Transgenerational Transmission of Destructive Aggression: Inclinations that point us to the “le revenant” of wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture

Karen Barna
12 min readDec 29, 2024


Child soldiers working for the Khmer Rouge show off their machine guns. Galaw, Cambodia (1979)

Le revenant refers to Claude Romano’s term referring to the “ghosts of the past, ghosts that return.” Transgenerational haunting refers to historical psychology of an individual’s psychoanalysis. It describes at the outset something toxic that is injected from an anterior source; that’s something is housed in a hospitable place for storage for an indeterminate time; that’s something is suspended; that’s something is stored in this time warp carries a mandate for an errand to be carried out by the subject. Upon the mandate’s urgent/voluntary reception, the subject awaits a suitable new object to reawaken the project so that pro-ject can return to a public space away from its previous haunt, as it were. By this time, the subject shall have lost sight of who sent whom. This of course, implies some type of traumatic event, or unconscious message, received during early childhood development.

Clearly, in psychoanalytic treatment, we need a way to read the invisible and unarticulated mandates for an “errand command” to enable us to receive an image of that original “phantom specter” that returns by way of the “le revenant.” Nicholas Abraham (1975) suggest that its reappearance is ushered in by “a middle-voiced happening” so that we can represent, theorize, and reconfigure the received transgenerational transmission of destructive aggression in the psychoanalytic treatment of a patient in order to facilitate healing. The le revenant represents a “space-time conduit or portal of entry” into the patient/subject’s consciousness from a traumatic event that informs the patient’s early and deep ego.

I will attempt to demonstrate an illustrate, through a psychoanalytic lens, the transgenerational transmission of a previous unarticulated trauma, rooted in the perpetrator’s history, that has possibly given rise to the phenomenon of wireless electromagnetic assault torture of targeted individuals and can even be demonstrated in the phenomenon of Havana Syndrome.

What I am about to describe should be taken as a guide for the possible causes of wireless electromagnetic assault torture. Since, “the ghost of the event” represents a “conduit or portal of entry” into the perpetrator’s consciousness (Appery, 1993), and given the fact that a large amount of U.S. patents have been granted for inventions, devices whose purpose is to cause a change in a patient’s/subject’s state of consciousness for purposes of producing hypnosis, beginning sleep, ending sleep, direct nerve stimulation, relaxation, and analagesia, to name a few applications. I am suggesting that these devices, or devices similar to them, instead of acting for a benevolent purposes, such as healing and wellness, can be used adversely against human populations by acting as a ‘conduit or portal of entry' into the patient’s/subject’s consciousness.” But, it is not just the U.S. who have allowed for the patents of such “medical devices”, other countries such as South Korea, it appears, have allowed for such patents as well. This lends credence to the rise of a global phenomenon of wireless electromagnetic assault torture all over the world. A brief list of such patents are:

  • U.S. Patent 3014477 — “A Hypnotic Inducer” (invention began as early as 1958, and awarded patent in 1961).
  • U.S. Patent 201903747868A1 — “Low- Powered Electromagnetic Brain Stimulation Device”
  • South Korean Patent KR 102342361B1 — “Frequency Sleep Induction Device”
  • U.S. Patent 20110160524A1 — “Electronic Device and Hypnosis Method” (VIACTEC, to Meltzer, June 18, 2020).

I would like the reader to consider a quote from Lucy Holmes regarding the role of aggression, the violence that occurs in battles between animals for self-interest and acquisition of resources in the phenomenon of wireless electromagnetic assault torture:

“… a depriving or disappointing environment creates murderers and soldiers and bankers whose appetite for money is insatiable and immoral period (Holmes, 2013, pg. 144).”

Since animals have a need to form social groups to survive, mechanisms that both inhibit, as well as foster, destructive aggression upon the ‘Other' have been created. “Human aggression is always in danger of running rampant in an insatiable and uncontrollable drive toward obliteration of the other (Holmes, 2013, pg. 142).” This makes it possible for one to realize billions of people could be potentially killed throughout the world utilizing wireless electromagnetic frequency signals in advancing technological discoveries.

Consider this quote from Maurice Apprey:

“ When death leaves its traces none of us can remain unaffected … I looked up the translation of the words that greet visitors at the gate of the death camp at Salaspils: AIZ SIEM VARTIEM VAID … These words translate into English as: BEYOND THESE GATES THE GROUND IS CRYING. I had intuitively joined the crying dead … ( Grand and Salberg, et. al., 2017, page 18).”

My psychoanalytic interpretation of the meaning and purpose behind the reason for wireless electromagnetic frequency assault torture, as I have experienced it, is to bring the patient/subject to the edge of their mortality, to the realization of impending death, to the realization that another holds power and sway over their very existence. That is to say, that there exists outside themselves a force capable of delivering them, as John Milton or William Shakespeare might have penned, “to deliver them from this mortal coil.” This fear of impending death must be negotiated in the consciousness of the individuals suffering wireless electromagnetic assault torture. When this message is received or fully realized via mechanical or technological means — no one of us remain unaffected. That is, wireless electromagnetic assault torture is designed to precipitate a change in the patient’s/subject’s physical, emotional, and behavioral condition through artificial means - whether for good or bad. It is for this reason, I have termed wireless electromagnetic assault torture as the “artificial superego,” at least as I have experienced it. I am linking six articles I have written regarding my experience with the phenomenon of wireless electromagnetic assault torture in the “Sources” below.

In 2009, I began to be incessantly tortured with wireless electromagnetic assault torture. Unable to articulate and describe this invisible and silent abusive violence, I was moved to the position of “mute victim.” I mean, how does one begin to describe the invisible assaults they are receiving via an invisible technological force, with a level of credibility without looking like they are suffering hallucinations? After all, my linguistic and verbal dialogue was hampered because of wireless electromagnetic intrusions. Similarly, the space of the third, theorized by Jessica Benjamin (2018), seemed foreclosed upon. That is, there was no “YOU-I-WE.” There was only “I” and that represented the sole wishes of the perpetrator.

In one particular case vignette, the grandfathers, both paternal and maternal, were so violent that the transgenerational transmission of destructive aggressive violence emerged in the second generation removed from the grandparents. That is to say, the first generation of victims remained unaffected. These grandchildren became perpetrators of violence and destructive aggression and were unconsciously nurtured into become like the maternal and paternal grandfathers. Could the perpetrator to wireless electromagnetic assault torture be a second generation perpetrator? This new information points me in a new direction. Reiterating Sigmund Freud’s (2017) dictate, “the ego that receives the intrusive mandate is an early and deep ego that is ‘not a master in its own house.’” (Grand and Salberg, et. al., 2017, pg.22).

A difficulty in the path of psychoanalysis; that is a narcissistic blow when the ego realizes that it is not a master in its own house, as it were, and that thus the early ego is subject to the dictates of interior and external forces (Grand & Salberg, et. al., 2017, pg.22).”

It is pivotal because the early and deep ego cannot process the world “correctly” and for that reason it is at the mercy of conscious and unconscious paternal and ancestral infusions.

This is a crucial understanding if we are to understand the reproduction of evil that consistently plays out in human interactions time and time again. It is also crucial because it brings to light the fact, the toll early events of childhood abuse and neglect, whether it be in the shadows of the nuclear family or on the global stage of war, can take on future victim-cum-perpetrators and in forms of violent and nonviolent crime. It is the repetition drive in terms of ancestral infusions and influences. Something toxic injected from an anterior source telescoping across generations, then housed for storage for an indeterminate time in a hospital place, that is suspended in space-time in a state of dormancy, and it carries a “mandate for an errand to be carried out” upon the urgent/voluntary reception of the reawakened command, this reawakened command will be received from a middle-voiced happening, then, a suitable new object becomes the project so that the pro-ject can return to a public space away from its former haunt. Excellent examples can be found in historical accounts of American slavery and its survivors, and the survivors and children of genocidal violence. “There is a return where the present unconscious coincides with the past unconscious in the fulfillment of an errand where that errand is as much one’s own as it is an errand of the other (Grand & Salberg, et. al., 2017, pg. 20).”

The transference-counter transference continuum is considered pivotal to psychoanalytic treatment. Likewise, resistance is pivotal too, in that what once was considered an opponent or impediment to progress and treatment, can be seen as an event that lends itself to treatment by offering to open up access to a private narrative. This resistance can effectively create an opening to further understanding. Thus, the opening that was created can turn concrete representations of a story into a representation of a life-changing event helping to assist in therapeutic cure. People come to therapy because they need help with a problem and they want to solve the problem. Part of healing in psychoanalytic cure is to create meaning from the past wrongs done to us by others. This is especially true in transgenerational trauma. How is someone to make meaning in their lives if they were cast into the role of “evil”, “bad”, “polluted”, “inferior” or “unwanted Other”? Cast out as demons, as the “unwanted” among us are cast out of social standing. Ejected from a social order, in a hierarchy of power relations, that are not in their favor. Are these psychoanalytical troubles at the heart of Electronic Harassment? Does someone wish to isolate me from the group? Am I the “Demon?” Am I socially unacceptable for being who I am?

Clinical stories that involve the violence typical of slavery, genocide, and state-sponsored traumatic oppression and collective historical human trauma, those horrific events that transfer across generations, those traumas can seem like:

“ Like phantom limbs that can still be felt even though they no longer exist (Seeley, 2008, pg. 1).”

(NOTE: The DSM-5 gives none of the conceptual depictions of trauma pertaining to transgenerational transmission of destructive aggression any credence, nor does it give credence to the importance of fantasy formation in the psychic life of various diagnoses.)

With regard to wireless electromagnetic assault torture, the standpoint from which we can make a critical assumption is in the standpoint of “transference,” in terms that the perpetrator of these assaults may be suffering from a transgenerational haunting that is the recapitulation of the original trauma (of their ancestral influences stemming from the original “annihilation” or “soul murder”) a catastrophic and traumatic event. The three psychoanalytics standpoints at play in psychoanalytic therapy, and wireless electromagnetic assault torture, are as follows:

  1. “Resistance” — opposing the meaning making of the therapeutic cure. (In wireless electromagnetic assault torture it most likely represents opposing “the solution” to an interpersonal relationship problem.)
  2. “Transference” — regressing to the position of repetition drives or maladaptive coping skills as a result of the trauma. That is to say, the le revenant. The re-awakening of a ghost that returns to haunt the present. (In wireless electromagnetic assault torture it may be a return to drug use, alcohol use, cutting, eating disorder, serial rape, serial murder, sex addiction, etc.)
  3. “Counter-Transference” — helpless appropriation or feelings of hopelessness about healing the trauma for the victims. (In wireless electromagnetic assault torture this is experienced by the bystander or the victims' relatives or loved ones who have been enlisted to help the victim.)

I cite “transference” here because there is present in the victim, suffering wireless electromagnetic assault torture, a form of regression because the imposition of the possibility of mortal death must be negotiated, thereby causing an increase, or a fall back into maladaptive patterns of dependency to thwart the fear and anxiety associated with impending death the torture represents. Or there may be real injury, brain or physical injury, sustained from the wireless electromagnetic assaults that cause the person to regress into a state of dependency on others. This, in turn, may make those witnessing the increasing dependency feel the mounting frustrations and tensions as a result of the victim. These “by-standers” who want to help the victim feel helpless. These by-standers may feel hopeless about changing the situation for the victims so that the victims' lives may improve. So there is a real powerful position held by the perpetrators here. The one who was injecting emotional, physical, and psychological trauma into the victims, thus effecting those by-standers in the process as well and who are witnesses to its aftermath. This implies a form of psychological operation and mind control at play in the victimization of wireless electromagnetic assault torture (aka: Targeted Individuals and/or Electronic Harassment) and the phenomenon known as Havana Syndrome.

Citing Bettelheim (1984),

What cannot be talked about can also not be put to rest: and if it is not, the wounds continue to fester from generation to generation (pg. 166).”

Similarly, “Franz Fannon, the psychiatrist from Martinique who studied the effects of Black oppression, who argued that it was not simply the body that had been imprisoned but also the psyche had become colonized by the oppressor resulting in a non-articulated social melancholy (Grand and Salberg, et. al., 2017, pg.84).”

Likewise, we can compare the effects of wireless electromagnetic assault torture, those individuals suffering the phenomenon, to the effects of Black social oppression witnessed in various historical accounts across history. Let’s consider Adrian Harris’s quote:

“Whether as a bludgeoning force or a subtle glance, ‘History comes to us,’ in the neoliberal state as in the totalitarian … (Harris, 2017, pg. 895).”


Abraham, Nicholas. (1975) Notes on a phantom. In “The Shell and the Kernel. Chicago, IL. University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Aprey, Maurice. (1993). Dreams of urgent voluntary errands and transgenerational haunting in transsexualism. In Inner Subjectivity, Projective Identifications and Otherness, edited by M. Apprey and H. Stein. Pittsburgh, PA. Duquesne University Press.

Barna, Karen. (2024). Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile. Karen Barna @ Published December 2, 2024.

Barna, Karen. (2024). Wireless Electromagnetic Frequency Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile (Part 2). Karen Barna @ Published December 3, 2024.

Barna, Karen. (2024). Wireless Electromagnetic Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile (Part 3). Karen Barna @ Published December 4, 2024.

Barna, Karen. (2024). Wireless Electromagnetic Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile (Part 4). Karen Barna @ Published December 4, 2024.

Barna, Karen. (2024). Wireless Electromagnetic Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile (Part 5). Karen Barna @ Published December 7, 2024.

Barna, Karen. (2024). Wireless Electromagnetic Assault Torture: A Criminal Profile (Part 6). Karen Barna @ Published December 10, 2024.

Benjamin, Jessica. (2018). Beyond Does and Done To: Recognition theory, intersubjectivity and the third. New York. Routledge.

Bettleheim, Bruno. (1984) Afterward to C. Vegh, “I didn’t say goodbye.” New York. Dutton.

Don Nils Meltzer (Personal communication June 18, 2020. In a personal communication from VIACTEC to Mr Meltzer which explicitly stating a list of US patents given to devices used for methods of hypnosis, visual stimulators, visual and auditory stimulation devices, and remote modifier and controller of brain waves via radio frequency, and many more devices intended to provide “treatment” as interrogation aides, emotional disorders, and other psychological issues and to improve personality and talents.

Freud, Sigmund (1917) A difficulty in the path of psychoanalysis. Standard Edition, Volume 15. London. Hogarth Press.

Harris, Adrienne (2017) Intimacy: The tank in the bedroom. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Volume 98. pgs. 895–907.

Homes, Lucy (2013). Wrestling with Destiny: The promise of psychoanalysis. New York. Routledge.

Oliver, K. (2004). Colonization of the Psychic Space. Minneapolis. University of Minnesota Press.

Romano, Claude. (2009). Event and World. New York. Fordham University Press.

Seely, K. (2008). Therapy after Terror: 9/11 Psychotherapists, and Mental Health. New York. Cambridge University Press.

Transgenerational Trauma and the Other: Dialogues across history and difference. (2017). (Eds. Sue Grand and Jill Salberg). New York. Routledge.



Karen Barna
Karen Barna

Written by Karen Barna

I am a Targeted Individual suffering electronic harassment. I write about gender difference and object relations and feminism. I am Gen. X

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