The Targeting of Americans By Domestic Operators
“If all ideologies, political and religious, become suspect for their authenticity and legitimate use of power and control by simply citing “faith and mystery” and lacking in transparency, which many lack, it is in the publics best interests as well as my own to question the powers that be who have rejected my own self-identity and self-representation, colluding with others for its reformation.” — Karen Barna, author of this blog
It seems to me political and religious ideologies, in particular those that claim a superior like presence in which legitimate claims of authority are made, are fraught with problems in establishing authenticity for legitimate claims of power for control when the groups that lead these ideologies are made up of imperfect men. Likewise, too, for the ideological systems that contribute to American democracy are also at risk for perverse corruption. These ideologies offering “faith and mystery” claiming “divine truths transcend human understanding” and are, therefore, not subject to imperical understanding provide the right amount of shadow and darkness to collude and conceal Truth from those pledging allegiance to its symbols. One could further say some of these national democracies border, if are not in fact, a type of religion.
The Targeting of Americans Emerged With The Creation Of The CIA
The emergence of the Targeted Individual phenomena can be considered a “developmental birth,” owing its beginnings with the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency and secret surveillance programs of foreign enemies. Such an agency became the gate keepers of classified top secret intelligence and the proprietors of advancing emerging surveillance technologies such as mind control technologies. In the late 1990s and 2000s, America witnessed a proliferation of advancing technologies as the home computer became widely available as, well as global positioning systems. These devices were made affordable for many middle class households and most homes had their own computer systems to access the World Wide Web. I had my first computer in 1985, with modem access, to surf what was then known as the INTRANET. The intranet was a interconnected community of universities, institutes, and colleges for the purpose of centralized knowledge of various academic disciplines the U.S. federal government could tap into for its own programs and purposes. Software known as Quantum Link was the first America Online service provider. I was told by a Carnegie Mellon Professor, at that time, computers would become so small they will fit in your pocket. We know them today as cell phones that operate with a battery and the ability to transmit and receive microwave signals. At 17, this prospect amazed and thrilled me. Today, I’ve become astutely aware of its dark, clandestine capabilities.
With the U.S. insatiable desire for control of information came programs aimed at advancing methods of data mining (clandestine intelligence gathering unbeknownest to online users) along with advancements in mind control. Cold War research fueled interest in electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and microwave technology as tools for, not only espionage, but for behavioral influence. Programs like Project Pandora (1960s) investigated whether low-level microwaves could induce behavioral changes or create psychological effects. It was discovered systems of emitting focused EMF energy in the form of microwaves, lasers, and radio frequency can disrupt electronics and effect living tissue. Two systems are a particular interest Active Denial Systems (ADS) and the Frey effect which allows individuals to perceive sound in the form of “clicks” and “tones” directly with microwave energy interacting with the brain. Knowledge of this information raised questions and concerns that speculate the source of “voice to skull” communications and the associated reports coming from targeted individuals.
The US federal government through many different agencies such as the Department of Defense (DoD) through programs like Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy, the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Department of Commerce, the Department of Homeland Security, the US Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In total dozens of federal agencies actively engage in such collaborations. These Partnerships are often facilitated through grants, cooperative agreements, public- private partnerships, and contracts for the advancement of old and emerging new technologies.
Cultural Manipulation and Behavioral Control: The domestic targeting of U.S. citizens
For purposes associated with contemporary psychological operations and behavioral control of human populations, various U.S. cultures do, in fact, collude with medical doctors and those with political power when a particular formation of self-identity is desired. When this happens vulnerable groups lacking power have their U.S. constitutional rights violated. Programs such as conversion therapy programs seek to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity by employing forms of torture. Practitioners of these types of mind control technologies employ versions of “medical therapy” and other forms of coercive control that merge with the inhumane treatment of individuals the likes of which we witnessed under Bush Doctrine politics post 9/11.
For an account for one form of an “active denial system” in mind control technologies please click on the link provided below.
In the deformation of evil in the reproduction of evil where the “it” is revered as sacred owing to its religious superiority or political superiority and the innocent are cast into the role of “it,” as the non-human worthless, non-valuable, abomination they represent to society, we see the reversal of “truth.” When the integration of medical authority and political power in such practices amplify their impact, as individuals or more likely to internalize identity related interventions when framed as “scientific” or “therapeutic.” What we witness is the resurgence of dread through object possession by the perpetrator and the elimination of castrating fears of the “death of the ego”. When annihilation anxiety threatens the ego in the autistic contiguous modality, it cannot locate others as autonomous human subjects in their own right. In the autistic contiguous modality, survival is predicated on the reassuring tactile surface of things, of all those things similar and uniformly created. Some historical parallels in military history are the Holocaust, the Rawanda genocide, the Serbian genocide. And in terms of the annihilation of personal identity include types of treatment such as lobotomies, electroconvulsive shock therapy, and conversion therapies in psychiatric and other medical settings. In military and centralized intelligence, we see the administration of psychoactive drugs such as LSD to achieve certain mental states in targeted subjects. Most recently the administration of electromagnetic frequency (microwave technologies) to the human body and brain to achieve desired behavioral control over human subjects effecting cognitive and other brain functions.
Contemporary Psychological Operations (PsyOps) and Behavioral Control of Human Populations
Technological enablers such as mass media and algorithms use targeted propaganda and misinformation campaigns to leverage public opinion through social media algorithms. Speculation over and concern for advancing non-invasive neuromodulation and biofeedback tools may be misused to further black PsyOps. Most alarming is the development of brain-computer interfaces and their subsequent misuse in adverse campaigns of mind control. Likewise EMF weapons can disrupt cognitive capacities and induce stress in targeted adversaries making their use in violation to U.S. constitutional law. Data-driven profiling further enhanced exploitation of psychological vulnerabilities in areas were artificial intelligence is used to predict future outcomes, consumer choices as well as predicting other outcomes of human behavior. This becomes ethically contentious when applied to populations whose cultural or religious norms stigmatize certain identities such as LGBTQ+ populations.
PsyOps leverage technology, cultural narratives, and psychology to shape behavior and identity. The potential integration of EMF weapons into PsyOps strategies adds another layer of complexity. Historically, PsyOps relied on psychological pressure, propaganda, and social engineering. Wireless EMF technologies further amplify the manipulation and exploitation of vulnerable groups, thereby, increasing the ever present silent insidious violence masquerading as benevolent “goodness” within a democracy.
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