Wireless Electromagnetic Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile (Part 4)

Karen Barna
12 min readDec 4, 2024


Depiction of Clytemnstra's murder from the ancient Greek play by Aeschylus in the Orestian trilogy.

Updated: December 5, 2024, 8:39 am EST

Matricidal Destructiveness and Technological Culture

“Technology has its roots in the use of the object and in object mastery (Weiland, 1996).”

“Technology can be a manic defense that attempts to restore the dead object — or recreate it from nothing again and again. As infantile anxieties, which have not been worked through, only interrupted by the dissolution of the Oedipus complex come to the fore, we have women as possession (i.e. as narcissistic extensions of the self) once again reversing the fear of being possessed by the omnipotent and all powerful mother. And a godless world, technology becomes the new religion endowed by the phallic omnipotence that had once been projected onto God the Father. Frankenstein then takes on the archetypal significance that so closely describes our time period. That is, Frankenstein relates technological achievement to masculine omnipotence and the creation of a substitute world that would replace both nature and the maternal object. Thus, the manufacturing of a monster in the image of the self in the hands of a phallocentric culture, and dare I say individualistic culture, which has not allowed for the development and integration of good and bad objects to take place (Wieland, 1996).”

Part of the technological culture is, of course, the idealization of a manufactured reality. That is, technology itself becomes part of the “ego ideal”, that measure by which the ego is judged by the superego and precisely the same ideal maintained by popular culture. It becomes the common ideal of a family, a class, and of a nation. It represents the new “God” to whom the self bows.

“ Ours is a return of the repressed. Monsters, androids, aliens, mutated creatures, robots, robocops, terminators, as well as a vampires, dinosaurs are reborn, devils, spirits, and ghosts of all kinds, poltergeist and warlocks are in abundance. Monsters and machines out of control proliferate in popular imagination while our air is poisoned and our resources depleted. As we lose the protection of the paternal superego are technological achievements reveal the roots in uncontrolled and uncontrollable destructiveness and their origin in the murder of the mother and the paternal couple (Wieland, 1996).”

We can consider wireless electromagnetic assault torture as the creation of an “artificial superego” as a psychic institution of the perpetrator himself, as Freud noted the human superego is also an institution, but an institution nonetheless. Thus, commandeering an individual’s own superego through a wireless electromagnetic tether sets up a form of tyranny and all tyrannies rely on psychic subjection. For me, the struggle is to build an intellectual, philosophical argument that points out various important reasons to criminalize the use of this form of tyranny and why it should be outlawed and the technology dismantled. The number one reason, for me, is the sexual and physical abuse of women, men, and children and the sex trafficking of human subjects against their will as well as theft of personal property and other forms of violent and white collar crimes.

In my opinion, the character profile of the person issuing forth the wireless electromagnetic assault torture are emotional callousness, aggressively cruel, and instrumentally violent possessing such a degree of sadism that might be on par with the Marquis de Sade himself in the creation of a perverse universe. They/he/she has worked assiduously against the individuals own superego, not only in an amoral way, but in a way that makes individual reflective thought difficult, if not impossible. The artificial superego seeks to disperse and nullify individual choice, and commandeers a subject / victim’s free will, stealing autonomy. For this reason, I list the character trait of white male self-entitlement as a character trait to the perpetrator interested in utilizing this form of technology for their own individual benefit and self gain. And as it stands, it seems culturally relevant at this particular moment in U.S. history that their be present the character trait running for Republican presidential office, and that the perpetrators interested in using this technology may most predominantly possess the character traits associated with big business and business management.

“ What, then, shall be the meaning given to liberating a power for the purpose of humiliating and degrading female flesh, or any bodily flesh?”

It would seem that the purpose for such an action would be to “shore-up” one’s own ego against the perception of a possible reflection of “inferiority,” “femininity,” “weakness,” or “inadequacy.” In psychoanalysis, “inferiority/ inadequacy” has been associated with feminine weakness and interdependence is characterized as feminine weakness, and where individualistic independence is associated with masculine superiority. Thus, creating a superior-inferior dichotomy of masculine and feminine, the same dichotomy that underlines the social perversions of racism, homophobia, and sexism. It also underlies the current in our global market economy. Something the new Republican administration of 2024 maybe seeking to affect again through foreign economic trade policy. If we consider Judith Butler’s argument from “The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection” (1997) in which gender itself is also composed of all the inarticulated traits, including what is refused to be expressed in individual sexuality, then we can begin to understand the perpetrator’s reason for issuing forth the wireless electromagnetic assault torture. His possessed feelings of weak / inferior in the face of a subject victim whom the perpetrator perceives as powerful / superior (marking the person as a threat) which in turn engages in manic defense to protect the perpetrator’s own ego against annihilation / castration and “shore-up” their own identity. Consider what Butler writes,

“When the prohibition against homosexuality is culturally pervasive, then the “loss” of homosexual love is precipitated through a prohibition which is repeated and ritualized throughout the culture. What ensues is a culture of gender melancholy in which masculinity and femininity emerge as the traces of an ungrieved and ungrivable love; indeed, where masculinity and femininity within the heterosexual matrix are strengthened through the repudiations that they perform … gender itself is here understood to be composed of precisely what remains inarticulate in sexuality (Butler, 1997, pg. 140).”

We certainly can infer from Butler’s argument that the inferiority / inadequacy of feminine sexual identification is what has motivated the historical violence against women and, to that extent, homosexuals, and in fact, to other forms of difference.

Since mattricide is are vital necessity in order for women, and men, to achieve full autonomous individuality, it is not something that can be easily evacuated from the human psyche. For it to be evacuated, that is recognition and identification with feminine weakness, inferiority, and passivity requires a slow and gradual separation based on the working through of feelings of loss, envy, greed, hate, and aggression. Those internalized feelings that are associated with maternal identification. When these feelings aren’t worked through, the only avenue for them to be expressed is through violent rupture and this is the form and symbolization expressed in the dialectic language of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture in abjection to those very frightening feelings associated with the original maternal love object.

In my opinion, the cruelty and destruction of the other caused by the “artificial super-ego” (i.e. wireless electromagnetic tether) seems imbued with feelings of failure, inadequacy, and inequality in the perpetrators own psyche. Perhaps stemming from a failure to live up to the popular cultural ideals possessed by the larger cultural social order. “The ego ideal, what Freud calls the “measure” against which the ego is judged by the superego, is precisely the ideal of social recititude defined over and against homosexuality. This ideal, Freud writes, has a social side: it is also the common ideal of a family, a class, or a nation (Butler, 1997, page 141).” When we consider this quote by Butler, we come to understand “those others” with whom a group or individual dis-identifies can come to embody the spectral image of their very own destruction. This is the same character profile tyranny takes and has been professed in the rhetoric of the MAGA Republican campaign.

Wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture has the capability to endow a group or individual with unchecked power over a subject / victim or a population of subjects / victims that can raise its power to a collective psychosis because the technology can be easily accessed and distributed. Einstein asked Freud, “whether human beings have within them a lust for hatred and destruction, and whether this can be raised … to the power of collective psychosis.” Freud noted that, historically, “a path was traced that led away from violence to law” when alliances of many weaklings overcame the single leader (Butler, 2021, pg. 174).”

In order that the transition away from violence to this new right or justice of law may be affected … the union of the majority must be a stable and lasting one (Butler, 2021).

The American people of the United States of America call it the U.S. Constitution. Any policy or program that violates the civil liberties of the U.S. citizensry is an abomination that creates the desolation and dissolution of the very legal document our democracy utilizes as an instrument to ensure domestic tranquility and peace. This legal instrument sets up protections for the right to be notified of the charges being placed against you, the right to a fair trial by a jury of your peers, to be free from cruel and unusual punishments, to have a right to counsel, and to have the right to a “speedy trial.” This technology abolishes all these rights and sets up a tyrannical rule by an absolute sovereign who mets out punishment on their whim, with the battering of wireless electromagnetic frequency signals to the victim until the subject victim is exhausted and drained of their energy, until their cognitive, physical, and emotional strength is beleaguered. It breaks the spirit and steals the soul! If a person is going to be executed, they have a right to be notified of the charges being placed against them. What’s even more baffling is how U.S. political leaders can be allowed to continue their political leadership and run for office even after they have been successfully charged with white collar crime. Yet, U.S. citizens are being persecuted and tortured by an invisible technology, an insidious technology, at the hands of a clandestine operator who refuses to be known. It feels as a death, but without dying. This is Greed’s Alchemy, “annihilation” and “thing possession. (Grand, 2000).”

“ In evils deformation of ethics, the human and the non-human seemed linked in a reversal — that which is human is reduced to an “it,” and that which is an it is rendered sacred. Greeds victim is filled with every dimension of human suffering. And yet he / she is “it” defined: envisioned by the perpetrator as devoid of all enlightened shadows of human subjectivity. This is the contrary status of greed’s victim: to be seen as a shallow thing, emptied of all subjectivity, and yet to be used as a full container for human suffering. To define the victim as an “it” while using the victim as pain’s container: this is a “magical remedy” that permits the perpetrator to injure and to deny the victim’s injury. It allows him to “expunge from history the harm that was done. History is rewritten and the need for guilt is thereby obviated (Grand, 2000, pg. 119 -120; Chassegeut-Smirgel, 1985).”

Again, the nature of the dialectic and wireless electromagnetic assault torture is myopic and one-sided. As a subject, I have no way to object, or even speak an argument in my defense against the violation and cruelty of the perpetrator. When the signal latches on to me, it is absolute and tyrannical. It is for this reason, it is my opinion, it belongs to greed’s alchemy, spoken about by Sue Grand, and “thing possession” in the deformation of ethics and in the reproduction of evil. It belongs to the court of an absolute tyrant who wishes are fantasies rooted in the anal sadistic-universe (Grand, 2000; Chassegeut-Smirgel, 1985).

The hoped for outcome for our budding nation during the 18th century is as today as it was then, as the community of its powers of self-governance expand and become increasingly distant from the rule of the King, or sovereign tyrannical power, the sentiment of solidarity expressed in the set of laws, both self legislating and self-restraining is relied upon to check destructiveness (checks and balances). However, violence can erupt within a community, for example, when one faction pits itself against another, or when the right of rebellion is exercised against one group over another. Or when the right of rebellion is exercised against those who govern state, national, or international bodies that limit the sovereign powers of those same groups (Butler, 2021, pg. 175).

It seems to me, as I have experienced the repetitive nature of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, it’s primary aim seeks to unjustly overthrow a diminutive power. Such as resides with women, children, the elderly, the frail, the handicapped, the mentally ill, and other disadvantaged groups among us in a state of mania that takes issue with reality to such a degree that occasioned the aftermath of World War I with the rise of Nazi power. The mania that ensued during 1930s Germany was a mania that belonged to the circuit of melancholia. A mania that acted out in response to the block morning of a lost loved object. This mania precipitated a repetition drive which repeated and ritualized the killing of Jews and others stigmatized as “non-valuable” throughout the culture of Germany. Butler described in her 1997 work which she felt was a form of cultural melancholia present in U.S. culture that helped to explain the profound manifestation of homophobia throughout the United States. I would like to re-iterate that passage here:

“What ensues is a culture of gender melancholy in which masculinity and femininity emerge as the traces of an ungrieved and ungrivable love indeed where masculinity and femininity within the heterosexual matrix is strengthened through the repudiations that they perform (Butler, 1997, pg. 140).”

We can conclude the same for the purpose and reason for the use of wireless electromagnetic assault torture on human populations. It becomes the brute force of an unarticulated whispering, pointing us towards a psychic rupture rooted in the dis-identification of the “Other.” In listening to the silence of the unformulatable, a silence that may deceive and trick us into believing it as “a form of non-violence that in fact no violence has even occurred” via the clandestine concealment of wireless signals utilized to torture and abuse a phobic and hated love object. The hatred seethes and a split off grandiosity emerges against an object-other within the invisible realm of an invisible empire.

We cannot ignore the social and psychological telescoping impacts of terrorist regimes such as have occurred in various Latin American countries throughout history, nor must we ignore the social and psychological telescoping impacts on human populations who have suffered from genocidal violence. It is for this reason, the perpetrators issuing forth the wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture may be survivors of childhood maltreatment, abuse, and neglect or maybe the victims of a repressive terrorist regime such as have occurred in Serbia and Rwanda, or maybe the survivors of some other form of political violence such as full blown war.

We must not ignore, the social and psychological telescoping impacts of Apartheid either. Where the love between two people were outlawed deemed perverse due to race. Where human victims become “thing possessions” such as occurred during U.S slavery. We must consider greed’s alchemy within the invisible, wireless realm of electromagnetic assault torture, in the inexplicable engagement in the dynamism of object desire we hear the silent, inarticulate humanized text for a non-human hunger.

“So it has been throughout human history, that violence is inspired by the hunger for thing possession … unsatiated and insatiable, craven in his inquisitive desire, mankind eradicates all human impediments to possession. Money, land, material power: for these wars or fought, slaves taken, individuals and entire cultures are exploited, annihilated, and oppressed (Grand, 2000, pg. 119).”

In wireless electromagnetic assault torture, the signal latches onto the subject / victim and thereby, becomes the “thing possessed” by the perpetrator. In greed’s alchemy, it is the reproduction of evil.

“In condemnation, justice, reparation, redemption: these potentiate a subject-to-subject dialogue. Vengeance, humiliation, violation, cruelty: these reproduce evil (Grand, 2000, pg. 159).”

It is for this reason the perpetrator issuing forth the wireless assault torture may have been a survivor of political violence, or a survivor of genocidal violence, or a survivor of a cruel authority exalting white skin color over black skin color with the enslavement of people by a cruel and callous authority. Or it could be the victim-cum-perpetrator of early childhood abuse and neglect.

It’s important to recognize the ways in which human life is valued in America. Americans and American business leaders evaluate human value based on credit card reports, income earnings, level and prestige of university degree, land and property possession, contributions to the community, and community service as well as level of education. Individuals lacking in these credentials tend to be devalued and labeled “non-valuable.” We only consider character traits as a secondary consideration, and even then a questionable one. A person’s character may be desired because of the produce they yield, thus, the dominant culture is a culture rooted in masculine aggressive dominance and superiority with independence. Interdependence, which is considered feminine, and thereby, devalued and disavowed, becomes problematic for some political parties.

“It has always seemed strange to me,” said Doc. The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, and greed, acquisativeness, meanness, egotism and self-interest are the traits of success.” -John Steinbeck, Cannery Row


Butler, J. (1997) “The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in subjection. Stanford, California. Stanford University Press.

Butler, J. (2021) The Force of Non-violence: An ethico-Political Bind. London. Verso.

Chassegeut-Smirgel, J. (1985) Creativity and Perversion. London. Free Association Books.

First Do No Harm: The Paradoxical Encounters of Psychoanalysis, Warmaking, and Resistance. Eds., Adrian Harris and Steven Botticelli. Volume 45, Relational Perspective Book Series. New York. Routledge.

Grand, S. (2000) The Reproduction of Evil: A clinical and cultural perspective. London. The Analytic Press.

Steinbeck, J. (1945) Cannery Row. New York. Penguin Books.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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