy Scripture. (1984). Brooklyn, NY. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Original copyrights 1961 & 1981.

Sheridan, Lorraine; James, David V.; and Roth, Jayden. (March 12, 2020) The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health. 17(7), 2506. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/7/2506/htm#B5-ijerph-17-02506

Silberschmidt, Amy; Lee, Susanne, PhD; Zanarini, MD; and Schulz, Charles S., MD. Gender Differences in Borderline Personality Disorder: Results from a multinational clinical trial sample. Journal of Personality Disorders. Vol. 29, №6 (December 2015). Please note gender differences in BPD populations tend to be comprised of women at a rate of 75% or higher.

SparksNotes.com. Bible: The Old Testament (Job). Section 11. Retrieved online October 2, 2021.


Winnicott, D.W. (1971) The use of the object and relating through identifications. In Playing and Reality. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.


Brams, Steven J. (2011). Game theory and the humanities: bridging two worlds. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press. The author shows how game theory can illuminate the rational choices made by characters in texts ranging from the Bible to Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 and can explicate strategic questions in law, history, and philosophy.

Castaneda, J. (2005). The jury’s dilemma: playing God in the search for justice: solving the problems lurking in America’s courtrooms. Defense Counsel Journal, 72(4), 387–. “…This article explores the jury’s dilemma by plunging into the historical and present application of the jury’s purpose in criminal trials …” I propose it may be of informative interest, not in light of criminal trials, but in the aspects of vigilante justice.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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