Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile (Part 6)
Updated: December 11, 2024; 3:01 PM
In “Beyond the Pleasure Principle,” Freud asserts that every human organism, in some sense, seeks its own death, but that this tendency cannot be derived from the sexual drives. The evidence for the death drive can be found in sexual sadism and, more generally, within the phenomenon of sadomasochism (BDSM). Consider the aspects of bondage and torture present in the nature of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture with the wireless electronic tethering of subject / victim to perpetrator. “Although the sexualization of the death drive can subordinate its destructiveness to what Freud regards as the “non-destructive aims of sexuality,” the death drive can come to pre-dominate - a situation illustrated clearly with sexual violence. Both self-destruction and the destruction of others are potentially at work with sadomasochism, suggesting to Freud that a drive separate from the sexual drive nevertheless operates through it. Fugitive and opportunistic, the death drive seizes upon sexual desire without properly or explicitly making itself known. A sexual relation that begins with the desire to join together becomes interrupted by myraid forms of self-destruction that seem manifestly counter to the stated aims of the lovers. The disconcerted quality of acts that are clearly self-destructive, or that destroy the bonds that one wants most to keep, is but one ordinary form of wreckage by which the death drive makes itself known in sexual life (Butler, 2021, pg. 159 - 160).”
Human aggression, thus, is sexualized and pre-dominantly, in overt forms of physical and sexual aggression, belonging to forms of male pattern violence (Fox & Friedel, 2017). Thus, when men kill, they tend to kill other men utilizing methods of firearm and physical violence such as stabbing and beating. When women kill, they use passive-aggressive methods such as poison, suffocation, strangulation, and drowning. When women kill, they tend towards killing their own children or someone they know, most often a blood relative. The nature of the technological method employed in wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture seems to belong to a form of male pattern violence in that it wants to penetrate, invade, occupy, and merge with the subject / victim. Yet, at the same time, it also belongs to the feminine with its passive-aggressive concealment we so often see in female serial killers' methods of murder. A large population of female serial killers work in healthcare services or related fields of healthcare services. Close to almost 40% of all female serial killers are employed in some type of healthcare related field (Harrison, 2023).
It is my opinion, the individuals using wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture against their victims may suffer from a pathology as is present in the paranoid-schizoid personality constellation, and seen with many different types of personality disorders and personality constellations like the Dark Triad and the Dark Tetrad with the splitting of objects into good and bad parts (Madonna / whore, pure/contaminated). Here I might suggest antisocial personality disorder possessing character traits of sadism with emotional callousness, aggressive cruelty, and reactively and instrumentally violent. This, all combined with a traumatogenic background in early childhood. Psychoanalysts have come to understand the important role childhood exposure to sexual, physical, and emotional abuse contribute to violent predation, contributing to factors of psychopathy as well as other lethaly violent behaviors witnessed during times of war. Depriving and or disappointing environments create murderers, soldiers, and bankers whose appetite for money is insatiable, obscene, and immoral. There is a powerful instinctive aggression in human beings which allows us to exploit our neighbor’s capacity for work, to use him sexually without his consent, to seize his possessions, to humiliate, torture, and kill him. “The secret of why sadistic torture, sexual abuse, and rape generate so much intense pleasure and why terrorism, violence, and brutality generates so much narcissistic elation lies in the acting out of the archaic fantasies by pathological individuals for whom childhood environments were neither average or expectable (Holmes, 2013, pg. 144-145).”
Primal Scene Symbol Formation as Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault Torture
In exploring a paper written by Diemut Niedecken (2016) she explores primal scene symbol formation of the early stages of the Oedipus complex. She states it was Melanie Klein who considered early phantasy formation as the “combined parent figure.” Primal scene phantasies come into focus as being based on projective fears of abandonment, envy, and hate the child feels regarding the sexual relationship between the parents from which he/she is excluded. Thus, the primal scene is the product resulting from an event and the formation of phantasy as the child working out the enigmatic message proceeding from both parents (Laplanche, 2004). According to Laplanche, the phantasy is the outcome of the child’s cultural environment which makes available to him the translation of the enigmatic message emanating from the primal scene. Thus, some “general cultural … narrative schemata” (Laplanche, 2004, pg. 908).” The “narratives schemata” serve the symbolization of the traumatizing enigmatic message proceeding from how the parents treat one another in relation to the child, and how they treat the child in relation to the parental couple. Cortical arousal and excitations may be overwhelming stemming from aggressive arguments and physical violence and may become difficult for the child to process. Events such as these are most certainly associated with disassociative states and, thus, become the difference between knowing and not knowing the trauma.
Many psychoanalysts have asked the question, “Why war?” And the answer to that question is, “War is how some children work out the enigmatic message of the primal scene (Mitzlaff & Niedecken, 2013).” In the war-games played by young children (historically this has been mostly boys but does not exclude girls), the war scene is made up of the props and objects that make up the primal scene symbolization … “The children playing war have already developed a primal scene phantasy … they assume the place of witnesses of excited events taking place between the parents. In playing, they are concerned now with further translating for themselves the enigmatic message of the primal scene (Laplanche, 2004, pg. 908).”
Weapons are used as self objects both by men and women. Cannons, machine guns, and most recently the capability to deliver a blow via the wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture that conceals the perpetrators identity are irresistibly attractive because it represents a powerful invisible phallus. Adult weapons allow a fragile self to feel in control, and empty self to feel stimulated or excited, and a grandiose self to experience an exhilaration of power. Terrorists provide the perfect example of this. They typically feel oppressed and powerless and achieve a sense of potency and control through the use of various kinds of military machinery such as guns, electronic weapons, bombs, knives, darts, and the like. These military tools are used to carry out terrorist attacks (Feldman & Johnson, 1992). War games played by little boys and girls, and then, later by adult soldiers, create heroes. This is the psychoanalytic theater of war for heroes. It is the hero who wanders into the unknown, the strange, dangerous environments and must prove himself to be strong, brave, resourceful, and a cunning conqueror. Carl Jung reminds us for a hero to be a successful conquering hero there must be something there to conquer; an adversary, an enemy, a computerized platform, a cell phone device, an internet account, a security camera. Let us not forget the computer age and technology has changed the landscape of war. The deployment of a “bomb” arrives today as malware and a computer virus deployed via a USB drive. This wireless technology has allowed soldiers and those operating within the capacity of a nation, a state, a municipality to reduce the number of casualties suffered by using drones, androids, Robocop K-9s, and computer viruses. Technology, then, becomes the counter-phobic solution to “cheating death” by “removing the existential anxiety” death poses to the psychic machinery of the human mind. Thus, acts of terrorism bring Western culture to its knees from an apparent position of weakness. They provoke organizationally strong authorities into substantial over-reaction. Wurmser called this the “devilish dilemma in dealing with … terror: every counter- move by force threatens to create an even more grievous and universal enmity, but to abstain from the counter- force is devastating to the victim of terrorism, a proof that the victim is horribly weak and humiliated, and thus encourages even more terror (Wurmser, 2004, pg. 918).” This is the victim of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture. Unable to counter the force imposed, the victim is relegated to a subservient position, a passive position of writing and discussing it psychoanalytically, regarding the abuse. Once more, their capacity to fight back physically removed through wireless electromagnetic frequency assaults torture (sedation) which allows the perpetrator of the terror to victimize the individual further through physical and sexual assaults. It is my belief, that since the victim imbued a little alcohol, at the time of some of these attacks, the wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture hides in the shadows and obscures the violence acted out against the victim, as the veiled paranoid-schizoid hides his/her identity from the “Annihilation Paradox” (Grand, 2000). Much like how the United States, who perceives itself as a country on a “civilizing mission to improve the world,” but tragically, and paradoxically, through its over-reaction contributes to the successful spread of global terrorism. Injustices during historical time periods, such as occurred during the medieval and colonial periods, economic deprivation, and harsh fanatical religious ideologies create a profound sense of humiliation and deficiency. “Individually and collectively, these groups are characterized by an archaic, shame-oriented superego (see the NatGeo film “Sugarcane” over Hulu for a better perspective regarding this evolving phenomenon). This violence shamed its leaders and its victims. The victim needs to be tortured and destroyed as a symbol of one’s own image of weakness and victimhood (Holmes, 2013, pg. 154).” The harsh superego creates an absolute authority, both punishing and absolving. In the widespread abuse of women and children, in the separation of men and women, and in the blind obedience to a harsh authority, new trauma is created in each new generation (Wurmser, 2004). The enemy who symbolizes values that are antithetical to the religious culture, receives incessant abuse and shaming rooted in the rage generated by the harsh authority. Rage is, thus, created in the young men to defensively dehumanize, depriving individuals unique human value and reducing it into categories of class, nation, religion, ethnicity, gender. “Soul Blindness” was the term given by Wurmser to this type of categorization and dehumanization.
B.I.T.E. Model of Authoritarian Control
Another aspect to the forensic psychoanalysis of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture is that it resembles a “cult-like” mentality that espouses a form of religious ideology that touches on several aspects of the “B. I. T. E. Model of Authoritarian Control” developed by Steven Hassan and similar to alternate reality games developed by Jeff Hull known as the “Latitude Society” and the “JeJune Institute.” These organisations modeled the games after the B.I.T.E. model of authoritarian control. B.I.T.E stands for Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotion. This model converges with aspects of coercive control and female entrapment typically used against women, and some men, by abusive spouse and family members.
Behavioral Control Aspects (not the full list)
1. Regulate individuals physical reality. (This is done through wireless electromagnetic frequency stimulation and sedation. In short, manipulation and torture).
2. Dictate where, how, and with whom the member lives and associates or isolates. (Through the aspect of wireless electromagnetic torture member is kept “down” and “stupified” or physically tortured by wireless electromagnetic frequency signals. The side-effect is reduced social interactions and reduced libido).
3. When, how and with whom the member has sex. (Wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture reduces libido as a result of the induced trauma, thereby, controlling individual sexual activity and over all physical activity.)
4. Control clothing, appearance, hairstyle. (This is accomplished via wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture that reduces physical activity level, creates the desire for comfort foods that are fattening, thereby, creating a whole new appearance for the victim which manifests a whole new identity.)
5. Regulate diet - food, drink, hunger or fasting. (See above.)
6. Manipulation and deprivation of sleep. (This is accomplished via wireless electromagnetic frequency signals to the brain during the night which wakes the individual up and promotes late night eating to ensure weight gain or deprives sleep, thereby, contributing to fatigue and more inactivity.)
7. Financial exploitation, manipulation or dependency. (As a result of the torture, the person is not in a position to work a job for financial gain. Thus, the person is made dependent upon those willing to help.)
8. Restrict leisure, entertainment, vacation time, or restrict exercise or workouts and other beneficial activities. (This is done via surveillance and monitoring of the individual’s routine behavior and disruption of routine exercise via what I call the “artificial superego” of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture.)
9. Rewards and punishments used to modify behaviors both positive and negative. (There seems to be no rhymn or reason for when the torture is turned off. But, there is a correlation between imbibbing alcohol and when the torture is turned off for a time. In addition, I suspect the person issuing forth assaults may be busy with personal work (i.e. Christmas decorating). My neighbor, and I’m not accusing him, was outside decorating all day and I was freed from the electromagnetic torture for a time. It remains unclear who actually had it turned off.)
10. Discourage individualism, encourage group think. (Relentless torture can make people become beleaguered and fatigued, making it difficult to even think at times. This achieves reduced individual critical cognitive capacity. The freedom to make individual deductions.)
11. Punish disobedience by beating, torture, burning, cutting, rape, and tattooing/branding. (The mind control aspect to wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture has proven to me that its possible for a person who has self-harmed in the past to start self-harming again. In addition, the hypnotic effect may induce states of post hypnotic suggestion in the victim via broadcasting radio/microwaves that are transmitted. I’ll explain more through psychoanalytics after this section discussing theory on how individuals with outwardly sadistic tendencies can resort to serial murder and even serial rape (beating, injurying) as a result of this technology. This differs from forms of female masochism in self-destructive behaviors such as eating disorders and cutting.)
12. Threatened to harm family/friends. (I have had to watch family members and loved ones suffer at the hands of this technology while I stood helplessly unable to stop the invisible signals that cannot be seen with the naked eye, from penetrating my family members’ bodies. Similar to how the mafia would torture a victim’s loved one when they failed to comply. This “schemata” re-emerged on an unconscious level in a dream I called. I called it “The Dark Wizard Dream.” The “Dark Wizard” in this dream was tall, close to 6 feet in height, with blonde hair and blue eyes. In my dream, this “Dark Wizard” could deliver death and the infliction of pain and injury via “invisible means.”)
13. Force individuals to rape or be raped. (Forcible rape is definitely possible with this technology and women, young girls, children, and even men are not safe from it!)
14. Instill dependency and obedience. (This technology forcibly makes individuals comply via wireless electromagnetic frequency signals that induce alternate states of reality such as sedation.)
15. Imprisonment. (This technology threatens free individuals through a form of false imprisonment via an wireless electromagnetic tether and creates an environment of cruel and unusual punishment.)
16. Torture. (The technology delivers torture.)
18. Kidnapping. (This technology can be used to successfully kidnap an individual via induced states of alternate states of consciousness.)
19. Murder. (This technology can deliver death wireless humanely and inhumanely. Many organ functions operate not only on chemical signatures but electromagnetic signals. The pre-calculus functions presented as “F:S2-S2” is called the global function of cellular automata. This function states that, “If a change occurs in one cell, say a neuron, the same change will occur in neighboring cells, thereby, changing the entire population of cells in a system.” That means, it is possible to induce cellular death that can injure or be fatal via wireless means of delivery.)
Information Control Aspects:
1. Deception
a. Deliberately withhold information. (Those using the technology against the individual will not disclose information on how it gets implanted or why its being done. Thus, knowledge is deprived from the individual and the individual is made to feel “crazy.” In recent events, public information via the Internet was manipulated by Google who was controlling individual searches. As a result , Google successfully prevented certain data from being accessed by certain users.)
b. Distort information to make it more acceptable. (Individuals using the technology against individuals may make justifications for its use in order to make it seem more “palettable.” Or completely hide it and lie about it.)
c. Systematically lie to the cult member. (The individual using the technology may be suffering a delusion about the victim and lying to themselves about the Truth of their own reality in order to obviate responsibility and actually digest that Truth. See above.)
2. Minimize or discourage access to non-cult sources of information including
a. Internet, TV, radio, books, articles, newspapers, magazines, social media. (This is done through sedation and stupor induced by wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture making acquiring knowledge more difficult.)
b. Critical information (See above.)
c. Former cult members. (Associations of the member are tightly controlled by the wireless electromagnetic technology.)
d. Keep members busy (including drugged or imprisoned via false imprisonment of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture. It took me 25 years to figure things out, so they set obstacles in the victim’s way so they can’t think or investigate.)
e. Control member through cell phone with texting, calls, internet tracking (i.e. surveillance and stalking location via your mobile device’s “location services” and Find My Device).
3. Compartmentalize information into Outsider versus Insider doctrines
a. Ensure that information is not freely accessible. (Early on in the history of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture little, if anything, was known. An interest in the topic began to grow and people like me began to take a DeepDyve (no pun intended) to explain the phenomenon more and more information became uncovered. Declassified government documents and secret projects were slowly revealed.)
b. Control information at different levels and missions within group. (See above.)
c. Allow only leadership to decide who needs to know what and when. (See above. Access to higher education is a real issue! Individuals stuck in the lower social classes may be at higher risk for the torture because of a lack of knowledge and level of chronological intelligence. This means, groups of mentally ill people suffering disabilities, such as autism, are at greater risk!)
4. Encourage spying on other members
a. Impose a buddy system to monitor and control member (This can be achieved through wireless online electromagnetic stalking know as GPS and malware on member’s cell phone).
b. Report deviant thoughts, feelings, actions to leadership. (Today this is done via remote monitoring and biological implants that read and interpret brainwaves. This may sound far fetched, but they are already doing this today with A.I.)
c. Ensure that individual behavior is monitored by the group. (Today this is done by surveillance and wireless electromagnetic stalking technologies.)
5. Extensive use of cult-generated information and propaganda (not the full list)
a. Control the narrative by misquoting or misrepresentation of statements taken out of context. Or making up information or blowing information out of proportion. (Family members and/or neighbors might create narratives about the Targeted Individual’s behaviors that are not rooted in Truth but rather observations that are prejudicial and that do not uncover the truth fairly or adequately because not enough is known about the technological abuse being employed.)
6. Unethical use of confession
a. Information about “sins” or “transgressions” used to dissolve or blur identity boundaries. (This occurs when a female target is perceived as, a “whore” or “prostitute” or some other humiliating label thereby creating a narrative that may not be totally the truth.)
b. Withholding forgiveness or absolution. Casting member as “Bad/Whore/Fornicator, etc..” (The “identity” of the individual is cast down as an adverse identity: “homosexual,” “sexual deviant” and an “abomination” to the natural course of human behavior.)
c. Manipulation of memory through gaslighting or through some other alternate means. (Memory loss can be attributed to wireless electromagnetic shock therapy.)
Thought Control Aspects
1. Requires members to internalize the group’s doctrine of Truth
a. Adopting the group’s “map of reality” as reality. (One of the side-effect to wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture is in establishing a new identity for the individual because of loss of adequate capabilities through inducing injury and tissue damage. This makes the person feel bad about themselves and creates an environment of obedience.)
b. Instill black and white thinking.
c. Decide between “Good” versus “Evil”. (The technology seems to silently speak the abjection of the Targeted Individual by induce pain and suffering to discipline and punish the victim for his/her “wrong doing.”)
d. Organize people into “Us vs. “Them” (Insider vs. Outsider).
2. Change person’s name and identity. (See 1a above)
3. Use of loaded language and cliches which constrict knowledge, stop critical thoughts, and reduce complexities into platitudinous buzzwords.
4. Encourage only “good and proper” thoughts. (This may be accomplished through remote neural monitoring and infliction of pain and suffering when Targeted Individual has thoughts the perpetrator finds “undesirable.”)
5. The use of hypnotic techniques to alter mental states, undermine critical thinking, and even to age regress the member. (Today this is done with low-frequency electromagnetic shocks to the brain with the induction of sedated states of alternate states of consciousness).
6. Manipulation of memories. (Technology is known to cause memory loss.)
7. Teaching thought stopping techniques which shut down reality testing by stopping negative thoughts and allowing only positive thoughts, including:
a. Denial, rationalization, justification, wishful thinking (This is done through wireless electromagnetic frequency sedation to create mind-altering states that will be more accepting of the forced reality.)
b. Chanting
c. Meditating
d. Praying
e. Speaking in tongues
f. Singing or humming. (In short, some type of ritualized behavior such as turning on wireless electromagnetic frequency during early morning exercise to thwart the behavior and replace with a new one.)
8. Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism. (Perpetrator may use verbal mind control techniques (gaslighting) to accomplish this or literally “shutdown” the mind via wireless electromagnetic frequency assault.)
9. Forbid critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy allowed. (This could be accomplished through inducing sedative mind altering states to thwart critical cognitive capacity and gaslighting or other technical mind control techniques.)
10. Labeling alternative belief systems as illegitimate, evil, or not useful. (The Targeted Individual themselves may have an “alternate lifestyle” which contributes to the rejection they receive from wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture.)
11. Install new map of reality.
Emotional Control Aspects
1. Manipulate and narrow the range of feelings - some emotions and or needs are deemed as evil, wrong, or selfish. (The technology seeks to make the Targeted Individual feel worthless or unloveable because of their “sins” or “past failures,” or these feelings are induced by the pain and suffering of the repetitive abuse.)
2. Teach emotion stopping techniques to block feelings of homesickness, anger, doubt. (Wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture possess the capability to shutdown the mind.)
3. Make the person feel that problems are always their own fault, never the leader’s or the group’s fault. (In Greed’s Alchemy discussed by Sue Grand, the perpetrator makes the victim’s “pains container.” In a deformation of ethics, that which is human is reduced to an “IT” and that which is “IT” is rendered sacred. To make the victim void of any possible human characteristics is a magical remedy that allows the perpetrator to alleviate any and all responsibility for the torture performed.)
4. Promote feelings of guilt or unworthiness, such as (wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture can achieve all of the following):
a. Identity guilt
b. You are not living up to your potential
c. Your family is deficient
d. Your past is suspect
e. Your affiliations are unwise
f. Your thoughts, feelings, actions are irrelevant or selfish
g. Social guilt
h. Historical guilt
5. Intill fear, such as fear of:
a. Thinking independently
b. The outside world
c. Enemies
d. Losing one’s salvation
e. Leaving or being shunned by the group
f. Other’s disapproval (Since the technology has been proven to cause weight gain and obesity, this fear is instilled because of the social stigma associated with fat. It also makes the victim feel bad about themselves and creates a better environment with which to control the victim.)
6. Extremes of emotional highs and lows - love bombing and praise one moment and then declaring you are horrible the next.
7. Ritualistic and sometimes public confessions of sins.
8. Phobia indoctrination: inculcating irrational fears about leaving the group or questioning the leader’s authority:
a. No happiness or fulfillment possible outside the group. (The technology literally places the person in their own “Hell on Earth” if the perpetrators wishes are not meet.)
b. Terrible consequences if you leave: hell, demon possession, and curable diseases, accidents, suicide, insanity, 10,000 reincarnations, etc. (The terrible consequences imposed for leaving or “not satisfying the perpetrator” is wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture.)
c. Shunning of those who leave: fear of being rejected by family.
d. Never a legitimate reason to leave, those who leave are weak, undisciplined, unspiritual, worldly, brainwashed by family or counselor, or seduced by money, sex, or rock and roll. (The technology achieves this by inducing an inferior, weak, passive state in the individual who is not allowed physical strength, beauty, or wellness but rather humiliation and shame.)
e. Threats of harm to ex-members and family. (This technology has been used against those I love dearly. I have been made to watch helplessly as my loved one’s were tortured with the technology.)
The Psychoanalytics of Negotiating Death
The psychoanalytics on the human mind, the person who is suffering wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, is the realization of one’s own vulnerability to death. That is, their mortality. When this happens, the person reigning over them with the technology holds a very powerful position, and one in which the infliction of mortal death is possible. This is the realization of one’s own, very possible, annihilation and this realization must be negotiated. This is how mind control techniques work. Thus, the impending threat of being killed off with wireless electromagnetic frequency torture creates a panic in the individual, who, will do one of two things: one, sink deep into a state of constant panic and eventually enters into a state of psychosis (as is possible with someone suffering psychic splitting such as seen in serial rape, serial murder, or those destructive behaviors associated with the patterns such as cutting, eating disorders, or addiction, etc). Or they overcome the fear of death by engaging in constructive behaviors utilizing tools of stress management such as exercise, meditation, prayer, writing, art therapy, or even seeing a counselor for pharmaceutical medication. In any event, the space of the third is foreclosed upon (Benjamin, 2018). Because the effect of the wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture is pain and suffering, depending on the intensity and frequency being applied. Thus, the space of the third is foreclosed. This psychoanalytic space can be seen as a triangle of “Me - You - We” with one of the three pronouns residing in one of the spaces of the three angles of the triangle. In the therapeutic space of the symbolic relationship of psychotherapy, the dialectic language flows back and forth, in and out, and in-between two people with the hope the individual achieves “cure” through bringing unconscious events to psychic understanding. The individual suffering wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture is unable to see past their own suffering, and thus, the technology becomes suspect, at least in my opinion, for the malevolent use of mind control because it collapses the space of the third. There is no “We”, there is only “Me,” the space occupied by the torturer. Because this technology creates an impediment to the relational perspective of psychoanalytic development, the person suffering wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture becomes “cut off” at various times when the wireless torture is used on the subject, and as the space of the third collapses, so do any avenues to cure. And in effect fosters isolation. When this happens it is much like a “declaration of war.” But on whose terms and for what reason?
In human development, it is imperative that individuals create space and time for constructive activities, activities that act as resistance to abusive relationships and activities that support the well-being of the subject and others. Such activities are routine exercise, prayer, meditation, visual artworks, literature, and poetry, to name but a few. Wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture obscures the abusive relationship the targeted victim is engaged in with the perpetrator because the technology is invisible.
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