Word of the Day: Abelism
I have been aware of the abuses being used against autistic school children living in residential school communities and I have been aware the Third Reich’s position on such matters involving disabled people and the corresponding repercussions to such beliefs. What I wasn’t aware of was the level it had reached here in America and the extent to which it is being levied against people. In particular Targeted Individuals.
The phenomenology of Group (Gang) Stalking with wireless electronic physical assaults and psychotronic torture are wireless attacks that may be part of a cyber network with the purpose to Disable, Disrupt, Degrade, and Destroy another individual for some perceived violation or wrong doing.
Abelism is broken down into two types: physical and mental abelism.
The reason for my wireless electronic targeted physical and psychotronic torture may be do to my history with mental health, namely substance abuse and physical chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.
Keywords: Gang Stalking, Technology, Wireless Assaults, Physical Assault, Psychotronic Torture, Advancing Medicine, Experimental Research, and Inhumane Unethical Research.